Jesus would've voted Democrat
Let's be honest. Is this true?
>Let's be honest.
To be honest, I don't think Jesus would have wanted Europeans to LARP has his followers for 2000+ years while committing atrocities in his name.
Jesus isn't a socialist he's literally the Monarch.
Voting doesn't exist when Jesus returns.
He wasn’t a peace loving hippie. He just hated the jews and their hypocrisy. Every parable and every sermon was him calling out the Jews for their lies.
They don't like The Pope either. To liberal.
>transition your children or we will take them by force
>a jew that fools people into an open loving society
This is totally what jesus wanted guys!
Why do leftist faggots always try to pretend Jesus was a Brown Arab? Everyone on the Mediterranean and in Northern Africa 2000 years ago were obviously white.
Gods I know this is a slide thread but it's just such g8 b8.
>Jesus would've voted Democrat
>Embraces Abortionists
>Encourages Homosexuality
>Promote sexual freedom
I think not retard
He would be another kike in the democratic party
LGBT power!
At least he's creating offspring
>But user, something something camel eye of the needle rich people, you christians are supposed to be poor!
friendly remind
>og christian comune started by christ, was destroyed by redistribution of goods aka Judas
friendly remind pt 2
>every other christian comune after that collapsed unto itself becouse folk involved had no clue on how to properly redistribude the resources
Damn right...
He's not creating offspring******
"He who does not work, neither shall he eat."
2 Thessalonians 3:10
Both parties would dislike Jesus Christ.
Lets be honest? Start anytime, Jew.
Yas Forums, bow down to this chad(dess) right now
Jesus ALSO said he would come with a sword. I highly doubt the satanistic demoncrats would be pleased with that.
kek these people are creating something alright
Med not middle eastern. You can literally walk to Greece from Jerusalem. You can swim to Sicily. It's all so close.
Actually , if I sent jesus my ipad with how 2020 globally looks like, jesus would kys before ever allowing himself to be crucified.
What he meant by that is belief in him would cause division among family and friends. Not the way you’re interpreting.
Yeah, this is Jesus' team lads, don't be bigoted now
>NPCs still stuck in 2005 labeling Fox News as the biggest boogeyman on Earth, and obsessing about Christianity existing.
Yeah, keep arguing over trivial shit while nonwhites are replacing us.
I reject this assertions but am sure a bunch of Jews would still want to crucify him.
So hwat yoiu're saying, is that Jesus would support racist, greedy, xenophobic, and mysoginystic men instead?
Jesus wasn't white. He was a person of colour
>Scared of the thought of sharing
>Leaves innocents and weak people behind
>Hates on women
>Hates middle eastern people and invades their nations
Jesus came only for the lost sheep of Israel, and both he and the Father repeatedly and exclusively call for ethnostates.
So was Jesus an Aryan or did Sven go back on it?
Jesus was an advocate of the he would have dissaproved of gay marriage, high taxes and tyranny through government, legalized pot, tattoos and other body modifications.
He believed in charity through church, property ownership and lower taxes. Jesus would have NEVER been a leftist.
Probably, the Bible has a few verses on people staying with their own kind.
Makes sense because homogenous cultures tend to thrive, and multicultural ones die quickly and agonizingly.
> greedy
No, but he would advocate working for a living. After all "He who does no work, neither shall he eat."
See previous.
> and mysoginystic
Is it mysogynistic to ask for women, who are more in tune with their emotions than men, to stay home and raise children, who need more emotional support than adults, whilst the man, who is more at ease doing work outside the house, goes out and provides for the wife and children?
If so then Hell yes he would.
>legalized pot
Where's the Bible say that?
this is what Jesus would have wanted guys
Jesus wouldn't vote for the 2 party system its about equally oppressive and restrictive.
seethe moshe
>Makes sense because homogenous cultures tend to thrive, and multicultural ones die quickly and agonizingly.
China, Brazil, India, America, Germany, Canada, Sweden are some of the most diverse nations on earth and they're thriving economies. Non diverse nations like Belarus, Malta, Portugal, Ireland, and Poland are all shitholes and are completely irrelevant.
>Is it mysogynistic to ask for women, who are more in tune with their emotions than men, to stay home and raise children, who need more emotional support than adults, whilst the man, who is more at ease doing work outside the house, goes out and provides for the wife and children?
A woman and man should be left to do what they please.