Kek, when is drumpf replacing him?
Kek, when is drumpf replacing him?
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When the Jews find an approved replacement.
>muh hindsight
the media is depraved
notice the concerted narrative shifting day to day. they all distribute agitprop in unison.
Sure, we might have saved a few more people, but it would have involved locking down and doing severe damage to the economy, a month before they started all this shit.
Not defending Fauci but Jesus Christ, kill yourself, you brainwashed goy.
>evey single life is precious! Ruin your economy to save them!
An economic depressions will kill way more then this thing did.
Get the Deep State Fraud Fauci OUTTA THERE!!!
>risking the jewish masters profits
bad goyim
Could we have stopped covid 19 if we nuked china in 2018?
>Wanting a thriving economy is what the jews want, ruin it!
Is this peek stromfagging?
I've never had an opinion on Fauci but I think he might be a complete fucktard. Typical of shitlibs. Maybe this fucking idiot shouldn't be advising Trump.
CNN doesn't even pretend not to be complete hacks anymore.
"Earlier mitigation efforts would have saved lives" is a no-shit-sherlock statement. And CNN spins it like an attack on the administration. When Fauci himself was downplaying the risk at that same point in time. And CNN knows that too.
January 21, Fauci said: "This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now”
But now everyone is Captain Hindsight and Orange Man Bad.
It's far less damaging to the economy to take sensible measures (like working from home and keeping 1.5m distance) early so you can avoid more severe measures.
Countries who acted fast are also returning back to normal much faster.
> 2.2 million will die!
>1 milion will die!
> 500k will die!
> 250k will die!
>100k will die!
>60k will die!
>30k die
by my count, Trump saved about 2 million lives.
Sounds like your job wasn't essential.
Find one that is and get yourself back to work if you need to.
(Actually you are the owner of a non-essential business and are desperate for wagies aren't you? Bills coming due soon?)
He is no doubt in fits of narcissistic rage right now. By the end of the week fauci will be gone. Screencap this for posterity
imagine thinking jews actually give a fuck about money and not power
they will gladly lose profits if it means they get one step closer to domination
Posts like "china is based, fuck yanks", "zion don, miga" and "economic depression is based, muh stonks are bad" are pretty much all posted by /leftypol/ retards. There are others, such as the slavo-muslims from /sg/ or the chinks, but the largest group has always been the assblasted bernouts trying to "turn Yas Forums communist".
Who will fucking buy your expensive crappy cars, Hans ? What will your mom and sister will have to do to bring food on the table ?
the same faggots that will be like
if a democrat is president
>by my count, Trump saved about 2 million lives.
You are wrong. Trump saved way more lives by talking about chloroquine.
I am merely pointing out the "expert" predictions and reality, clearly if Trump had done nothing 2 million more people would have died, according to the "experts". the same experts that are now claiming 0 lives were saved and that their original predictions were 100% wrong
so we shut down our economy and fucked over 10s of millions of americans for nothing. according to the "experts"
Fauci living up to the name "expert".
This jew - no wonder the media likes him.
He acted in such a derelict manner that it is either;
A) He is the biggest fuckup of a doctor ever.
B) His strings are not his to pull.
I think B.
This. Had the US got on this shit in January, we wouldn't be where we are today. Also, to answer OP's question - May 1. That's when Trump plans to declare victory, forbid the CDC from reporting numbers, call state reported numbers fake news and declare the economy to be open. And at that point, his cult of fags will rev up the muh crisis actors muh dummies in hospitals bullshit to 11.
He is fairly harmless. He only says this shit on CNN.
If he said it in public that would be different.
Good thing the leftist trash in gov spent their time calling Trump racist for wanting to shut down flights from China.
Anyone with a brain sees that no matter what Trump does, the left will not give Trump quarter.
The boy who cried wolf now applies to the left.
Their word means dick.
Are you retarded?