how do you cope with the fact that white people on this board hate you and want you to kill yourself, or worse, want you to "go back and embrace your culture" AKA "oh it's nice that you want to be civilized like us but we hate you so you must live like animals because your ethnic group is supposed to be like that".
Asking for a friend.
*jews not welcome*
Non-whites of Yas Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I try to improve myself to please God, not fellow men. Plus, I'm one of the whiter looking mexicans so that helps.
>Plus, I'm one of the whiter looking mexicans so that helps.
shitskin cope
>Memeflags of pol, let's all pretend to be nigger faggots.
whiter than you Yussuf.
Most whites on Yas Forums just want the west to remain white. Go back to your own countries and try to improve those instead.
Serious question.
How come you guys have no desire to fix your home/ mother country? It feels like you guys are just running away from your countries problems and opting to never go back, because it would be too much work.
All white people living in North America come from Europe. But it provides a certain level of comfort knowing that Europe is doing well, and isn't a shit hole.
It's just bants, friend. I think. I dunno, I've been on this board for years and in the rare instances when you see Yas Forumsacks being sincere, they admit they don't mind living around non-whites or having non-white friends as long as they don't shit things up for them or their community or their country as a whole.
If I had to guess, I'd say Yas Forums breaks down like this
90% aren't actually racist and have no particular problem with any group of people unless they give them a reason to
5% are actually racist and want the race war now
5% are autists and conspiracy theorists
im falling for an obvious bait post but whats wrong with that spic in the picture fingers?
lmao whats going on with your fingers?!?!
>how do you cope with the fact that white people on this board hate you and want you to kill yourself
it's the ADL and their racebaiting campaign.
Imagine being a haughty jew in the USA, living the good life, owning a factory, murder raping a young white girl, and you try to blame it on a black worker by manipulating another black worker.
And an all white (aka Germanic/Celtic) judge, jury and persecution actually believe the blacks over a precious jew brotherhood starlet (Leo Frank was a member of Bnai Brith) and his elite team of jewish defense attorneys.
This has blasted and roasted their anuses in such a capacity that they created the ADL of Bnai Brith, and, since it happened in 1915, been on a crusade against white and black racial cooperation.
Any black an white racial tension of the modern time is rooted in this event.
They have not forgotten, and neither should you.
Revel in it, though.
Revel in a precious jews neck snapped, hanging from a rope, all his influence worthless.
The blacks he wanted to fall succeeded him, he died, a fucking member of the yehudim was rightfully exterminated by Germanic hands in 1915.
One of the few cases of true justice in the US.
Praise this occurence daily and arm yourself with this jew slaying sword.
It cuts deep into their shriveled black hearts.
I cope because I'm East Asian.
they cope by throwing stick-names at white people compared to the tank shell nigger thrown at them.
they also cope by posting BBC memes and bait pictures of WFBM
Kek I couldn't care less if a random faggot in here wants me to kill myself
Kikes are such immoral bastards.
>he din do nuffin
Yeah right
Because we’re inferior, for real. Our brains don’t work the way it should be. And people who are kinda less retarded than the rest and actually want to make good changes and improvements always end up being punished or killed, because their “fellow people” hate changes. It actually happened.
>inb4 coward faggot
Yeah I’m coward. But telling me to convince my people to change, it’s exactly the same as telling me to kill myself.
It’s what you guys all want after all, right? Don’t need to be hypocritical, I knew already.
Personally I don't hate anyone. It's just banter. I care about my people and preserving my culture, that's why I don't want you in my country. But I wish you no harm.
> the fact that white people on this board hate you and want you to kill yourself
Someone post the self hating nigger thread where we talked a nigger out of suicide because we needed him to lead his people to greatness?
I've been called ''white'' and ''shitskin Turk rapebaby Balkan wog mutt sandnigger'' so many times in the same momentum I'm genuinely confused
bro like let them try lmao we got a 2nd amendment for a reason lmao whats a skinny white boy gonna do anyways lmao bro like srsly
Did you just call non white nations, animals?
Killer Mike is applauded, and is making tangible positive changes within the black community
I've been on Yas Forums since 2008. This place is just a time waster for me when I have nothing else to do, or somewhere I can get live coverage during happenings. I used to enjoy coming to the political boards to read interesting secret documents and info leaks, but this place is so controlled now that you rarely see that anymore. I don't understand you faggots that take Yas Forums so fucking seriously, most of the people you spend all day arguing with and bored shitposters like myself. I don't care if white dudes use this place to feel better about themselves, but it makes the overall culture of the board much more boring and redundant. Every other thread these days is pointless bickering over whores or who's the whitest, or which version of Christianity is the most "based".
I think true Yas Forums culture died in 2016.
>east asian
superior race
>how do you cope with the fact that white people on this board hate you and want you to kill yourself
Why would anyone on this board (or Yas Forums in general) care what any other poster thinks?
Do you retards actually get upset when some random faggot insults you on the internet?
Fuck of weeb namefag
Nvm OP, I take it back. I don't hate you, but I hate this guy.
White here.
As a representative of Yas Forums, I have this gift for you.
Yas Forums began spiraling down after Project Chanology.
1. None of the whites here will say any of this to anyone’s face irl, they’ll just stay here
2. Most of the world recognizes their beliefs as bullshit.
3. Barely anyone here is actually 100%white
4. This place is good for news and laughs
I don't cope, I simply live with the pain
100% white here
I want to live with my own kind, not in a "racially mixed" globalist hellhole.
I have no idea why that is controversial but apparently it is.
> want you to kill yourself, or worse, want you to "go back and embrace your culture"
So you would consider it worse to go back to where your people come from than killing yourself ? Where’s that user ?