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Wheres India on the list?

Number one in number 2

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There's no way that is true. I can make a roll stretch well over a week.

so we have the cleanest asses?

India just wipes with their hand

I’m not even close to that number, and I use TP for blowing my nose and cummies
Pretty sure this is fake and gay.

>one roll per day

I dont believe this you are telling me the average is a roll every 4 days?
A roll will last me like 2-3 weeks

italy is the bidet masterrace


You really believe Indians use toilet paper?

what do you do with soggy bottom after the bidet gurgles on your butthole

How fucking dumb. It doesn't say how big the rolls are. If you use a compact roll, it can easily take multiple weeks to go through. If it is a light roll, then it could be used in under a week.

my family goes through 1 or 2 weekly so I dunno wtf this is.

Probably due to the lower income folks eating poor quality shit and having mass buttsplosions.

it's proportional to use of english toilet and trash food

Wow. The largest Country on the graph that where the average citizen can afford toilet paper uses the most toilet paper!
That's incredible!

That is completely false, I often feel like i'm using too much toilet paper yet a roll lasts well over a week.
Are you fucking idiots eating it or something?

>He doesn't know about any of the three seashells.....


This has to be fake, France shouldn't be that high on the list.

Where's Superpower 2020 on that list?


I just use the shower to wash it out.

it's mainly women who use the most actually

I bet ive gone through 30 rolls in my entire life?

cant remember last time i bought toilet paper. must be from women unrolling 3/4 a roll to wipe piss.

Cool. What's your Countries food like nevermind absolutely nobody cares and only several people here even know what flag that is.

>germans and their scat fetish
Nothing new here.

Americans use a quarter of a roll of toilet paper every single day? How many shits do you guys take, how is that even possible

Your ass won't be clean by just using toilet paper. You have to use water or wet wipes after it.

Yeah, bullshit. Thats like two rolls a week.

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POO IN LOO pajeet.

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what the fuck are you people doing? I use a little more than 1 roll per month. pack of 12 last me 10 months

>It doesn't say how big the rolls are
Are you sure about that?

They're probably just counting the total number sold to all buyers, which includes businesses and hotels, etc.

seashells are for scoop/scraping poo away
what about the wetness from after the bidet
I don't think you could effectively scrape away the moistness

Literal amerisharts

>4 days per roll
Holy Mother of Christ

I personally take between 4-6 shits a day, sometimes I use up the whole roll.
I probably spent around $2,300 on toilet paper last year.

>only several people here even know what flag that is
this is pineapple netherlands flag you dumb american
>What's your Countries food
cooked chard and potato is our national dish

What do Brazilians use to wipe their ass?


Are you really constipated? I take a shit 2-3 times a day.

Same, a roll lasts me 3wks or close to it.
They have an ass toilet hanging on the side of the bidget, you pat it dry.

0 rolls per year

They don’t wipe.

A roll a day for a 4 person family...

I must assume that 140g is seriously lightweight for toilet paper rolls because otherwise those numbers make no sense.

>Not 365 rolls of toilet paper
Absolutely fucking pathetic, wipe your asses, swine.

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Given how many fat fucking pieces of shit (no pun intended) we have here, I'm shocked Germany and UK are so close.