Just the flu bros, please answer
What does this mean?
Other urls found in this thread:
its literally the flu but no one has antibodies to fight it
Nothingburger fags BTFO
>hospitals say literally everything is a death from coronavirus
>durrrr corona bad stay home
To say nothing of the fact that the response to the flu is not acceptable either and should be reappraised.
We have a bunch of retards who don't believe in getting their fucking shots, what do you expect?
>hospitals say literally everything is a death from coronavirus
Why are the overall deaths in general at an all time high?
40% drop in heart attacks.....
The state of nothingburgerfags is just becoming more and more sad by the day as more information is coming out.
>He thinks that this isn't true of the flu
>note: counted deaths for the month ending April 4 include an addition 1,396 coronavirus deaths reported by the city that have no yet been added to the CDC data
>source: NYT
LMAO kys kike
It's much more contagious. We've passed the peak already
>It's literally worse than 9/11
they're too dumb to look at the OP and see that in 1 week, corona just about matched the kill count that the 2017/18 flu did in 32 weeks. This is all with huge restrictions in place and at the beginning of introduction of the virus into the population.
>Source: New York Times analysis of provisional data from the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Sara-cov2 kill ratio .6%
H5n1 kill ratio 66%
SARS is like baby
There's literally no link to historical CDC deaths by week for NYC. They just say it's from the CDC. There's no actually source to this data.
Retard, it's more contagious, so it spreads much more quickly. It's not necessarily more deadly.
In other words, 60k dead is 60k dead regardless of if they died over 8 months or 3 months.
Have to explain everything to you fucking mongs.
>fucking New York City
So the plague has come to New York. Why should I give a shit?
Right, so why don't you go sue the fuck out of them for making shit up? You think you're going to win that case? Put money where mouth is.
>the beginning of introduction of the virus
It has been in California since december just nobody noticed it
Because hospitals aren’t doing treatments or surgery so people are now dying from completely preventable shit.
It's literally on the CDC website now, why would you think this is a gotcha or not true. You motherfuckers are the biggest coping retards on the planet
Lying isn’t enough to be sued you fag
>yfw grandma dies from falling down the stairs because she can no longer get hip surgery
>counted as a COVID death
My friend’s mom was supposed to get surgery last week and it’s now pushed back until quarantine ends. Guess how many people are going to die if this goes on for 18 months from completely preventable things? This is basically hospitals saying to old people, “lol you’re on your own”.
I'm just simply amazed that we finally found the cure for the common flu as fatal cases has reached down to 0 recently
>what are libel and slander
Ooooh yes it is.
Show the historical data for deaths in NYC by week you fucking mong. You are literally a retarded nigger.
this, it has age/mortality rates completely in line with regular influenza
the only difference is the R0 is ~3 while influenza has R0 of ~1.6
corona is basically speedrun-flu.
you're a brainlet that thinks he's smart. You have no idea what you're talking about
I don't care about Jew York City either, this is about blowing out MIGApedes that think the whole thing is made up
>It has been in California since december just nobody noticed it
No it hasn't, we can do genotyping now and the phylogeny can be tracked
They stoped ELECTIVE SURGERIES, stop being dense
>>yfw grandma dies from falling down the stairs because she can no longer get hip surgery
Imagine being this fucking retarded. The overall death rate, from ANY AND ALL CAUSES, has skyrocketed. They would have to be shooting people in the head to make this happen.
No you low IQ retard, you pull it up if you think it's an argument in your favor
Who is being libeled?
>No you low IQ retard, you pull it up if you think it's an argument in your favor
That's the fucking issue you dense nigger moron. There is not data. They just say their source is the CDC. I'm looking for this data. Literally kill yourself.
Go back to rebbit you worthless hypochondriac
at this point, I don't give a fuck if I get it or die from it. fuck this shit. seriously, fuck all this shit. i'm done
98% drop in pneunomia deaths...
>that think the whole thing is made up
What happened to it killing 2 million people in the US?
>daily mail
>the only difference is the R0 is ~3 while influenza has R0 of ~1.6
Actually there's another difference.
The CFR is now up to ~5%(?) globally, compared to Flu's .05%
Not as bad as doctors with bad handwriting
>pic related
no average person knows anything, even 4 months into this bullshit. your theory that it's basically nothing is just as valid as anyone else's theory going around
If SARS2 isn't dropping bodies, then please explain why so many first world countries are having a corpse storage problem.
>using CFR figures in a pandemic outbreak that is still unfolding and has a 1-week lag between infection and death, versus 2-3 weeks between infection and recovery
I'm disregarding your post because you're a fucking moron.
>muh daily mail
Ok you fucking election transplant. They've already down serological studies in numerous locations checking if your retarded theories are true and they're not
>They just say their source is the CDC. I'm looking for this data. Literally kill yourself.
Motherfucker, we know what percentage of deaths NYC make up of the overall death count leading up to 4/4/2020, that's simple math. The historic flu/pneumonia data for NY state is here
Both flu and pnemonia was responsible for around 4500 deaths in 2017
it's going to after we open up retard
>la times
better....I guess
Anyone that actually thought it was going to kill 2 million people is a retarded redditor that is afraid of his own shadow
Stay home and stay alive shills are my favorite
Ad hominem. Very effective.
This is the best data I can find for flu+pneumonia deaths. Notice anything? Find my that historical data that the NYT is "referencing" because it doesn't fucking exist
now you're just being a shill. fuck off kike
all the grave diggers are quarantined
I just remembered about tabloids that print stories about aliens and shit. You are likely correct.
However they are, as a major and supposedly respectable newspaper, governed by a journalistic code of ethics with included printing the truth. If you can actually prove that they are talking out of their arse, you can get that journalist fired.
The "IT'S THE FLU" guys are spot on. It's literally just the flu.
BUT it is drastically deadlier than the flu for people above 50. And far more infectious.
When did you hear about a 55 year old British prime minister going on the oxygen in the hospital for the fucking flu?
Notice the graph here:actually SOURCED their data which is what I used and it checked out. OP and the NYT DO NOT source their data. They just say "the CDC lol"
Because NY is a major fucking port retard and at least something you consoom comes through NY
COVID-19 has killed 21,000 Americans in a SINGLE MONTH.
>However they are, as a major and supposedly respectable newspaper, governed by a journalistic code of ethics with included printing the truth.
Literally today
>graph doesnt start at 0
Fuck off subhuman. You will get the rope first, no fall, sloww suffocation.
>. If you can actually prove that they are talking out of their arse, you can get that journalist fired.
lmao no you cant
20 million Newkikers - 10k = me still getting my stuff
Shots don't always work. I've never taken one, I've always had good immunity over many year, 2-3 colds a year. I am sure it's because I work in a computer lab and touch germs on a daily basis.
It's culling people that about to die anyway (poor fat old black people with diseases). Here's the real test OP. Check back in 12 month and see if the total deaths for the year were any higher than average. They die now, so they are not around in 12 months to die again.
It’s also more deadly for fat people.
Overall deaths are declining due to Corona Chan.
I have not been following that and so can't comment one way or another, though what I said still applies.
This board is literally unusable with all these qtard schizos forced to stay at home and browse Yas Forums
Interesting that pneumonia deaths were already considerably lower than usual at the start of the year, before the virus had even reached our shores. It blows away your whole argument of 'there is less pneumonia deaths, so they must be getting counted as covid deaths'.
we got too cocky nothingburger bros!