Should onlyfans be illegal?
Should onlyfans be illegal?
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No, Beta orbiters and Simps should be fucking HUNG though. Then it will stop.
Imagine being able to make 100k just because you have a vagina. I get why tranny's do it. Life on easy mode.
i don't have a problem with this
i never understood why someone would pay someone for pictures when you can google big boob and get 2 billion results
yes, but how do you stop (((them)))
dunno either
it's a money launder operation. wonder what % goes to the site owner
Yes, along with all pornography.
You can google pepe and you'll get a billion pepes. But I got the rarest pepe's and you gotta pay $10 a day for em
Fuck off, tradcuck simp.
Don't hate the player, HATE THE SIMPS
Tax them.
Most sex work goes untaxed, nearly all of it.
Since you're mostly self employed it's up to you to file taxes and only if someone goes "hey you've got a 2 million dollar home, but haven't reported taxes in 8 years" does the IRS ever give a shit.
They have to deal with this stuff by the millions every day.
Give them what they want, who gives a shit if they make money off fucking cuckholds.
Just make sure the laws are clearly defined that you'll be paying taxes on that shit.
Good on her. Bad on the retards paying her for shit that’s free with a browser. Paying for content is literally retarded.
ummmm, hello IRS audit department?
I will never pay for porn so I’ll never know, but if I had to guess, these simps probably feel like they actually know the girl and it makes it more personal for them. I can look at a pic of a naked girl on the Internet and it’s cool, but whenever a girl I’m banging sends me nudes it gets me fucking diamonds. It’s probably something like that, idk.
WTF is that website? Does the IRS know about tncome? I am confused,
Idgaf as long as its taxed as normal income
t. incel
I think a lot of these are fake, just to lure in new girls to the process. no way they are all making bank like that. Just like strippers bragging about how much they make, yet their all on welfare.
Will she pay taxes on that?
If I could make 100k off simps just by taking pics of my self I would do it, and you would to and you know it.
learn what gross and net means
Why doesnt nobody report them to the IRS? Just dont go around and flaunt about doing it.
Simple and plain
Can't people report them to the IRS a la the Snapchat thot audit?
It shouldn't be illegal, it should just be taxed at a rate of at least 50%
I wouldn't, though.
well, pepe's are a future currency
>whats onlyfans
>goes to check the site
How do you faggots not see this is a reverse phsycology advertisement?
But she paid $20000 in tax
Onlyfans takes 20%.
It should viewed for what it is, sex work, and destroyed promptly for it.
her faggot brother is impressed by how much she's making
> photo lists gross and net income
you fuckheads asking about taxes, this bitch is already paying her 20%.
Yes, you can still report for tax evasion
No, they should pay taxes tho. I just think it is sad that so many men simp for e-girls.
>I want big dick beta orbiters
You want them HANGED.
i want them dead
This. Dont want to hear women complain about money or wage gaps ever again. If I could make 100k for posting my average cock on the internet, I would do it in a fucking heartbeat
There are literally thousands of websites for porno videos and pics. Lots of people post their porn for FREE just because thats their kink. I hate to bring up leddit but there are lots of subreddits full of nothing but chicks showing off tits and pussy for free.
We should be reporting these women to the irs again. Also, isn't that enough to not get trumpbux? Or is she not American anyways?
Imagine how much should could make if she was whoring.
You need to completely ignore and not recognize their "problems". In reality men are the ones who suffer.
imagine hating women lmao
Onlyfans is brilliant. These women are totally fine with being pimped out by this company and all the feminist groups are as well. Strong and free women taking over the world with the power of there 3 holes.
She's paying her 20% fee for onlyfans for her content to be hosted and distributed there. She's not paying tax on what she has left.
>Right Wing Tax Squad
>acknowledging that women live life on tutorial mode means you hate them
Procure a list of all the people actually spending money on onlyfans and then have them all destroyed.
It makes the loser feel special, it creates an illusory connection between him and the morally ambiguous slut. The fact that not everyone has access to the content gives the loser a false sense of intimacy.
The sad part is that you can make just as much money without even taking your clothes off with streaming services like Twitch or cosplay Patreons.
Turns out niggers are pretty based sometimes.