Why are niggers more social and energetic as whites?

Why are niggers more social and energetic as whites?

They barely have depressions or other mental illnesses and most of them are in shape and are outgoing. I have yet to see a socially awkward nigger. Compare that to white and Asian autism.

Attached: black-smurf-image.jpg (300x300, 13.58K)

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Because IQ is correlated to introversion and neuroticism

Lower iq less neurotic

kinda like kids rarely go into depression.

They need. They don't feel.

testosterone. That is why they have a better life experience overall, even if they live in shittier conditions.

Sub 90 IQ

Low self-awareness.
Inability to reflect.
They are basically cattle.
Also, problems are always somebody else’s fault (like a white person )

Ding ding ding.

the stereotyping is so cringy. when are we going to evolve beyond all this bullshit?

What is your personal opinion? Jesus I hate bot threads. 1 reply

Ignorance is bliss.

You mean lack there of. Niggers have higher estrogen and lower testosterone than whites.
Lack of impulse control =/= more manly. That's how women behave.

Low IQ don't have to worry about existance. It's either smooth sailing paid by whitey or starvation, nothing in between.

Lol seriously? They have mental illness in spades. Maybe not depression or even anxiety but definitely other issues. Self descructive.

Also true. Stop cooming today.

Up until about 30 to 35, generally speaking. Then most even out.

Unironically, low IQ. Like an animal, there is no self-awareness, no introspection, no filter. They can only react/plan for things directly in front of them

holy shit you are right, except for the lower testosterone part. niggers have the same test as whites but more estrogen.

this is Yas Forums.

where the BBC obsession never stops.

I'm a black man and I'll answer this. A lot of black men are socially akward but other black men usually do not (totally) shun them because of it. You can still have a group of friends with "normie" black men and get passed your awkardness as times go by. You get laugh at or roasted but at the end of they day they will try to help you get more social.

Awkard white people get totally shuned andyou got board like Yas Forums, Yas Forums and the i n c e l movement.

They have the ability to see what's in front of them and nothing else, they're only aware of the most basic levels of causality, and they have massive egos.

When the cheques stop coming and the shiny baubles they bought with them no longer have social value, they'll be even more violent than usual because they can't produce anything.

You are just looking for something to confirm your racism, OP.

Whites plan for the future, so they get depressed when they realise how their future will look. Blacks don't, but they do get depressed and lethargic much later in middle age, but noone gives a shit about 45 year old black people, but by then they just cope with food and church.

They have higher blood pressure and are prone to more health problems
Statistically they consume pornography the most
So... yeah... nah fuck off faggot


Have you ever seen a sad person with Down syndrome.

Attached: A722FE2A-803A-445C-B550-89B794389AD6.jpg (1024x434, 65.87K)


Attached: Depression and IQ.jpg (972x361, 32.93K)

lack of deph

Blacks do socially encourage each other more and try to spread optimism, whereas whites, even their friends, just pull each other down and try to make each other seeth and mock themselves.

Because whites are spliced with Annunaki lizards. While blacks are naturally formed on earth. Worshipping black is worshipping god. Unironically.

That has not been my experience at all.

That's funny i always think "why are so many black people so crazy". Paranoid, sketchy and non trusting. Black women are all insane

I love when white people say this stuff not knowing it’s about them too

Are you black? Even if you're white, American whites act like blacks to some extent, you can see it in the difference between US and Euro posters. Americans playfully mock each other but always give out advice and encouragement, whereas Euros start Serbia hate threads.

i think hes talking about rappers and blacks in the media. ive met a lot of miserable blacks

>not my experience therefore it's not true reeee

Just got on Yas Forums today and I'm already cringing and tired.

Psychiatric judgments are based on race, age and gender. You don't diagnose niggers with dyslexia or retardation, even though an 85 IQ White who couldn’t read would most certainty be considered clinically retarded.

Lol behind the scenes they are the most sad

I'm just daily smoking weed
Sippin' citrus tea
Trynna' get to this cash every moment
I'm just lookin' for a freak
That can roll for me
Rub my back and give me dome in the mornin'

They release their depression and mental illness by chimping out.


Plenty of sad niggers just that no one is interested so you only see chimp outs on the internet. The ol saying goes 'There's nothing happier than a happy nigger, nothing sadder than a sad nigger.'