Rap music is a weapon and needs to be FUCKING ERADICATED

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>nigger mumblings are a weapon

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K simp

LMAO just don't listen to it retard

idiot, its a degenerate demonic nigger culture life style
Im sure you retard frog accurately depicts your face well

Most whites listen to this shit.

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Niggas iffy, uh, blicky got the stiffy, uh
Got the blicky, uh, drum it hold fifty, uh

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>sound is a weapon

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>t. muttnigger

It’s vulgar noise.
I heard some today from a passing nigger car.
Nigga muthufucka muh dick

I agree.

I hear it a lot ever since the democrats "culturally enriched" my neighborhood with "diversity" so they can steal the voting district in November.

It seems like the most common rap lyrics are "Y'ALL BE HATING CUZ I GOT MONEY."

This shit is NOT music, and is some minimalist crap made by low-IQ retards wh can't get past themselves to write something intelligent.

How do you do this? the thumbnail is different than the content?

If you care why don't you participate in cultural production? Culture is active and proscriptive.

They say buddhism is critique and that rational skepticism is exacting and yet you must choose!

I bet his Jew handlers laugh at him so much behind his back. They got him to tattoo 69 all over his body. What a tard.

ironic dadaism fused with insticts

ask me how I know you are a newfag

It's good music for amplifying your animalistic tendencies, which is good for work outs or getting ready for a fight. But if you listen to it all of the time, you're put in a constant state of war.

It's one major way certain people are programed without knowing it. Yes, weapon

Ever head of a DEW

It's all clicks and whistles, to me.

not just a psychological one, either.

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This. Massive influence on the psyche. Degenerate those that listen to it and change their behaviors and thinking in a very subtle manner.

Add in the time period when it was purposefully popularized by record companies which conveniently coincided with legalization of the private prison industry. Notice all the rappers of old? How they're all gone, no one gives a shit about them, used up and then thrown away by their Jew music handlers? (((They))) push the agenda then are discarded once they're no longer needed, continuing the slippery slope every few years.

Why are weebs into nigger music?

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Jewish trick number 8 right here

>being this much of a naive retarded faggot
How is it possible? Is it the vaccines and the flouride-water? Or just American culture generally?

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because weebs are the biggest retards.
I've been to Japan and enjoyed it. but obviously weebs never been to Japan, and most, maybe all would hate living there.

>sensor the media bro this won’t be used against us
If not rap music then rock music would be declared degenerate and anti white



>on a highway to hell
It has to go too

Fuck you!

Rap is simply lyrics not sung to the same notes as the instrumental music in the background.

Learn some more about music before posting your asinine comments.

Unfortunately, it really is. I live in a town that’s comprised of mostly white people, and 2/3 of the white males listen to nigrap, while 1/3 of the white females listen to it. Turns out that those white males and females who listen to it happen to be pretty degenerate themselves. It truly is a weapon. Stay safe, anons. Make your kids take the boomer music pill.

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*young white males/females (12-30)
Lol the boomers aren’t that niggy, and neither are the based tradfolk.

>If you care why don't you participate in cultural production? Culture is active and proscriptive.
lol creating indie music isn't participating in "popular" culture, and "popular" culture is gate kept by the people that ensure that the only "music" that's played is rap.

>nigger mumblings are a weapon
Fuck off kike.

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>If not rap music then rock music would be declared degenerate and anti white
Rock is dead.
When was the last time a new rock band got popular radio play?
Can you even name any household name rock bands that aren't at least ten years old?


Rap itself is not bad.
Most of mainstream rap that's marketed is idiotic and vulgar in many ways. It's vulgarly commercial. It purports negative stereotypes for profits. Some rap does report the struggles of an underclass upbringing well. Yet much of it is just an imitation of that that is an unhealthy propagation of the problem.

Rap is poetry to a rhythm. It is not inherently bad. It's all about what you do with it.