Evil cannot work together

Pic related anticap, antifa twatter user said this to me and I was incredulous.
Wouldn't even agree that Nazi Germany was an example of "Evil working together".

What do you think Yas Forums?

Attached: EvilSucceeds.png (603x294, 28.61K)

What human group hasn’t been torn apart in time?

Good and evil are relative and rather meaningless in a historical context. There are only competing interests and they all tend to think that the others are the evil ones.


After all, Is raping a baby that much different than loving intercourse between willing adult partners?

Thanks Jew for the education.

>the world is black and white
what a fucking nigger

>To the USA, Muslims are evil because 9/11, backwards culture etc
>To Muslims the USA is evil because bombing villiages, degeneracy etc

That is correct. Good people are capable of subjugating their irrelevant personal or individual interests in favor of common and mutually beneficial interests. Evil people can pretend. They can couch their own interests in a false common interest. But ultimately, they cannot control their impulse to take any shot they think will hit or usurp from anyone they think is vulnerable enough. Then, when people start mistrusting them, they will do fucked up shit to try to force people to cooperate with them.

He was talking about objective wrong.
2/10 I want my time back.

Good point. On a long enough timeline... yadda yadda yadda

Good and evil are not relative. What people might consider "good" and "evil" is relative but that doesn't necessitate applying relativity to the underlying ideas. In this case both sides are objectively evil for taking innocent lives.

>they can couch their own interests
So they can work together... thanks

Nazi Germany were the good guys though, it proves that good can work together.

Unless you are talking about maths, what is objective wrong?

FYI this all started from pic related

Attached: gayCowboyLovesJews.png (600x305, 34.35K)

yea were aren't currently mutilating millions of infant boys or anything

>dark lord of rape assembles an army
>promises his captains and lieutenants large amounts of rape
>captains and lieutenants promise their underlings that they won't rape their wives if they serve loyally
>army swells with promises of rape and plunder
>probably gains of betraying each other vastly outweighed by probable gains of staying allied
>dark army rapes its way across the continent

oh look was that so hard?

>Nazi Germany was an example of "Evil working together"
You don't belong here

jews white?

they larp.

he said historical context you bad faith retard

Hello rabbi

'Morality is subjective' is Jewish. That's a fact.

As soon as you start believing in good vs evil in the literal sense you have set yourself up for failure

people who have to reinforce their position by reaffirming what is good and evil for group cohesion are not particularly intelligent.

The only group affiliation left standing at the end of the day, enduring crises and war are the ones worth keeping. National identities, and they do not require moral pandering in order to exist.

Is gang rape evil? If it is then it disproves the tweet

morals are cultural, forcing to act a specific way because it is presumed to be morally or politically acceptable is retarded.
People are different because cultures are different.

>muh evil - says the IQ90 pseudo intellectual
Read the kalergi plan. It actually has good intentions at its core.
>No more wars
>Peace and prosperity forever
>Minimising human suffering
But to do so they want to wipe out the whole planets white population and only have a White/Jew mix as the rulers over brown sludge masses. To people that arent white, or who are jealous of white people, being the most beautiful/inventive/civilizationally successful, this would seem like a really good plan with at a bargain price for these as only white people will be paying it... Due to they're jealousy and/or supidity they fail to understand this will seal the fate of all humans to never pass the great filter and become a one planet species that eventually goes the way of every other species to ever exist on this planet - extinction with all human history and accomplishments going to dust.

Attached: OIP (1).jpg (474x411, 23.53K)

Obviously, anyone can come up with a hypothetical. We're looking for historical groups here bucko

>gatekeeping Yas Forums
>doesn't understand need to hide power level when talking to normies

Yes, they do larp as whites, but only when it suits them.

I guess that kind of works, but it's not on the same level as hierarchical organization.

>people who have to reinforce their position by reaffirming what is good and evil for group cohesion are not particularly intelligent.
All leaders throughout time reinforce their position by doing this though.
>morals are cultural
No morals are objective. Hence why completely different cultures share many of the same "morals"

It's called mutual self interest, what a fucking storybook retard.

>All leaders throughout time reinforce their position by doing this though.
all leaders are not groups of people.
>morals are objective.
no, morals are a product of culture

>good intentions
>the road to Hell
Intent != Morality

This is your brain on star wars and harry potter

>Hence why completely different cultures share many of the same "morals"
No, this is the most idiotic claim made by the left. Even murder is viewed differently in the Asian culture, African cultures Indigenous cultures and in western cultures.
Tricking people out of their money is acceptable in Eastern and Asian cultures, it is viewed as loathsome in Western cultures because of the religious connotations.
Cultures create the framework upon which morals agreements are built.

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Who said anything about bankers? And the jews that killed Jesus are long dead.
We hate jews because they really do destroy all they touch.