Do you agree with Varg that people with brown eyes should not breed?

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yes then maybe i can get a gf

There should be a global battle-royale and the survivors are the ones that are given the right to continue humanity.

id rather breed with a decent southerner with brown eyes than a 70IQ severely dyslexic autist like his wife though.
his kids look fucking autistic too, kek. almost feel bad for him

He never said that.

My mom had brown eyes. Mine are green, my two brothers eyes are both blue. Only my sister has brown.

He never said that

I agree that barg should STFU, he's getting senile.

Stop spamming this retard every day.

Totally. Nordniggers shouldn't infect our superior gene pool.
Praise Varg.

He implied it

inb4 Greeks, southern Italians and other medshits flock to a varg thread and criticize a man who has deprogrammed his life in a way where he doesnt have to pay for the welfare of subhumans like themselves

He never said that. Fuck off, rat shill.

Why do Scandinavians and Russians always have those deep dark blue eyes that from a distance appear as if they were brown? All the striking light blue eyes I see are outside the region where they should be the most common

Yes, bug eyes shouldn't breed

He didn't I asked him on Twitter if he thinks that and he told me that he thinks that people with brown eyes that have the genes for blue eyes should breed with people with blue eyes so their kids have blue eyes.

I have brown eyes , am I a nordnigger? Hercules had brown eyes , was he a nordnigger?

Different European sub groups should keep to their own. Skin color and facial structure are much better determinants of race than eye color

Varg would never promote race mixing like that. He has always said to breed with people of your own phenotype. Which precludes brown with blue

Ask him, he is on twitter now.

his implication was that nordniggers shouldn't breed with superior Meds so that they can keep their brown eyed gene pool pure

Stop appropriating Ancient Mediterranean culture you tree worshipping poop throwing aryan trash.

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Varg never said that, anyone can breed however they want, as long as it's not with jews.

Look at this shit.

Should be a felony to let them breed or have anyone breed with them.

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No. If they're European, they should breed. Regardless of eye colour.
He says a lot of funny stuff, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't said that.


This to me is whiter than someone with black hair and light eyes.

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You're saying that because you wanna breed with cute Asian women you racemixing cuck.

That's not White you fucking brazilian moreno

Is that what got him banned on twitter? I agree with him though


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his eldest son has brown hair and probably brown or green eyes.

Cool, so some Somalis should keep breeding too?


>You're saying that because you wanna breed with cute Asian women you racemixing cuck.
No. I'm saying that because I loathe jews, their diseased genetics and believe that it should be a felony to let them spread their genes any further.

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Romans are not nordic monkeys. So yes, romans are white and nordics are snowniggers.

Roman is the standard of civilization and white people then.

>Both parents have brown eyes
>Me & sister have blue
I have 2 blue eyed & 2 brown eyed grandparents. Most of my cousins are blue-eyed as well, though not many of my aunts/uncles are however

You cherry picked a small portion of the population that either migrated to brazil during WW2 or are small leftovers from when Portugal raped you during colonial times.

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I'm starting to think all the irrational hatred meds have for Nordic people is due to an inferiority complex. It just doesn't make sense.