Death number of the new coronavirus is only 98 in Japan.
Why do many people die in the West?
Death number of the new coronavirus is only 98 in Japan
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because you fuck yourself at night
Just wait and you'll see, nippon-dono.
You'll see.
because they always maintain social distance anyway even before the outbreak
and the mask
always the mask
Japanese are hiding it because tourism has become a huge industry for them that they can't afford to lose
Plus they need to save face for the whole "letting people die so they can host the Tokyo Olympics" thing
They don't inflate the mortality rate like we do in the west
>Someone falls down the stairs and dies
>They also happen to have COVID-19, so it gets put down as cause of death
Because Americans think wearing a mask is stupid and gay.
I hate the US. This country is a fucking disgrace. Unfortunately it seems like 99% of Americans on Yas Forums no matter their race or ideology always try to defend even the vilest stupidity on the part of this country. The way we handled the pandemic is SHAMEFUL. China is LAUGHING at us, because we're STUPID. We need to do better.
Because people in the West aren't as good at washing their hands. Simple as.
more crackers per capita
Most Japanese people don't even wash their hands after taking a dump. That's right, your "waifu" walks around with shit on her hands. Look up the statistics. Western people are more clean.
It's because Nippon lies, barely any testing, you have excellent health care and mask usage is cultural. All of those.
Also, this bioweapon was engineered to target non-asians. No wonder whites are dying while Asians just get the sniffles
>often wore masks in public before corona
>generally healthy population
>"for the group" mentality
theyre pretty much built for staving off sickness
It's impossible to hide death number.
Because everybody is VERY nerves with death reason now in Japan.
Because you nips are sneaky lying cunts.
You mean Asians don't wash their hands.
>Hand soaping after going to the toilet: France 50th out of 63 countries in terms of practice
>It is in Saudi Arabia (1st, 97%), in Bosnia (2nd, 96%), in Algeria (3rd, 94%), in Lebanon (3rd, 94%), in Papua New Guinea (3rd 94%) ) and in Turkey (3rd, 94%) that we measure the most virtuous behaviors while in Colombia (7th, 93%), in South Africa (7th, 93%), in Vietnam (7th, 93%) ), in Panama (10th, 92%) and Georgia (11th, 91%), more than 9 out of 10 inhabitants also automatically adopt this practice. Conversely, we observe in three Asian countries, practice rates below 50%: in South Korea (61st, 39%), Japan (62nd, 30%) and China (63rd, 23%) ).
>In Europe, it is interesting to observe that Bosnia (2nd, 96%), Greece (13th, 85%), Kosovo (14th, 85%) and Portugal (14th, 85%) occupy the first positions. Apart from Germany (27th, 78%) and the United Kingdom (34th, 75%) and Northern Europe (rate higher than 75% in Iceland, Sweden, Finland), the practice is much less developed in Western Europe where France (50th, 62%) slightly ahead of Spain (52nd, 61%), Belgium (53rd, 60%), Italy (57th, 57%) and the Netherlands (60th, 50%).
Two words. Or one hyphenated word. Bio-weapon. Bio Weapon. Look up those terms. Trust me.
Just like nobody dies of exposed nuclear reactor cores for some really illusion reason nobody can think of.
It’s all part of short guy syndrome
FFS smellchecked
Got it.
>black plague
>why are people dying
>why are people dyding
filthy fucks
This. It’s sad how many societies grossly underestimate how dangerous this is, my own country included. The long incubation period and seemingly slow pace of spread gives leaders a false sense of control.
Oh shut up.
It's a typical comment of racism.
It's impossible to hide death number in Japan.
hikikomori is probably a good strategy to avoid getting infected.
>people in warm countries shower more than those in cold countries
Yeah, no shit you sweaty pig
Your country literally isn't doing any testing. You're probably worse than China at this point
American virus means mostly americans will die. Simple as that
is kyoani alright japanon
I'm worried
>I didn't sweat nor shit nor piss today
>it's ok to carry on as usual
you disgusting surströmming
We have a corrupt corporate healthcare system that's assblasted about Trump making them itemize their insane bills so they lie about the cause of death so Fauci and the CCP can stroke themselves.
Nuke Tienanmen Square.
Probably because japan didnt let the whole world into their country anyway like we do and they don't have a bunch of fucking retarded migapedes who think everything is a hoax
Because chinks lie
>That's right, your "waifu" walks around with shit on her hands
Stop I can only get so erect
The virus spread mostly via reproduction organs.
That's why men are more at risk than women, because they have big penis.
At let you do the math to understand why there is so low causalities in Japan.
It spawned from China, making it the Chinese virus. Like MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome).
Its not just in the West. GLOBAL COVID DEATHS (cumulative total):
1/27/20: a hundred
2/10/20: a thousand
3/19/20: ten thousand
4/10/20: a hundred thousand
How many would that be if we hand't implemented social distancing broadly? How many will that be in another month regardless of our prophylactic measures?
If 100,000 corpses already due to novel coronavirus does not disturb you, I don't know what to say.
The Olympics have already been postponed a year