>Essential reading:
->Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF):
[ editions-hache.com
>What the system subjects us to against our will:
-porn industry
-rap culture/hollywood destroying the youth
-transsexual children
-opioid deaths by the millions
-mass abortion - profit driven - fetuses used to make body lotions
-poisonous food, drink, and environment
-spyware products everywhere
-planned obscelence
-built by the lowest bidder
-shallow materialism and consumerism
-breakdown of family unit and gender roles
-mother earns money to pay daycare to do her 'real' job
-divorce business
-generic mass appeal products
-morals, laws, and culture subject to profit
-sociopathy rewarded, decency punished
-political and social systems fully controlled by corporations
-manufacturing of endless proxy wars
-manipulating money is a job in itself
-debt based economy
-constant inflation considered normal
-race to the bottom wage slavery
-manufactured identity-based infighting
-illusion of democratic control
-mass immigration for welfare and wage suppression
-only frivolities get cheaper while necessities rise in price
-false dichotomy of the only alternative being bread lines
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