Were the 90s really a better time? If so why?

Were the 90s really a better time? If so why?

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less jews

2000s was the best, 90s was okay, hotter actresses I guess, could call people fags in public nobody would care, etc.


bill gates was thieving pile of shit in the 90s too. Its a shame nobody has killed him yet

Bill Gates made Win95 personally and it was shit.
Then he hired somebody else to make Win2000 and was great

less nihilism, more optimism. 9/11 changed everything. the blatancy makes even more sinister

No social media

It was a time of optimism sbout the future. We really thought the internet was going to make us freer. Kek. :(

It's pretty much been downhill from the 60s to now, as the US has slid economically to the right, and megacorporations push the social progressivism crap as a distraction so they don't have to give up any of their precious billions to the tax man.

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>the blatancy makes even more sinister

What do you mean?

We didn't have social media to shit up everything

Windows 95 was pretty good for an operating system written in QBasic.

it demanded more imagination then.
the information feed was mostly limited to tv,radio and newspapers/books.

Every weekend you could see a different band in small town pubs, you could smoke anywhere, sit in the middle of the town and drink beer if you wanted.

>Were the 90s really a better time?

Yes, it's all been downhill since the 21st century.

Was born in early to mid eighties. Grew up in the sweet spot desu

I kind of liked most decades I lived in, and being born 52 years ago is a fucking lot of them.. They each had something going for it, but now, this shit is fucking retarded and third world with all the people of brown running shit.

If you never lived in a world without SJW's, intersectionality, gay marriage, tranny lobby groups, 911,the internet, endless porn, open border shills, ANTIFA, Islamofascist terror, commies being taken seriously, and western civiliztion having an unquestioned white identity then I'm sorry but its impossible to describe.

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no, the '90s had worse technology. Nostalgia of the '90s is however appropriate for boomers. Boomers had some peak years in the '90s and should re-live those memories, especially during tough times as we struggle with covid-19.

Windows up to XP was complete ASS. Literal unusable garbage, you'd be having fits of rage if you had to use those version nowadays. It's testament to alllll the illegal practices Microshit pulled that they're still around today.

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What's the matter? Those corporations need more tax cuts because they're job creators. Just push those corporate taxes down to 0% and unemployment will drop down to 0% like in the days of slavery.

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I'll take XP any day over the mass data mining privacy nightmare known as Windiows 10


technology existed but it was mostly whites using it e.g the internet.

windows 7 was alright - used that for about 10 years

I fucking hate boomers so much, not actual baby boomers but thirty somethings who are still stuck in the late 90’s/early 2000s mentality.

Maybe it’s the fact that you’re a 40 year old incel instead of a teenager? Lmao.

It was better only because there were more whites and less obvious globohomo

it's amazing how much (written) german i can understand from knowing english

There was no need for niche open platforms like 4chung. You just said what you want and if people got feefees hurt thats just how it was though most people just ignored you anyhow.
We live in the same 90s world right now. Back then this one building used to be the whole city. The city has changed in 30 years. You can still stay where youre at but why would you?

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The 80s were better

nice leddit spacing kiddo

Win 98 sec.edition Gtfo,larp’r !


Terry Davis, is it you ?

Ok boomer


This plus the over the top optimism about a bright future that never came. It was perfect.

Nope. 90s had better music , movies and vidya

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I was the last person to sign off on the release of WinXP. Was walking out of the building and someone came running after me saying we had a show stopper. Spent the next 18 hours at my desk testing the fix.

This right here, combined with analogical tech developments such as dvd players, cd's, and when the internet still was a fringe thing but awesome to be on. People had no smartphones, and everything was quite chill and comfy.

i consider 95 till 98 peak civilization. After 9/11 it went all downhill and the smartphone basically ended it all.

Now a demonic void awaits us all.

80's were better.


I don't even remember life being like this even though I was very lucid during this time. Seems like some kind of weird dream.

Is that Dylan from Columbine?

The Cold War was over which lifted a lot of tension. There was a recession in the early nineties but after that for a few years the world felt quite cosy. Russia was in a mess after the collapse of the USSR so they weren’t a threat and China still lagged a long way behind the west so neither were they. The music was good too.

Every decade after the 60s(specifically the early 60s)was degenerate and you should kys. Take your nostalgia glasses off faggot.

A lot less was questioned, so the world felt stable. People had confidence and could handle conflict and criticism way better. The future was bright and people believed in endless growth. There were social problems, but people weren't vocal or cunty about them. People read more and had a sense of humor. Gender roles were stable. A lot less uncomfortable to talk to people. An overall sense of dynamism.

You know, normal.

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The internet and social media did something to people's brains, but I can't describe it. Moments like these don't happen anymore. Even the air feels different.

The 90s were better than this century, but the 80s were best. The 90s was when PC started taking hold and fags started being promoted openly. In the 80s and before, there were faggots in entertainment of course, but they stayed officially in the closet.

Holy shit first good canadian post in the last 2 years.

>about a bright future that never came. It was perfect.
So much this, you could feel the optimism in the air, people couldn't wait what future will hold for them.
Technology getting better which would lead us in a bright future.
But the opposite became reality.

2000s and 90ties were both great, 2000 had somewhat the connectivity like today, but people werent smartphonezombies, also the kikes didn't turn incels into trannies and enforced trans shit and strong independent woman shit in movies. you could make openly politically incorrect jokes only with a few exceptions ofc it was the time where shows could cross boundaries like drawn together or be fucked up like celebrity deathmatch and people laughed and saw the irony/cynism/sarcasm in it. Old southpark, and alot more were really hilarious. you cant have that anymore. i think the only show that gets somewhat close nowadays might be rick and morty.