Its fake

this virus is fucking fake, /CVG/ is full to the brim with shills who don't care about evidence. way too many shills here on this board.

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Other urls found in this thread:

this shit is actually getting old

Film your hospital (All empty)
Literally no one talks about this bullshit.
They are also using wooden coffins instead of the fema ones which seal the bodies.
Most people who are in on it are fatasses.
Its like they are not even trying

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digits confirm, /CVG/ is filled up with shills that won't even recognize that cause they're all flat out retards

dont care all the tendies
and all the time OP
nobody borders me i'm finally living
tonight i jerk one out for the normie fags that are dryer than a tendic strip without my cock sauce

Yea also the reused footage from italy a while back. They are just fear mongering with 0 evidence.
>Muh numbers. They don't even add up despite being generated they are inaccurate.

exactly 2 more weeks yes?

How the government is cooking the books:


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Not even suprised at this point

yess enjoy my goodpoint points
my freeze full tendies and kitty eats my ashole as i do poo poo and i need wipie wipie because the chunks get to big

It's all safe guys. There's no virus. All governments in the world are just shutting down society because they want money. No need to worry, bros.

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Hey op, what's it like to be a faggot nigger who loves sucking big veiny cocks?

Open thread - yep OP is an American.
Every. Single. Time

All the dead bodies you see hospital staff piling up are these “things”

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It’s a nothingburger and it will continue to be a nothingburger until I see one person personally sick, which I haven’t. I was in the hospital in October/November, why didn’t anyone freak out then?
It’s all fake

How do you even begin to orchestrate a fake pandemic across multiple countries?

My great grandmother has it.

The virus is real but it’s overhyped. Admittedly I was concerned at the beginning but as time goes on and as Dr Fraudci keeps flapping his lips I now see it as one giant con.

If you have a great grandmother that is still alive, you're too young to be here.

Based. If people can't see this is a Jewish subversion, then they should unironically rope themselves.

does she has nice tits
>how big are they

Why is it only Americans on this board spouting that this pandemic is fake?
What is the logic behind this mindless NPC-like rationality?

Fuck off shill

I'm 20. She's 97. Why can't stormniggers into math?

>The virus is real but it’s overhyped
no it isn't, mong.

Yes, because every government in the world is being controlled by Jews.
Consume your prescribed substances, good sir.

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oh look the kikes have arrived, anytime you say the virus is fake they immediately arrive.

>Why can't stormniggers into math?
weak bullshit


explain flag fag, how is it fake?

Is Trump a Chinese shill now?

the absolute cope by US intelligence services, remember fags if you see a glowie run them over.

FilmYourHospital no one there, government is literally grabbing more power behind the scenes, bill gates ready to chip everyone. god damn where the fuck did old Yas Forums go?

They can't handle briefly giving up some of their freedumbz for the greater good. That's why jews and niggers are allowed to run rampant here.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a glowie kike shill

Listen you obese Amerifaggot, if you think something’s fake by researching online and not leaving your house and seeing it for yourself then you’re fucking retarded.

so ... do these film your hospitals take place in hospice spots or is it your local duh I hurt myself?
Also, do they account for the fact that all generals have been stopped to prevent over crowding?
Where did Yas Forums go? Yas Forums left a long time ago faggot. Its lefty/pol/ now.
The Game

Absolutely true
Nope Trump is still israeli first
/cvg/ are the ccp shills however

You should probably shooting yourself just in case

actual kikes
yeah i fucking know old Yas Forums left and its fucking sad
cool thanks kike run back to your safe space at /CVG/ now

your brain is peasized

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Yes people have left their houses and looked. Hospital workers are being let go. Go look. Don't believe the shills. Yes put a mask on, but go look for yourself.

jesus shills just don't want this thread made.

Why would a kike shill in favour of preventing the spread of a thread so incomprehensibly stupid and unbased claiming the virus is fake despite every country in the world experiencing it. Even coiltelpro faggot kikes would wave this thread off as a load of bollocks.

i get paid 5 cents for each post i make
shalom schlomo

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