Why were the Mongols so brutal?

Why were the Mongols so brutal?

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Mongoloid Lack of empathy

There is still a difference between being indifferent to suffering and being excessively bloodthirsty

High test

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no more brutal than their contemperaries

Timurids was mongols but 100 in severity in proportion to the land and population they took.

>Why were the Mongols so brutal?
because they were brutes

Carnivore diet. Imagine the smell.

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mongols are so fucking based ubermensch why arent they our overlords?

Lol ofc the shitskin would be salty

Genghis Khan (pbuh) gave zero fucks about anyone that wasn't part of his clan. He's the OG punished man.

They're such stronk ubermensch that they realized empires weren't worth giving up their BASED, Kaczynski-approved pastoral lives.

>Childfucking Paki
>Lecturing others on """"empathy""""

I want to visit Mongolia but I hate touristy shit, what do?

Lol i found the lack of self awareness hilarious too... especially since his people live out a medieval culture in the modern day. Mongolia is more nature tourism, weve only got like 3 real cities. And with this covid thing were closed for business

>Mongolia is more nature tourism, weve only got like 3 real cities.
Nature tourism is good. Any festivals or cultural things I should know about? Are you guys OK with Foreigners going to them?

Also what do you guys think about China?

It worked.
Once you know what happens to those who resist you just submit.


They were actually the only warrior race to almost decimate muslims and wipe islam off the map.

Mongolians fears Samurai.

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how is kyoani doing?

No, they fear massive fucking typhoons that bailed your asses out twice.

Hello, English teacher-san.

Imagine a few thousand well-trained and motivated Elliot Rodgers.

They were the first Hapas.

Things should have cooled off by now

That was God

as a joke

Probably something related to pillaging for resources and the ego of their leaders.

Mongols were more like the Columbine shooters in my opinion, bullied by surrounding civs and driven into a shitty environment before they snapped

High Neanderthal genetic %
Brutes; Biblical Nephilim/Giants.

Yep, lack of empathy, aka spirit. God did not annoint them to carry his legacy.

based carnivore diet warriors

Living proof empathy is dysgenic.

they practiced cannibalism.

I'm glad they raped the Chinese race into a bunch of mutts.

European knights were no match for the Mongol BVLL

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you sure about that?


Not only China, but most of Eurasia and Eastern Europe:

Actually the Columbine kids weren't bullied. Harris was a psycopath and (((Klebold))) was a sperg who, although not bullied, was listless and wanted brotherhood, which he got from Harris.

lies, propaganda and jewish mindgames

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harsh living conditions, its like when tiger cubs vs cats play with eachother

their biggest downfall was NOT being brutal enough and owning land and being stationary to the point people got bored and simply left to become mercenaries or started tribal wars

If they stopped being retarded and developed a new way of life philosophy it would have stopped them from collapsing internally. All of ghengis khan's bloodline became stupid fat and lazy. They had a massive force of steppe archers and horsemen all doing nothing and trying to pay tax when they were the power so there was no point staying or keeping allegiance for them to grow fat and dumb.

Next thing the new mongol lords became chink shills and that was the end of them.