This is going to be a particularly rough fire season due to Coronavirus. topkek

>California’s ability to prepare for a dry and potentially dangerous fire season this year is being crippled as the coronavirus pandemic prompts fire agencies across the West to cancel or delay programs aimed at preventing catastrophic wildfire.

>From clearing out undergrowth in forests to training firefighters to tamp out flames, local, state and federal fire forces are trying to move forward within new social distancing guidelines, as well as with potentially sick employees, but that’s making their work harder and sometimes impossible to do.

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Haha.. holy shit. They cannot possibly be this stupid. Unreal.

Apparently major catastrophes are quite helpful in reelecting leftist politicians. Anything to make you more dependent upon the govt.

bump for major future happening

So long, sorry to see you go.

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this isn't funny faggot

They really do want us to suffer.

You should consider moving, user.

This is real. Im a wildland fire guy, and a big issue with this season coming up is figuring out how to work on the fires with less than 10 people at a time. And this is up in Idaho. Its fucking unreal, I have a feeling that social distancing will get overlooked in this case. Theres actual disasters to avert, we cant keep fiddle fucking around with this nonsense

I’m signed up to go out as a firefighter this year. Hopefully not to Cali much. FEMA fags better not take away our catering and make us eat MREs or I’m not doing this shit. Let it burn.

Burn it all to the ground

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Same shit every year. CalFirefags post this garbage in an effort to increase their funding so they can get more OT for when they start the fires mid-summer

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So clearing dead trees and brush to prevent forest fires is "nonessential" work now? What the actual fuck is going on?

Your right it's fucking hilarious.

yup, and then they sit on their ass and just watch shit burn. they do not put out house fires - the only stations that do that are private and/or owned by insurance companies. state fire departments don't give a fuck about you or your property.

This is happening all along the west coast. They aren't doing anything to prevent fires and citing coronavirus as the cause. In Oregon Gov Brown banned any and all outdoor burning even on your own fucking property.

who are you working with user?

why the fuck does places like california and australia burn so much?

what happened before they were inhabited? did they just burn 24/7?

its not even summer, fire season is not here yet

A lot of forest fires are caused by arson.

they caused it themselves. Turns out throughout all of natural history small forest fires help fertilize the area. And proper tree felling and land clearing techniques help with preventing small fires from becoming bigger fires. so when you enact legislation that says you can't clear land or remove dead trees the small fires have a lot of fuel to become big fires.

SoCal here it won't stop fucking training l raining b so I'll be fine.

Right. This is the time of year we normally cut brush and remove dead trees to prevent the inevitable. Not this year apparently.. This is gonna be a massive shit show.

yes. forest fires in warm, dry climates are incredibly common and actually important to the food chain.


Do you smell toast?


You guys can't replace real foresters. You firefighters need to be fighting tooth and nail to make the forestry department strong again if you actually give a fuck.

CA on lockdown until May 15th. This summer is going to be an absolute shit show. Buckle up.

half the fires are caused by the lazy as shit power company that leaves 50 year old towers on top of mountains knowing they are inevitably going to get torn down by wind (and then when it does tear down they leave the power on for another hour).

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Don't tease us.


They've been killing off forestry for decades to make it more appealing to normies when the land gets bought by massive companies. This isn't even the job of firefighters, there should be 500+ people in every state whose job is to live in the woods and maintain the land.