When are us neets getting our trumpbux?
When are us neets getting our trumpbux?
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Pretty sure it's based on your previous tax payments, so neets don't get anything.
Form for NEETs who don't pay taxes to get their EIP.
That money should go to people who work.
if you get SSI you get it
good goy
>Good goys keep their money to themselves, bad goyim give it to NEETs and niggers who antagonize them!
Okay shlomo.
I'm on ssi, how do it get it?
You'll only get your gibs after they're finished distributing them to the niggers. They have to placate the zoo animals first or they'll start rioting in the streets and looting.
When you start identifying as a citizen israel
i dunno it's what i'm trying to figure out
NEETS are poison. My stepson just sits around playing grand theft game all day, smokes weed, drinks alcohol, and sniffs drugs. Meanwhile, my daughter is a lawyer.
fucking not soon enough.
I don't care for NEETs either, but everyone who is qualified for the EIP should get it.
I'm actually going to use the EIP to upgrade to a bigger lathe for my shop so I can turn bigger things.
>My stepson just sits around playing grand theft game all day, smokes weed, drinks alcohol, and sniffs drugs
>Meanwhile, my daughter is a lawyer.
I'm debating whether I should pay down my debt or invest it. Obviously paying down my debt is safer, but if I invest it I can pay down more debt in the future.
it should be an automatic thing. im kind of wondering how its going to work for me, im on SSI and married, so I am on my wifes taxes. will I get et a deposit of 1200 and my wife get a for 2200? or will we just get a check for 3400?
lawyers get the rope, faggot.
Actually, they will use 2019 if you didn't qualify using 2018 taxes.
2400 direct deposited by Thursday according to the IRS IF she filed on time for FY2019 and had the refund direct deposited.
When you call they just say they dont have any information. I really dont mind not getting it and would feel slightly guilty if i did.
thank you user!
That's what I've pretty much been doing for 4 weeks now due to coronachan. I was a good goyim and worked before though. I also have enough money in the bank without government money to pay bills for 3 months
You're welcome. Use it to start a business, not buy Funkos, okay?
>high end job
why? she's a winner in life and is far from cringe. meanwhile, stepson does nothing. He's LITERALLY cringe and not the type of person to look up to. Why would you think he's based?
>lawyers get the rope, faggot.
Ahhhh, so you're some kind of socialist, right? You hate the sight of people with successful careers and education? You remind me of the people who think every person with a decent career is ''opressive''
>im on SSI and married
how did you pull that off?
tfw almost had a mommy gf
not sure what i expected since i do more or less get bux for being an autistic retard.
are there actual neets on here or is it just larping?
Haha dumb boomer
>how did you pull that off
by not being a spreg. it helps im at least a 7 with a decent cock and personality.
I applied a week ago to get my Bolsonaro check of 600$R a month...like 200 US dollars a month. I am stocked, I will finally stop wiping my ass with tree leaves.
>so you're some kind of socialist
no, im not. I just know that lawyers are some of the most scummiest, manipulative people on the planet. they rank somewhere between murderers and child molesters.
At what age was your stepson when you got married to his mother?
You still share a small ass of the blame if he was younger then twenty.
I'm Gen X. My wife is a baby boomer. But since you wanna bring the whole generation war on; I think millennials and gen z are a lost cause. Their men typically. I feel bad for your gens women.
Do you happen to hate police too?
what do you get bux for?
i should be a 5-6
Am going to buy 100 shares of American airline and wait until next year when it triples to dump turning my measly 1200 into upwards of 4k then fly to Thailand and bang 22 hookers at least 5 ladyboys
You have done nothing to recieve Trumpbux other than existing as a net-tax recipient. Playtime is over. Time to pay up.
I thought I was the second coming of Christ. was on meds and in and out of mental hospitals for a bit, applied and approved.
I don't hate anyone, lawyers included. but as far as the police go, I will say they are the strong arm of a tyrannical government who enforce but are not subject to the law.