>be the only constitutionally bureaucratic government program
>get destroyed by constitution-loving republicans
>be the only constitutionally bureaucratic government program
>get destroyed by constitution-loving republicans
Privatize everything.
Can we privatize the bill of rights too?
Yes, so they can do more ¢99 deals for Amazon and the like, and gouge the citizenry.
It's been made obsolete since its introduction
Shocker, I know right?
Why does a company that charges for their services need money from the government every year? Why this year are they failing they already got money at the beginning of the year to stay open all year? It's a scam they always try to say this shit to get more cash they don't really need.
The USPS has an independent board of governors who hire too many workers, pay them far too much money, won’t raise the price for delivering junk mail and Amazon packages, and instead jacks the prices for normal individuals.
The board of governors is very proud of the independent status of the USPS, right until they need free money. Trump is going to make them force Amazon to pay.
Don’t see why not—ALL government is bad. Boards of directors ought to be the ones passing laws.
Go eat a dick, Ben Franklin you fucking herpes riddled degenerate
Every time i have to use the local post office, they have one or two sheniggers working that dont give a fuck.
It doesn't say anything about their disgustingly large pensions in the Constitution, brainlet
get educated USPS is one of the few government programs that profits. they are not allowed to keep profits due to congressional mandates.
>privatize the military
>literally out of money every year since the Internet
>hurrr trump did this
>be the only constitutionally bureaucratic government program
>constitutionally bureaucratice
>implying that's a good thing
Congress forced them to fund 75 years of it
come on now. I said "constitution-loving republicans" trump doesn't even know about the constitution and he isn't even a republican.
>privatize everything.
This is usually played by jews. This just means My buddy gets it and he makes bank cause shit was sold below price under the table deal.
Let's privatize the military, police, fire service, everything. It will be great and won't get BTFO'd.
They will get bailed out, one way or the other.
We kinda did.
Cant have a 2A without gun manufacturers atm. The govt only makes weapons for themselves, not the public.
And they'd have 10x time the staff without it
All government pensions should require prefunding
>constitution loving
Pro-tip: Not a single person (was going to say soul, but do they in truth even posses such?) in the government gives the single smallest little fuck about the constitution.
truth and checked
That was for healthcare, not for pensions. There's not a lot of pension workers left. Most are under the FERS system and make contributions to the TSP like most other federal workers.
Wait one fucking minute. During the W. Bush era, Republicans passed a law that required the Post Office to create a fund to pay for all pensions including workers that hadn't been born yet. The USPS has never recovered from that forced burden.
This is an artificial crisis created by the Republican Party.
Imagine being this braindead. How are all those privatized trains and planes begging for daddy governments money doing for you right now?
but at least we're free!
They simply got too top-heavy like every dem-dominated industry
Bush passed that for a reason
You might want to re-read the constitution.
The constitution charges the government with ESTABLISHING post offices and post roads.
Not operating. Not year-to-year-funding. Not extending government-backed grants and loans. Not paying the union bureaucracy which is a secondary layer of bullshit that shouldn't exist because the post office does not have a profit incentive to balance against the unions' greed.
The only time the post offices, constitutionally, should EVER receive ANY form of money from the government is the initial funding to set up the building, equipment, and roads that the post office uses. Nothing else.
Didn't they receive a bailout like 5 years ago?
They were successful and solvent. Bush (is a retard and would just sign whatever) The Republicans passed it because they wanted to hijack an industry and give it away to foreign international corporations and Jews.
You're nothing but a drifter who found a bag of mail.