Real Christianity has masses. Fake Christianity has "worship services".
Real Christianity has masses. Fake Christianity has "worship services"
All Christianity has kike worship
Good thing Jesus never existed so it doesn't matter anyway
>real christians commit idolatry
>fedoras get BTFO
>return to spam the same drivel anyway
based schiz- I mean Enlightened Teenagers
Still doesn't mean Jesus existed, or at the very least did nearly anything attributed to him
Real Christianity = Love
Fake Kike Christianity = Worshiping idols
So einfach ist das.
>Scandinavian, Finnish, and some English speaking Lutherans, use the term "Mass" for their Eucharistic service, but in most German and English-speaking churches, the terms "Divine Service", "
>spic flag
No one wanted your taco nigger input
Nice copy paste inorganic german though
>SBC logo
>Women and homo clergy
Verifiable lies
>Can't accept that he worships a Jewish god that doesn't exist
>Imagine actually thinking your imaginary friend created the universe
>All Christianity has kike worship
But my based crusaders and 'expulsions' (but we never are told where the expelled jews went)
(spoiler, it was into other christianized nations)
You literally believe that Yahweh chose the Jews as their holy people, you worship a god that loves jews
Pretty much
All abrahamic religions are fake and cucked.
Free yourselves, children.
>Ancient Israelites
>Modern Jews
>sola scriptura
>women clergy
>openly homo clergy
This is hilarious
Jesus would turn in his grave if he knew what they are doing in his name, like a famous homosexual Finnish practicing protestant said recently.
But wait does that mean that the Jews actually benefitted from Christianization? Man who would've thought forcing people to worship a Jewish God would benefit the people that created it? It's almost as if Christianity is Neo-Judaism
>doesn't even know basic theology
>Y-you just don't understand (((theology))) lol my pastor says Jesus was a white guy just like me so HA!
Coping as hard as you possibly can
Why are christcucks such uninspired hacks? Oh, because they’re all blithering retards. That’s right.
Christ is in our midst.
>religious (((indifferentialism)))
This is not reddit, faggot
They're literally still Jews user
Fake christianity makes unbiblical rules for celibacy and creates priest pedophiles. Don't add to the word of God.
Real pagan are also not racists... in fact, they are the reason that the beast was (pagan Europe), and is not (because Europe became Christian), shall rise again.
Pagan Europe is worshipping Equality, and they even have the altar of peace (given by John Paul 2).
He is and ever shall be.
Christianity is the following of the teachings of Jesus Christ, accepting him as the Lord and Savior. That's it.
Mass, liturgy, services. Those are all man-made institutions and dogma. None of it is needed to be with God. God is everywhere. None of it needed to become a Christian. Accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior is how you are saved and become a Christian. The Church is not a location or an organization. The Church is the whole of Christianity, the followers of Jesus Christ.
Are Romans Jews?
Are Greeks Jews?
Are Palestinians Jews?
I'm not indifferent. Your religion is trash. Your mysteries are basic shit. Your priests are jews. Your rituals are evil if not useless. Your entire world view is built to tell you that someone else holds the key to your happiness.
All abrahamic religions are fake and cucked.
This guy thinks a jew can offer him eternal life.
>Unironic brainlet-posting
His teachings are the worst part of Christianity hands down. I would be a zealous christian if not for him. Most of the based shit like anti-shitskin Crusades or anti-degeneracy comes NOT from the Jesus. He was in favor of cucked forgiveness even for the gravest crimes, instead of punishment, like liberals today who forgive migrant rapists of their kids. He was all about letting yourself be abused by evil instead of striking it down without mercy and defending whats yours, just like liberals do with invaders now. He preached that everyone is equal even when every race realist knows that shitskins are subhumans. Cuck yet again. And his most degenerate trait - hes a literal bastard and "my wife's son" to Joseph. Hes a spawn of divine cuckoldry. How can you pray to something so disgusting?
He was exactly the type of liberal soiboi pussy Yas Forums constantly mocks. Even his stance on fags was very liberal for his time. Most European rulers in the middle ages were more strict on it than he was.
How is what he preached is different from ANY liberal modern day jew?
Which priests?
Do you even know about the great apostasy?
ok zoomer