So after this Corona thing is over, how do you avoid getting force-vaccinated or microchipped by Bill Gates?
What can we realistically do???
So after this Corona thing is over, how do you avoid getting force-vaccinated or microchipped by Bill Gates?
What can we realistically do???
>What can we realistically do?
Live as a good goy.
ccw and i WILL shoot anyone who tries
yeah lmao just cure HIV and the common cold, why didn't anyone think of that??
I've never got a flu shot either, you seething at that too?
>tfw the good guys are allowed to become the ultimate Outlaws of God just to troll the Devil
Realistically go as close to a visible important government place like the white house and set yourself on fire.
That will draw attention to the issue and radicalize it in a way that does not hurt anyone else.
pay off the nurse to falsify the test and walk out. 10k should do it
Probably because its not profitable
You are free to choose how you want to live. Just making sure you did your own reasoning.
>Probably because its not profitable
no retard, it's because a coronavirus can't be vaccinated
not a god damned thing is what, people will be jumping for your throat the moment you imply anything against vaxxing for covid19
> do you really want 100.000 people to die?
> conspiracy nutjob
> are you serious?
> whats your problem weirdo?
But... but... Iv got this links to these websites you see with actual documents
> whatever you say Alex Jones no fuck off
If you are in this world and interested in truth, you will be fucking reviled for it and laughed at for it, this is our time to feel like Jesus before being crucified for what you stand for... if you're even strong enough to not bend your principles to this satanic system
Ill think of something
Wow, so called jews (filthy inbreds) are so creepy and disgusting.
believe they may be a demon in that one
if you were serious, you'd attack the facilities and personnel doing the chipping. You'd follow them home and take them out, burn down the buildings, locate this supply chains and destroy production
Let Bill Gates get infected with coronavirus, let him die. No more chip.
This is what I'm fuckin' talking about. Hang bill gates on live stream
Get a hold of higher ups. Kill their families. All on live stream. For proof.
This is how you stimey shit.
Just kill the person trying to chip you. This will demonstrate the average reaction to their attempt to chip. If you thought that every time you tried to do X, someone might try and kill you, how willing to do X would you be?
fuck you for posting a slow moving gif that can't be fucking read
Get the chip, goy.
Eat the bugs, goy.
Realistically, nothing. You can have some dignity and go down fighting, or you can join the NPC slave herd.
Studies of the relationship between coffee consumption and mortality show a weakly inverse relationship. So, as far as dying goes, coffee helps prevent it a little, maybe.
Nothing. We Americans have allowed the state to take away all of our freedom in the name if mitigating a virus that won't claim more than a fraction of a percent of our population. We didn't even put up any resistance. We handed the government the rope to hang us. If you think there is any coming back from this, you're in for a rude awakening.
Well if i put a rifle in your hand will you follow my instructions?
i wont be microchipped, Bill
There are no "chips" in vaccines, and Bill Gates has not endorsed any plans to "chip" or physically identify anyone who has the vaccine.
>how do you avoid getting force-vaccinated or microchipped by Bill Gates?
with guns, idiot
literally just shoot the chip man
speak for yourself, inmate
>brainlets think he's gonna microchip them
>post on phones and use computers daily
Why can't conspiracy nuts identify the retardation in their logic? Is it the need to feel woke and smarter than everyone?
Doctor shop for a doctor who will say you got it but don’t really get it
If this gets rolling, I will just place traps everywhere.
Government pig.
>what is ID2020
>what are quantum dot tattoos
traps are gay
my god you actually believe that?