Mfw it really is less deadly than the flu

>mfw it really is less deadly than the flu

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it has a fatality rate comparable to life

It's because we don't have herd immunity for Covid-19

>(((herd immunity)))

Why does the number of flu deaths change randomly from twitter screen cap to twitter screen cap?

It's almost like they're just making up numbers.

>It's almost like they're just making up numbers.

just like covid stats

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The flu numbers are more fake than the COVID-19 numbers. The number of people who die from the flu alone is very small. They don't tell you that because they want you to get your flu shot. Oh, and the overwhelming majority of those who die from the flu had a flu shot.

It’s less lethal because of the quarantines at least that’s what they say. I have no idea I’m not really qualified to weigh in on that aspect. I think now that we’ve got an idea we should be opening up parts of the economy / country incrementally.

K, sheeple. If herd immunity so good, why so many deaths by flu?

It’s almost like people with compromised immune systems are in constant danger from the world around them.

Wait at least 2 weeks after peak to compare death tolls.

>It’s less lethal because of the quarantines at least that’s what they say

They will repeat that endlessly. It's the only defence they have against people angry at them for throwing their livelihood away. What they have done is simply criminal and people are beginning to realise.

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I can't tell if the majority of this board is actually mentally retarded or not. Have any of you graduated high school?

>When you are this dumb and don't realize that New York doesn't have 9,000 deaths a year from the flu and especially not in the span of a month

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Because this virus is (((their))) excuse to take away all your privacy and civil rights. No more doing business without your Good Goy certificate, citizen.

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They literally are. All we have are estimates, there are very few confirmed flu deaths. And they count everyone that had the flu when they died, and some that didn't.

It's still lower than common flu
All economy paralised because almost everyone became China's bitch.
Absolutely disgusting how this once glorious country is slowly becoming a shit world country.

Answer the question instead of your bullshit non answers.

>compares estimates for flu to comfirmed kills

flu confirmed kills: 11k -> 60/11 = 5.5x -> 20k*5.5x = 110k

now fuck off

Not only is COVID invisible, it's also very smart!

Shelter in place, asshole.

It's not less deadly than the flu, it's about 4-5x deadlier.

>IFR IS 0.1-0.5%

Anything else is concluded by retards without basic statistical ability

I'm sorry, if you'd like we can video chat it, that way I can use the pretty colors and shapes that will help you guys understand it better.

Herd immunity is not some conspiracy to inject you with autism, it is a natural consequence of a disease. It is why they don't just go on and on forever.

What do you guys use for video chat? Skype? Zoom?

I use this new app called jerkMate

They need to change the acronym from CFR to KCFR - KNOWN case fatality rate.

You can't tell everyone it is extremely infectious and complain that we are not testing enough and then turn around and use the CFR from the same data you complained about.

I do.


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Option a : They have data they arent telling us [Intel saying its bioenginerred to stay in bone cells forever, or maybe more deaths then reported or makes everyone infertre]
Option B: One government panicked, then every other government panicked, like a rout in totalwar to not be the odd man out that gets blamed for not acting
Which option is more plausible?

Another non answer.

I answered it. Is there anything you would like clarified?



You can't expect Trumptards to understand this.

It's official. Total numbers of death in month of March, any causes.
It's actually even less than last year. Holy fuck is this all dumb.

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He asked why herd immunity hasn't stopped influenza.

>every other government panicked

Things seem to be almost normal in Sweden. And things are not full lockdown in Denmark, Finland, Norway, even Netherlands and Germany not as bad as US/UK/Spain/FranceAustria/Italy/etc.

btw nursing homes are not allowing any visitors for over a month now, a great chance to kill off all the patients they dont like

could accomplish the same thing via just shutting down and quarantining NY and that's it.

I love when nonces use phrases or expressions they heard someone smart say but never actually understood themselves.

I wouldn’t be surprised, and if you challenge the idea you’re a sociopath because you don’t want widespread economic disruption and homelessness. It’s crazy I just don’t know enough to challenge it the way I can with other false (((narratives)))

Because flu mutates into new strains that your immune system no longer recognises. You only ever get a particular disease once, as in subsequent infections your immune system remembers it and attacks it.

Ya China every flu season

Why do flu fags regurgitate the same narrative as the media.
>It's just a virus
>It's just the flu

What's the difference, mean while in China land...
>Fish market did it
>Bat soup did it
>Snake market did it
>Pangolin market did it
>The US did it
>Italy did it
>We China
>We super power
>Why we bioweapon selfs
>We super power

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Option C: The idea of a pandemic is being pushed so governments worldwide can become communist police states without the people rising up or protesting.

sorry, when I said "every" I was using it in the casual sense to refer to every government that did panic, not in the logic proof sense of every single government in the world

new York has 8 million people in a few square blocks

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An influenza virus spreads way fucking easier than you think, and coupled with a week long incubation period, one person could bring it across the entire country easily.

>flu killed 60,000 in one season
>covid allegedly killed one sixth of that in a single region over the course of about a month
say what you will about whether you believe covid is real or not, his point is monstrously retarded


what did they did?
(((they))) took the number of ordinary deaths and called it covit 19
that is all

wake up

So herd immunity can't stop the flu then, or any other virus that mutates.

>I read that in an online journal bro. >Listen, I know a lot about these things.