Forced sterilisation of undesirables

Should school bullies, violent criminals, and repeat offenders be forcibly sterilised?
The case for sterilising the latter two is an obvious eugenic action, but questionable morally. But sterilising bullies?
First let's define bullying:
>Bullying is an intentional and repeated act of aggression against a relatively powerless victim

Bullying in childhood is a strong predictor of delinquency, violence, aggressiveness, drug use, impulsivity and psychopathy in adulthood
Significant correlations were found between bullying and CU (Callou-Unemotional) traits, Narcissism, and Impulsivity
Meta analysis shows a much higher probability of criminal offending in adult life for bullies, even when controlling for childhood risk factors
Childhood bullies are ~4 times more likely to engage in intimate-partner violence
Aggression is inversely related to IQ and both traits are relatively stable throughout life

All these traits are highly heritable, meaning their population-wide variation has a significant genetic component

Anti social personality traits have more reproductive success. Thus, if bullies are left unchecked, society will experience a dysgenic decline

In pruning these undesirable elements from the population gene pool you can create a more stable, intelligent, and thus, eugenic society.

>bet you were bullied in school OP
>eugenics is cruel and evil
Not arguments. Seems like defending them is cucked.

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Damn that picture reminds me of me when I was in school so hardcore

Also no, nobody should be sterilized by the state. Gotta let nature do its thing, even when it sucks IMO


A side effect of this sterilisation program, in the west, would be a reduction in the reproduction rates of non-whites (excepting east asians) as they are more likely to express such traits than whites are. This will have the benefit of increasing national IQ and social cohesion and decreasing ethnic tensions, national debt and crime rate.
All whilst simultaneously targeting individuals with a technically race-blind policy.

Now don't get me wrong, this isn't an uber-aggressive policy (for bullies at least), swearing at another student or teasing is not a particularly aggressive behaviour. This policy applies to the relentless and more aggressive individuals who persist in their behaviour beyond warning.

I'd also like to note that this isn't a new concept. Eugenics programs had successfully been implemented in most western nations amidst widespread support prior to WW2

Asshole here is talking about bringing back eugenics practices from the early 1900’s. Where some god official says you can’t have a kids and force sterilize you.

It was ended for a reason and we were warned some assholes will be coming around later wanting to start it back up.

Get’em boys...

It ended because muh nahtzees did it. Stop being such a faggot

To have children you should be approved by the state. Have IQ and physical tests. A family record of hereditary diseases, etc.
Being born is a priviledge that shouldn't be given to anyone. Let's end the retarded christcuck mentality.

While i see the benefit of this, it would be too extreme a measure to successfully implement. Pruning the lower end of the bell curve for impulse control is less noticeable and more likely to receive support. There's also issues with unintended hereditary disorders stemming from loss in genetic diversity, so eugenics policies should be mild.

more like those who are bullied should be sterilised, not the bullys

your government would just find a way to sterilize dissident whites. It would be used against you and the actual autists/niggers it was intended for wont be sterilized

Why not both?

why would you want to cut off dominating genes?

Grow up bro your hs bully is making bank and you're shitposting on pol
Besides they wouldn't be bullying you if you weren't a pathetic little faggot
If anything cut off your balls

>you should sterilise people who get robbed instead of robbers
A government with a eugenics policy would do no such thing

>you should domestic your people

>why would you want to stop future criminals from reproducing
Got any real objections or just an innate aversion to a eugenic society?

Are you implying nigger behavior is dominant?

>you don't want to beat your wife? Fucking sheep

No we should not sterilize the bullies, we should sterilize the victims for being weak

>your hs bully is making bank
Funniest thing I’ve read all day. All my bullies were beaners who never made anything of themselves.

>n-no you gotta follow kike laws and stay in line
they're not at sub replacement fertility


You're literally preaching to stop masculinity
go back to esucking dicks in your tranny discord server

Why do you think eugenics fell into decline post WW2?

>acting like a violent nigger is masculinity
Castrate yourself, it'd honestly be better for society as a whole. You might not act like a nigger anymore

eugenics doesn't mean creating some goody two shoes

why doesn't he just move?

The world would be an infinitely better place with goody two shoes being dominant

Eugenics in its early forms literally involved sterilising the criminally inclined. The benefits are described here

Because the photographer needed him in the shot.

Which is why this will never happen. The people at the top of the chain love dumb violent niggers, they enable all their bullshit policies and garbage ideas to be push about. They aren't going to allow anything that can threaten their thrones, even possibly inadvertently, pass. As long as the global IQ is below cool and mass voter democracy is touted as the bee's knee's of government institution we're stuck with the modern day and them instilled as kings.

so it was a ploy be elites to secure power. and you'd trust our current elites to implement such a policy?

no, violent repeat criminal offenders should be killed

It's happened before.
Fuck no. Our current elites need to go for such a policy to be implemented.

why is bullying considered dysgenic? seems pretty based and eugenic.

When I was young I used to just hit bullies. Now that bullying is online it's not possible to fight back for children. Honor is gone.

It's a possibility, but it would be less well received.
Because of all the reasons i gave in the OP. Aggressive bullying is nigger-tier behaviour and an indicator that the individual will be a burden on society

because it's exclusively done by degenerates from dysfunctional households

No, you cannot ever trust the government.

I think people that are perpetually bullied need to be sterilized. They are too weak to mate or make any difference as a man. What is the point of preserving them? If society is threatened, it will be the strong and aggressive that save us, not the bitch boys complaining about being bullied.

Bullying is eugenic in itself.
If someone with a physical defect is bullied, it lowers their self esteem. If their self esteem is low, they won't have confidence to ask out the girl. They won't reproduce and ultimely cut themselves off from the gene pool. And that defect is gone from society/humanity.
Bullies are necessary.
I think all these child transvestites started to appear when the anti-bullying campaign started. Which is exclusively a female movement.

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>you should sterilise people who get robbed instead of robbers
The only things you have been robbed of is your manhood and self respect.