Oh no no no What do we do now Trump Bros?

oh no no no What do we do now Trump Bros?

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Pedes: polls don't matter because the hillary poll was wrong that one time

Bernie vs. Trump would've been kino. Instead, we'll just see incoherent, dementia-fueled rambling.

Former trump supporter here. Can’t fool me twice.


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Hillary has a 95% chance to win.

>Loke at this pole user drumpf is finnished

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didn't hillary have a 99% chance of winning last time around?

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!

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The dementia is only coming from one of them though. Watch and tell me with confidence that people would rather vote for Biden: youtube.com/watch?v=579-d9yYsi0

>muh Hillary!!!

Biden will tank once Trump brings up Biden's pedo obsessions. The guy can't stop touching children on videos

I'm glad to hear Biden is going to replace Hillary as president of California.

According to Huffing and puffing post

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I never got to jump in Joe's lap, I don't want to live anymore.

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There's a 95% chance that burn biden will beat trunp

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Wait for indictments.

how's life in Bhutan?

How many people were polled, and were they polled in typically left-leaning areas or right-leaning ones?

Media polls are as full of shit as "HILLARY WILL WIN BY A LANDSLIDE." They're not based in reality, and are designed to manipulate the public ebcause dems know they're gonna rig the fuck out of the election through mail-in ballots.

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>hillary leads trump nationally !!!
>loses by landslide
wow crazy polls!

I hope they post articles that Biden has a 90% chance of winning on the eve of the election.

There's still time to give Biden the 'Viden

We wait for the $1,200 checks to come.

The Democrats are jumping ship on Sleepy Joe for that New York Coumo asshole anyways.

Let them get comfortable. They thought Hillary had a 96% chance of winning up to the last hours of 2016 election. However we must also remain vigilant and alert to Demoshit schemes to steal the election by "finding" mailed in ballots etc.

>polls predict 99% landslide clinton victory
>we say lmao no
>trump wins by landslide with 1% chance in polls
some shill on here
>muh hillary
As if it isn't completely relevant?
The polls were CERTAIN about an outcome and they were UTTERLY wrong.
What's wrong with you shills.
it is not unrelated.

You guys are really down to have Biden win?




Can they actually do a switchero and put caumo in?

Just follow uncle Joe around with A camera. The public will be ready for A execution in no time at all.

Attached: Creepy-Joe-Biden-Presidential-Announcement.jpg (1600x1200, 192.69K)

In case anyone is wondering how you too can contribute to shareblue slide threads

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Waaaait... what if his rapid decline is because he can’t get his andochrome? Inb4 szhizo

Hillary won the popular vote. The polls were right

Trump winning will be the best thing for this country. Imagine the butthurt. The polarizing social unrest. MAGA hats will still be relevant and triggering. Less entitled beaners running rampant through the border

CUT THE MALARKEY, JACK. If i thought i had dementia i would have licked a bullfrog on a trolley car years ago. I could have you whacked off at any moment, you little bitch, so dont even try me. Yea, im the big man here, slick. Im the fuckin big man and you will NEVER be invited on a cruise in your life, you jealous little bitch

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Well I would hope the polls would take the electrical college into consideration