>fat is to the human body as the battery is to cellphone
>more fat = more battery
>fat = longer life
Fat is beautiful and we should embrace it.
Fat is to the human body as the battery is to cellphone
Gross, she'll be dead in a couple of years
what a shit post
kys fatty
Enjoy being eaten when the food runs out fatty cause you ain't going to be fast enough to run away from us
>*Ting Ting*
Gentlemen... I have an announcement
Go on
Her little head and feet look so small
Fat =
>more health problems
>higher likelihood of becoming a medical slave
>higher likelihood of voting commie
>taking more life than you need to sustain yourself simply to take bigger shits.
if someone was posted in da woodz and headshotted her nobody would want to move that grotesque lifeless blob and it would be revealed how worthless it is
More like a power to weight ratio. Too much fuel/mass will put too much stress on the engine. It will fail before it get's though it all.
I watch my 600 pound life before I workout for motivation.
built for bbc
I still like my women thicc to borderline obese. But nothing like OP's pic.
Kill yourself immediately.
based and thiccpilled
her poor knees
imagine the stress on them
built for bbc
ALL 500lbs OF IT!
Fat is like crude oil, it's useless as it is, it has to be worked and refined into something worth while.
Yes goyim get fat...
based and birthing hips pilled
BUt your cellphone doesnt run on fat, it runs on blood
Obese is 30 pounds over weight, like the girl in your photo.
I just threw up in my mouth
Fuck off you piece of shit.
Being obese was the worst thing that I ever subjected myself to.
Now at 21, finally losing 145 lbs (35 or so of which was muscle sadly) and hopefully starting a weight training 5x5 program soon to get strong and build my body into the masterpiece it was meant to be, as a 6’6” man who needs to dunk on Manlets, I can say without a doubt that there is nothing worse than being fat (other than being a faggot, nigger, kike, chunk, spic, or a jannie).
I will from this point forward make it my mission to shame fatty retards into either fixing themselves and repairing the damage they wrought, or getting them to off themselves for the betterment of the human race.
Fuck you OP you fat faggot and/or fatass chasing degenerate.
Literally puked
I understand that point. Good analogy.
Unpopular opinion, I'd wreck that fatty. I'd lock her in a room, and use her over and over again.
pic related has record for longest fast (392 days), I bet she could break the record easily,, she needs to be locked up somewhere against her will.
Her breasts just seem so inviting and white.
As a white man, I feel like they'd make plenty of nourishment for the child and still have some left over for sexy bouncy naked times.
You could remove that fucker’s loose skin and make a damn tailored suit out of it after dropping 120 kg.
So brave , a true american hero.
user you are worth it. Love yourself.
Whatever. I don't care. I would still plow the spoiled pretentious bitch if I had the chance
Something about plump women with fat in all the right places switches on something primal in me and I end up getting horny as fuck for them
If you keep charging a battery its life shortens.
What a fucking GAMER
you could also make human skin lampshades and a few bars of soap.
How big dick you need to take her from behind
Why is our country so stupid and fat? Why don't we embrace a chad diet free of McDonald's?
nah you will be
While I did admit that fat is and of itself not a good thing in large amounts and likened it to crude oil, I am a chubby chaser, I got me a fat arse wife and I love it. I love women with some meat on them.
based and ANR pilled
Fat is "battery" in the absence of food. People who are fat do not have an absence of food--they have an abundance of it.
you'll always be a fatty
embrace it, fatso
Thank you Aquafresh, I love you too.
Never you fat chasing and or obese degenerate. I refuse to return to that disgusting, deprived lifestyle of gluttonous sin.
My cardiovascular system is smiling upon me, can you say the same Diabetus?