capitalism in one picture
Capitalism in one picture
i dont get it how is the dow doing good describe capitalism ?
Suggest a better alternative.
Communism would be a living nightmare orders of magnitude worse. Suggest something that isn't total shit that makes life horrible.
Meme flags in one thread
What did we do before modern capitalism or communism?
Bootlickers gonna bootlick
Capitalism on its absolute worst day looks better than everyday normal communism, you faggot
>when it's the same crop kept up on the board for days with slight file modifications
oh man this is totally organic
You don’t have to be an idiot to see that this current iteration of capitalism has failed and no longer represents the average person.
>pol unironically defending this
They have slave mentality.
Is this intrinsically connected to capitalism and communism or something else?
The only thing capitalism does is send up some of your earnings from work up the chain of command until it reaches the top where the people with the most money often worked the least... if at all.
>Be richest country in the world
>Despite everyone losing their jobs and a major pandemic happening we still have fast internet and don't have breadlines
>We're not out in the street wanting to throw grenades at our government
>everyone losing their jobs
you mean the fat got trimmed when the shit hit the fan. millions of people freeloading off of decadence.
maybe if they provided something of real value they would be employed during the pandemic.
>temporarily lost job because the media has too much power
>not dying of starvation at the age of 20 because communism
Yeah seems like an ok trade.
If they implemented the same policies for people as they do for corporations this country would be paradise.
Fatass, is that you?
>We're not out in the street wanting to throw grenades at our government
apathy does not excuse corruption
Literally this
This goes to show how worthless most Amerimutts truly are intrinsically and I hope more continue to be eradicated.
Gee I wonder who's keep propagating this narrative.
This is correct.
>he thinks socializing losses is capitalism
Stock market reflects the future, not current state, brainlet. That’s why it crashed weeks ago.
Capitalism is really great that everyone who lived through it now wants communism back
Capitalism only works with strong personal values and ethics, that can’t be regulated tho, now we’re full cynical, post modern nihilism, People want to make money and don’t care about their fellow men, fuck them.
in the 50´s, people were more religious and respectful, kids were raised to be kind, have good manners, help other, that’s the christian way (and if they didn’t obey, they got the belt). Capitalism must be drive by men with good will, not money hungry, no-children, no-marriage nihilists
I don’t have cable anymore. That guy is still doing shows?
Absolute monarchy or National socialism
National socialism
Hard to say, Capitalism is kind of the "Default Setting" where the government doesn't do anything. At the same time, we've got places like Egypt that was basically communist at times.
>not real capitalism
Capitalism itself is exploitive by nature.
I'm screen cap this
>grass is always greener on the other side
true then, true now.
capitalism needs some sort of protection for natural resources. Some billionaire could just go out and buy up all of the food supply chains (grocery stores, farms, etc..) and just close them down and cause widespread famine. It's extreme and unlikely but there are companies that abuse natural resources and people suffer for it. Just look up what happened to the water sources on Fiji. They are completely fucked because some retard company.
Why do you corporate bootlickers always act like there is only communism or capitalism and literally no other alternative
You don't fucking understand the stock market , it reacts to what it expects to happen. You know back when people were cheering the huge dip and saying take that boomers and your economy, that dip is correlated to the unemployment claims. Now that the market in rising that's good because that means there's an expectation for the economy no get better.
>Yas Forums is one person
Socialist nationalism
There are no jobs "lost". It's a temporary stop. All those """lost""" jobs will come back when the quarantine is over.
The markets are anticipating big consumption increase and it looks like the corona numbers are way lower than the models said. So the markets are going up
This is why you faggots are poor you can't even understand basic shit
Based and redpilled.
>be richest country in the world
>cant produce enough masks
>at least Boeings stock went back up!
capitalism based on assets/real value would be nice.
instead, we have "capitalism" based on jew fiat/usury, which is just communism masquerading as capitalism.
stupid fucking leaf.
this has been going on for four years, and has really gained steam in the last year or so.
(((japan))) is aware of the coming wwIII with china and is moving to vertically integrate its supply chains.
(((wwIII))) btw. all proceeding according to (((plan))), including (((corona meme))).
>There are no jobs "lost". It's a temporary stop. All those """lost""" jobs will come back when the quarantine is over.
From what I read, the typical small business in the US can go 28 days while closed and still recover. Some businesses last shorter (restaurants were only like 2 weeks). The typical large business can last 2-6 months, depending on the type of business.
I read that about 6 weeks ago, and only now is public support for "re-opening the country" coming up on MSM.
The manufactured panic over coronavirus was never about the virus. It was about eradicating small businesses to fuck over Trump's re-election.