Maddox is back and DESTROYES the Corona happening fags! In his latest video he exposes the hysteria around the virus as a big NOTHINGBURGER! Yas Forums and tiny dick Masterson eternally BTFO!
Maddox was pretentious and gay when I was a teenager. I can't imagine him improving with time.
Maddox is literally a mod here, Weird Twitter and the CIA gets gayer every year.
i'm sure my 14 year old self in the past would have found this funny, you gigantic hook nosed faggot.
Literally who
built for bbc
The only person on the planet to legally and officially be declared a cuck by ruling of the court of law.
Wow, was he always this bad?
Fuck off maddox. The last thing you made that was funny was your proxy of loose change, and I only thought was funny because I was a retarded teenager at the time. You are one of the most cringeworthy e-celebs that’s ever existed.
I remember reading his stuff in 2005. I stopped around the time he wrote that pepperoni was the worst pizza topping.
What circle of hell did you get this from?
I'd watch this if he said he had it and has been cured of it.
Oh wait, he hasn't? Who cares.
God this is painful to watch. But he's not wrong.
The biggest betrayal of my life was reading the alphabet of manliness, then seeing the "man" that wrote it.
That would be pineapple.
This. The guy was based before that was a thing. Then became a complete whining shitlib cuck for inexplicable reasons.
He should go ride public transportation for 8 hours a day then. I'll pay for it.
Like any red-blooded man could resist pounding that tight cunny.
That's what you get for looking so sexy, brat. obviously
>being this new
This guy is that fucking bike asshole. What a fucking loser.
Maddox has always been an immature child. I thought he was funny until alphabet of manliness came out and I realized as a teenager how juvenile and worthless his humor was
He ran a website that made fun of children’s drawings 15 years ago
Maddox is the biggest faggot in the universe.
He's a fucking retard , a liar and exposed himself many times for being a total piece of shit, who would believe Maddox over Dick Masterson ? Obvious answer would be leftist pedo tardz.
In the ethnostate kid-rapers get drawn and quartered user.
hey nigger, I work every day and ride the bus to work everyday (for free, because of corona) and I'm not sick. I don't see sick people. I don't hear about sick people that I know of. You're a fucking gobmint dick sucking homosexual nigger. Kill yourself, and erase your retarded genetics from the genepool.
He had some pretty funny takes on children's drawings, so I bought his book. I also bought jon stewarts book and loved his show so my taste at that time was pretty bad.
>bitches about his terrible mom
>exhibits the same traits
>kekistani memeflag
Maddox is a bald greasy manlet cuck
Dude is such an irrelevant faggot
Mainstream comedians are either low iq or gear their jokes towards low iq audiences. Teenage boys are usually in their audience. it’s a mark of your intelligence and introspection that you can see how dumb it all was
>The virus is harmless, don't worry back to work. Stocks go up!
>Oh nose you got the virus! Go get the vaccine. You don't believe in conspiracies do you goyim?
Total cuck but he's right and he pretty much agrees with what Dick Masterson is saying so you have a misleading title, fag OP cukfan.
yes, except you couldn't tell because you were reading it instead of hearing it in his whiny faggot voice
This, Maddox has put out a lot of bluepilled shit but this is actually an informative video that could convince normies
I used to think Maddox was funny, but that was back in 2002.
yeah he died before Yas Forums existed. funny every time he pops up here like he has something worthwhile to say
Isn't Maddox the guy who was proven to be a literal cuck in a court of law?
>current year
>he actually watched a Maddox video
who would take this weasely limp wristed larping kike seriously?
Maddox lost.
Can we get an explanation by someone who isn't literally a cuck?