Why are right-wingers so incompetent at politically organising and winning...

Why are right-wingers so incompetent at politically organising and winning? The left subverts entire nations and starts revolutions. All right-wingers do is post mean things on twitter and Yas Forums.

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This is sincerely a great question. I was thinking it myself yesterday. We are highly effective when engaged, but we never group up until it's far too late.

Purity spiraling

To this day Yas Forums will argue if certain whites are really even white

Pretty based for Amerisharts. Very statistically unlikely for the first two posts in a thread made by Americans to be good.

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This thread so far stinks of confected concern troll discord circlejerking.

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The left sabotages everything the right starts. Ban every group and speaker online. Arrest and attack everyone in public.

Who are you? Nobody knows you.

The left 100 years ago.. when it appealed to white male factory workers.

Modern left is run by white collar white women and niggers. You see it starting to collapse.

Yeah, that's another tick going in the fake and gay column.

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Nobody has heard of you lad. Nobody.

We won the election and have control of the country for 8 years. How fucking retarded are you ? Kek

>Why are right-wingers so incompetent at politically organising and winning?

The (((left))) controls every major sphere of influence in Western society — the media, Hollywood, academics, etc. Right-wing movements are never given legitimacy in any of these circles, and so it becomes virtually impossible for them to gain any serious traction.

>The entire middle east
>Most of latin America is led by right wing authoritarian dictators right now
>both our countries have conservative leaders
>China is state capitalist and involved in ethnic cleansing as is most of South and southeast Asia
What do right-wingers have to organize for?

>The left subverts entire nations
That implies that they weren't left leaning in the first place, which implied that the entire world was run by "right wingers" you megafaggot.

We don't have to work for it, you do.
You have to do the revolutions and if you stop, it naturally reverts to our side.
We can fight for it, but we don't HAVE to.

Case in point, corona. With the lockdowns and co, leftist propaganda marches and co have drizzled out and globalism has taken a huge hit.

Try harder faggot.
Try harder faggot.
You gotta try harder faggot.
It's gonna slip away and we don't have to do anything for it.

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>right wing

he didn't mean us, he meant his group

aka (((them)))

A right winger is in power in my nation and in yours. How come lefties cant get a win in recent times?


kys anime faggot

That's because it is. Look at the atart of the thread.
>First three posts more or less evenly spaced apart in terms of posting time, attempting to buy time to thread to pull in suckers.
They clearly don't want us posting in other threads, our strength comes from our ability to act as a collective without needing to know each other's names or identities. Hell, we meme'd a president into office; and before the divide and conquer posts come up (our guy vs zion don) whether we follow him or not is immaterial compared to that demonstration of power.
Remember, if the left was winning they wouldn't need to post here. It's afraid.

egoism. either there are multiple parties and the leaders of all of them want to be the ,,führer'' and the nationalists and right wingers don't unite, or there is only one party and the higher ups get into conflict/see competent people as dangerous etc etc

>trump and boris right wing
Yeah, if you're a kosherservative

Because of shills and numbnuts who still talk about brown eyes

>everyone knows the Left is subverting governments
>everyone is waiting for the right moment to strike
"HURRRR DURRR you are soooo weak!!!1"

god damn i hate you people.

The reason is because the left has ambition, the right has complacency. The left will blow up buildings and use violence, the right will complain about how "thats not fair" and "why aren't they getting in trouble?"

>why is the party of rugged individualism bad at being collectivist?
Good question...

because nationalist by definition can't unite, liberals don't have borders so they can unite

It's easier to manipulate using resentment and victimization as tools, especially when you have a monopoly on how information is presented.

Many of the people with actual power who are liberal leaning or Democrats have better sociability and are higher IQ even if they are ideologically dangerous.

>the left subverts
Thats a weird way of saying JEWISH USURY.
What have they won? They are infighting because they cant make up new genders and fetishes to keep up with the victim train.
>All rightwingers do is post mean things
>mean things
Disgusting tranny detected. Why dont you do the world a favour and kill yourself now.

>First three posts more or less evenly spaced apart in terms of posting time, attempting to buy time to thread to pull in suckers.
It's surprisingly obvious when you start to pay attention. You can just see them reminding each other to bump to project the image of a natural conversation between Anons.

>before the divide and conquer posts come up (our guy vs zion don) whether we follow him or not is immaterial compared to that demonstration of power.
First time in months I've seen someone even reference this D&C narrative. You might be the only non-bot I've seen on Yas Forums in a long time. The whole artificial, obviously contrived dispute over Trump since the middle of 2017 has been an effective method against Yas Forums.

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I know that I'm an old man now, because I've never used that shit and probably never will

It's literally just the cuck version of IRC that records all of your details for easy alphabetti spaghetti agency data harvesting. You're missing out on nothing.

you are talking to a website that called down missiles and killed 500+ people

these two together basically but it's the left we simply let self destruct since they are often contradictory along with far higher levels of no true scotsman destructive piling on of anyone out of line. we don't have to do much often besides let them eat each other. see them getting up in arms about being told blacks are killing themselves drinking and smoking. they basically take feelings over saving lives. short of inverting the slant of the media or revolution it's hard to do better. the problem is their numbers and not being drug down with their inevitable failure.

>We are highly effective when engaged

Because the Europe HAD a near monolithic culture with nearly the same opinion all around — and STILL you Yas Forums faggot incels are fighting each other other petty shit

Europe was
>divided into class and race

I mean it’s that simple and if you fuck that up then you just don’t deserve your precious little white Europe

Is One Piece /ourshow/?