What is Yas Forums's favorite German city?
What is Yas Forums's favorite German city?
Ulm T:used to live there.
Can you also give a camp as an answer?
yo, hol up.
When the fuck did we claim that ?
>What is Yas Forums's favorite German city?
the ones that are bombed back to stone age
Poland is hundreds of years older than Germany
Fuck you
If Austria counts then kitzbühel
Only been to Berlin and Koln. I think I liked Koln better because of its cathedral and goulash, not to mention the art museum next to the Cathedral has some potent artworks. I liked Berlins nudist park close to the Angel.
Straßburg or Stettin
why are you listing rightful polish clay, user?
Polish vermin must be eradicated
The only cities that are not a complete shithole are in the chatolic south.
Anyway pic related just for the REEEEEs
Why did I laugh
Shouldn't have vapourized that cherry liquor
Perfect bait my fellow kraut, except it is a truth
Krakau of course.
Munich was my favourite by far, I went to cologne, Frankfurt, Berlin and Munich and I’d say Munich is quite comfy
1945 summer, best summer
gee i wonder
Arent your leader in 1945 was a commie puppet?
Agram is too big for my taste, never been to Marburg or Laibach, so I'll say Esseg, it looks nice, medium size city on Drau river
no, that came in 1948
Especially the one in 1945.
Benes died quickly afterwards and then Gottwald gave them some commie treatment
These are Polish towns.
Fun fact - after 1989 polish goverment stopped suppresing german legacy of these towns.
Municipal authorities even restored coat of arms based on German original.
>toilet cleaner has spoken
Königsberg and Posen
>mfw managed to list all the shitty cities
kys user
t. Retards who have only visited the tourist-targeted “city center” and didn’t venture out to see the actual city
Try living here you fags, it’s complete shit
Hamburg for the sex
I agree on all but Krakow, it has always been polish
Wasn't it also because Hitler drafted Volksdeutsche from the occupied territory?
Its legit like every other city expect there are jobs.
The one you see thru a bombsight
Did we ever actually claim it ?
I know that Nazis didn't raze Krakau like Warschau because they considered it german and that the city was 1/3 german in the 15th century
Still more German than today's Munchen and Berlin
>Try living here you fags, it’s complete shit
I lived in Krakow many years in Kazimierz, so I was always around important sites.
No, Germans claimed only Posen.
No idea, I suppose many people just flee war voluntarely.
Don't know.
I've literally visited five other cities excluding my hometown.
Berlin you mean?
Wien #1 and tie between Munich and Nuremberg on #2. #3 goes to Aachen and 4 to Koln
gottwald kept german POWs as slaves in mines until second half of 1950s
dude was based
>his German list contains a majority of Polish cities
Fuck off
>t. mutt who doesn't know anything about history
i have been in berlin, munich, lubeck, hamburg and gottingen. lubeck was by far the most beautiful one to me. second: hamburg.
>El Califato de Berlinamabad
to name just few
>What is Yas Forums's favorite German city?
Cities are cancer.
Go get your vaccines so you can be crammed into places by the millions.
No thanks. I'll rather take another walk around the boring ass farming plots surrounding me.
I get all those awesome birds in my garden, though.
I have a garden.
You know, where I can plant shit.
It's quite big too.