Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Stoppt den Kulturterror Edition

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Bipolar Kraut/pol

Freie Arbeiter vom Osteuropeishes Quarantinekolonien.

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Finally a good thread. Fuck Tay, fuck tripfags, fuck China, fuck amerimutts, fuck Jews.

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last edition was just fucked by the lgbt flag user
>Obwohl, Bürger? Der ehemalige deutsche Innenminister Thomas de Maizière fühlte sich unlängst berufen, den «Ton» zu loben, in dem Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn (beide CDU) mit «den Leuten» kommuniziere: «eine Mischung aus Mahnen, manchmal auch Drohen und Ermutigen». Spricht man so mit dem oder über den Souverän? Die deutsche Politik ist nun offenbar endgültig durchpädagogisiert.

Situational comedy.

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Communism is clearly a problem, and if Europeans cannot fathom any future where this shit happens again, but with more deadly strains, or something much worse, then you cannot help them.

>cant give up that sweet extra money from the soli

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Siegreiche Doppelziffern

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>Das deutsche Infektionsschutzgesetz wurde kurzerhand zum Ermächtigungsgesetz umfunktioniert – nur den Linken, den Grünen und der FDP ist zu verdanken, dass das Parlament sich nicht vollständig selbst aufgegeben hat.

NZZ ist doch normal nicht so strange, was das angeht. Die Aussage ist nicht belegt und offenschtlich nicht zutreffend.

No I'm not. I will treat them just as they treat me: attempted murder with a deadly weapon. It will be fun, for me. I don't care about their family being sad "Why is user like this now? He's soo sad all the time!" Because life is all about me. And if these anons weren't so poor, they wouldn't be here, and would be really happy people. But they did that to themselves, obviously.

And just like in 1776, we didn't need you then, we don't need you now. Adios!

Unfortunately it is quite likely, but US has lost a lot of prestige regardless, and many countries are thinking now that China is a more reliable partner that will be in a better position to benefit them (US just takes and bullies these days).
Coronavirus crisis is going to cause enormous amounts of internal distress and turmoil in the US as well. No one is going to be looking to it for leadership or help

>Spricht man so mit dem oder über den Souverän?

i lost

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America is the problem. China isn't even communist, they just don't let giant corporations and bankers control their country.

>weren't so poor,
How is the timing on your french husband and german mansion plan with millions in the vault?
How much do you save off your foodstamps to make that come true?

Die Schweizer sind uns da leider weit voraus.

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None of these people ever heard of the Laffer curve or questioned if maximizing tax revenue is even a productive goal to begin with. We are way past tax-efficient policies while corps with millions in lobbying expenses secure massive tax cuts. What can you do.

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You're forgetting the Hessians user.

Susanne Gaschke ist deutsche Publizistin und Autorin der «Welt».
Aha, klar.

>Die Schweizer sind uns da leider weit voraus
indeed. but not sure if people here could handle more democracy

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now you sound like some merkel vassal

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Communism would be an improvement to whatever the fuck America is these days.

With a new constitution (which we are allowed to have), yes. More democracy with our current political system would be turn into another charade.

Trust in and educate your brothers and neighbours.

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>they just don't let giant corporations and bankers control their country


>God you make me ashamed to be German you idiot
stfu you are a fucking mutt dont ever put the word german in your mouth again


As I said, like back when these locusts abandoned Great Britain for the US the kikes are looking for another golem these days ... America has been sucked dry, their host is too weakened these days. Kill China and you'll kill the parasite in its transition.

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>some merkel vassal
that one hurt :(

my post was based on the fact what germans make of the democracy they have

maybe im just too much of a pessimist

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wir brauchen volsabstimmung wie in der schweiz

>what germans make of the democracy they have

Would melt it down and make swords again out of all these cucked plowshares ... but too late now. Germany will now either rise from its own ashes or perish forever.

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ja nicht persönlich gemeint aber der laschet wars glaub ich der sowas gesagt hat wie: die wähler sind eh zu dumm um direkt mit entscheiden zu können

I felt that in my Kokoro.

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Ihr braucht Volksgerichte und keine Volksabstimmungen!

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We all are. And that's what led to the current state of affairs.
Or at least some kind of more democratic legitimization. And waaay less Personenkult. Vote about ideas, bot people and that dance.