Why should ancient egytians being black bother you

Could it be maybe just that blacks had a civilization before whites or anyone did?

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Because they enslaved the j*ws...

There's plenty of evidence against them being niggers, brown sand people sure but not niggers. Personally it only makes me mad due to historic inaccuracy, if we just accept that shit it opens the door for niggers to steal anyone's history.

because they werent

Is that Eddie Murphy?

It doesn't bother me, blacks and niggers are separate, it's like all niggers are blacks, but not all blacks are niggers.

Because if I keep telling you that someone stole from you, you would grow to resent that person. Even if I am lying. If that person or others agree with my lie, then you are falsely justified in your resentment and the real victim is the one accused of the theft

Because niggers have a habit of stealing everyone's history, not just Egyptians.

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>egyptians weren't white
>egyptians weren't niggers
>egyptians were coptic
why is this so hard for you people to understand?

you have it backwards, all blacks are niggers but not all niggers are black

>Why should ancient egytians being black bother you

It doesn't bother me that ancient Egyptians were black. They weren't black, so how could it bother me that they were black?

It bothers me that modern nogs claim that they were, when they weren't.

I believe they did found an ancient civilization in Romania, though. They developed the arts of metallurgy, stoneworking, geometry, and sodomy there, to a high degree.

And that is why, in the 21st century, OP IS A BENT-OVER FAGGOT.

I'm not going to lie I got trigger when they claim Nefertiti had black features (some american show).

We can blame geography and american lack of education on their delusion desu.

Attached: nefertiti-9421166-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 170.67K)

Not true, if it was that means blacks started slavery

All lies bother me. I like a square deal - a fair game.

>This zoomer never saw the Remember the Time video
This was back when Mike could walk into a room, ask for several million dollars worth of CGI and Eddie Murphy and no one would bat an eye

Artistically it doesn’t historically it does because it was the epicenter of White Culture alongside Turkey until recent years. Apparently South Africans don’t know how to respect the very same laws they enforced.

the fuck are you doing here then


>blacks had a civilization before whites or anyone did
must be why every majority black country is a shithole

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Posting without censorship

Historical inaccuracies, especially ridiculous ones, both me regardless of the motive.

Because they weren't niggers when they started out.

The architect of the great pyramid was white. The original Egyptians, the ones who built the pyramids were white.

Egypt was white for thousands of years. Collapsed when niggers from the Nubian colonies culturally enriched them.

Attached: trumpegyptian.jpg (3264x3264, 1.42M)

Back in the days when the most enigmatic and charismatic entertainer n the world could molest whoever he damn well felt like without any repercussions.

I mean the Nubians were black, acted just like blacks to the Egyptians too - conquered them for a short period of time and stole all their shit. Got pushed back down south and built a bunch of ghetto tiny pyramids. Egyptians hated Nubians (blacks) just like every other race and civilization has throughout time.

There were a few Kushite dynasties and those are definitely black.

Leaders may or may not have been black. Their leaders descended from Egyptian colonists, colonial governors. The Army was very black, though.

Egypt got blacked in multiple waves until it got too black to be competitive against white opponents from the North and got their culture erased.

Egypt is now Arab and Muslim. Their gods no longer worshiped, language is practically dead.

it doesnt bother me as i am white, infact its fucking hilarious when they say its true

They were black. They claimed their civilisation came from Punt.

Punt still exists today. In Somalia.


They also drew themselves as black in every single painting they ever drew, White nationalists simple claim every civilisation is white. Modern Egyptians are the result of migration. In the south and east of Egypt, they are still black, even before you get to the Nubians.

There's somewhat of a religious revival of the old faith, obviously not in Egypt itself becasue they don't tollerate such heretical shit.

there are no black people. that is disinformation.
only white people exist on earth.
the rest is propaganda to spread fear.
...what... why would that bother you?

It's the retarded logic that ancient Egyptians had slavery and the nignogs are ok with it .