No, not how long it's been called whatever it's called. How long has it been operating consecutively under its current way of government / Constitution, etc. Forget about "muh ancestors", etc.
For example, Greece (The Third Hellenic Republic) is only 46 years old. And France (The Fifth Republic) is 62 years old.
My country is 231 years old.
How old is your country ?
Other urls found in this thread:
oldest and bestest
that would be iceland
Soo glad they close the bald eagle over the turkey.
Not a chance, they were independent in 1918 at the earliest.
wow interesting point you got there
okay , so Canada is still not fully independent, but I guess the confederation of Canada would be there starting point? or are they just greater Britain? and shuld be counted as Britain
Lmao muttcope both greece and france have existed longer than muttlandia.
Need a canuck to argue it, but as far as I'm concerned, they can claim 152 years old at most, but still have a Governor General from the UK so even that's disputable.
A country going into chaos, practically anarchy with mass murder and civil war and the government is completely changed and a new one made, that is a different govt system a reset,
No, they haven't, that's my point.
Where are you from, flying my American flag ?
Wherever that is, go back.
>that is a different govt
Original Constitution still in place, as is the form of government.
729 years
1291 -> 2020
I'm talking about France, I dont know about the constitution did you think I was talking about the US? look at what I'm replying to
Restructuring does not equal a new country.
Sorry, Luigi. Try 1948-2020.
Your country is 72 years old.
Morocco is the oldest system of a Nation in the world under the Alaouite till this day the same family is ruling (King Mohamed 6)
Also Morocco was the 1st country in the world to have recognized the USA in 1776.
My apologies.
What are we? 1791? Post civil war? Post 1914 fed reserve?
yes they have. Greece by itself is older than all of European civilization. just because the government changes doesn't mean the nation doesn't exist anymore. its still the same nation and same people. a nation is not just a sovereign entity. its also an ethnic/cultural idea. Greece still existed during the ottoman occupations the Greeks still considered themselves Greeks. not ottoman or turkish.
>Restructuring does not equal a new country
A new Constitution and form of government does.
Greece, as a country, is not ~3500 years old ya know...
You're talking about Italy.
My country is 1228 years old.
You still a baby.
Morocco is 56 years old. You were ruled by France immediately before that.
1789. The Constitution and our form of government has been in place since then.
>Greece still existed during the ottoman occupations
No, it didn't. Greek did, yep, but not Greece, the country.
>You're talking about Italy.
Well yeah,
You're flying an Italian flag, so I assumed that was your country ?
San Marino
You became an actual independent country in 1956.
It was a Protectorat.
Very different from algeria, where it was full on colonization.
For Morocco, it was a Protectorat treaty that was signed in Fez. It was not a colonization.
The ruling family remained as Sultan and operating, they were never removed.
Same dynasty ruling before France came and after independence till this very day.
My country is 1228 years old, and you cannot take that from us. Lol.
You might be right, you might be wrong.
It depends on the definition of sovereignty used.
Same ruling family the Alaouite under French Protectorat, before and after independence. The government was called Mkhzen, and it is still called the same way today.
It’s like layers upon layers upon layers of ruling system. The last layer (parliament) was applied in 1956, but the the whole rest remained (mkhzen). Till this day the mkhzen constitute a very important part of the “ruling” administration (the rest is somehow a joke, the old stuff is what actually is doing shit).
Microstate. Not sure you qualify, ya shifty dago. :)
Still, you do have a legit claim to be a "country" from 1600 onwards. So that's nice.
"In February 1956, Morocco acquired limited home rule. Further negotiations for full independence culminated in the French-Moroccan Agreement signed in Paris on March 2, 1956"
>How long has it been operating consecutively under its current way of government / Constitution, etc.
Do territorial changes count?
Sovereignty as ruling dynasty that it is the one that reign on the nation (and its people).
So even tho France passed by and colonized our resources, it was with the approval of the Mkhzen (and the ruling family). The same Mkhzen (administrative hand of the government) actually did France’s dirty job and arrested “freedom fighters”. But it’s still the same ruling system that did that, not a new one installed by France, the same organs of control remained before/during and after France’s protectorat.
>Do territorial changes count?
Probably not, if the central government remained unchanged.
What do you have in mind ?
Only a few years. We recently became the first post national state after all.
You have been independent since 1956 at best, Accept it.
>first post national state after all.
Why would a hat need sovereignty?
Yeah, because Spanish colonial times wasn't a thing, NEXT!
my age + 200 years
What's your thoughts about having a British governor-general ?
Not old enough.
The govt. Of the Sentinalese!
Litteral cavemen who been governing themselves since 40,000 BC
That is when France left, and the Protectorat ended. And we got our “independence”.
The same ruling system remained, the same family (dynasty) remained, a parliament was built, and the monarchy moved from absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy, with the same ruling family, the same ruling organs still in place! And the same makhzen in place.
What is a Makhzen in Morocco:
“centered on the king and consisting of royal notables, top-ranking military personnel, landowners, security service bosses, civil servants and other well-connected members of the establishment. The term "Makhzen" is also popularly used in Morocco as a word meaning "State" or "Government"
France was born in 800 with Charlemagne faggot
The US constitution was signed 232 years, 6 months, 26 days ago.
Why is there no San Marino flag?
>What do you have in mind ?
Your Country being as old as Hawaii presence in it.