>Obama is pres
>No money
>No summer blockbusters
>Ebooks are literally the cheapest form of entertainment to produce and consoom
>Tfw it was over 10 years ago
Will we ever make ebooks great again?
>Obama is pres
>No money
>No summer blockbusters
>Ebooks are literally the cheapest form of entertainment to produce and consoom
>Tfw it was over 10 years ago
Will we ever make ebooks great again?
E-books are a thing. They're just not killing physical books anymore like before. It's a perfect equillibrium. Why would you want e-books to become the default?
Ebooks are shit, were always shit, and forever will be shit. Literal pleb fare
>Kys you E-Booooooooker
If you don't have a stash of 10k+ epubs and pdfs backed up on several drives you're not white.
Just because zoomers can't into based books threads doesn't mean the medium is gone full/pol/ still has a thread up on it, and they restored /pdfs/ after the transition as well. Their dl speeds are shit but you can find hundreds of mega links there.
Iread alot of E books. I also love real books. To me, the e book market seems like it's expanded 1000 fold from when it started.
How are words in one format inferior to the exact same words in another format?
this. Nearly any academic work and many esoteric books can be easily found as well. The accessibility of reading material has literally never been higher.
Ebooks are great for books that are hard to find in print but If I can buy a hard copy I will. I read a lot of PDFs on my Kindle though.
>mfw I pirate all my books and video games
How do you manage with the small screen size? I go through pdfs regularly for research but the tiny screens on kindles have kept me away from them.
Do you get viruses?
>Ebooks are literally the cheapest form of entertainment to produce and consoom
What the fuck are you smoking ? Data is free, movie, games, ebooks, music, is widely available for free. Stop being are retarded buyfag goyim.
I have good eyes.
We are in the golden age of reading. Basically every book you could ever want is available for free on the internet in a moment's notice. You can download and be reading it on your paperwhite in ~ 1 minute.
bogpill me on this
You gotta start supporting the industry, otherwise, there will be no industry.
Audio books are a second breath, no?
sure, and so do I. Things like picrel are still nigh-indecipherable with the kindle's low dpi
more books have already been written than I can read in one lifetime
I will never run out of ebooks
ebooks got fucked because greedy publisher kikes couldnt figure out a price point on something that would have almost not production cost outside of the writer. They wanted their mega profits and everyone fucked off
Oh yeah that kind of thing would be near indecipherable. I would just look at that kind of thing on a computer.
Shit, I haven't ever been able to read a book from front to back in my 45 years on this earth: there's work to be done.
After 12 years of pirating, I've gotten one bitcoin miner, and one ransomware that required me to completely reformat to get it off. That's just the price you pay to get free shit. And you have to know how to troubleshoot and fix problems for yourself. But, public torrents are a thousand times safer than they were years ago. The propaganda the mainstream spreads by saying that there's a high risk of catching something from pirating is just not true. You are, by several magnitudes, more likely to download malware by simply browsing the internet and accidentally clicking an ad or an ad disguised as a regular link. Pirating used to be dangerous. These days, it's safer than most mainstream options.
literally nigger tier. KYS
(((they))) can and have recalled ebooks at a whim. you dont own your copy.
I'd rather have dead trees.
Look up Boox Max 3
No, it's on multiple hard drives I have
Just curious, what do you use for virus and malware detection?
patrician taste
It's what anons on that side of the fence used to call 8ch back in the day, before it got shoah'd. Was a comfy place with generally higher-quality posters, but the modern incarnation is objectively shittier, slow to load, low-volume, and possibly hosted on DoD servers.
That all being said, the complete transfer of their old /pdfs/ board means that there's a catalog of thousands of hard-to-find books there which you can dl directly from the site.
>pay this jew in Manhattan or else no one will write anything down anymore
oh, well in that case
I've been thinking about getting one of those since the first incarnation, haven't looked into the 3rd gen yet.
Even if you're retarded enough to buy ebooks from a place like amazon, there are numerous ways to change the file type and/or remove DRM.
>I have good eyes
>I would just look at that kind of thing on a computer.
Heh, you’re like an eye thot. Look out for that wall
>>pay this jew in Manhattan or else no one will write anything down anymore
Do you know why I'm not a musician?
>How do you manage with the small screen size?
I use a 10 inch Samsung android tablet. It's perfect.
>e readers stop being shilled by amazon and the market is basically saturated
>literally the only thing that changed for anyone with a brain
>"the golden age of ebooks has past"
you gotta lose the kike goggles.
>(((they))) can and have recalled ebooks at a whim. you dont own your copy.
What is DRM removal software. Retard.
Not that user, but Malwarebytes has always done the job for me. Download it when I think I got the digital aids and delete it after checking.
Is it because you're shit at making music, or because you're a non-reading genxer who demands instant gratification and wants his life to be like he saw on MTV?
Plenty of people pay good money to see live music. Of course digital distro is jewed, so was radio play. Make music and self-publish and gain an audience that actually likes what you produce, you'll have to bootstrap it for a long while. Being a working musician isn't all that fun for most people, and isn't at all like the movies.