You fucked up
Thank you
Happy Easter and Praise God and Jesus
>we found no pattern of sexual misconduct except for all the sexual misconduct
I like these, also jackpot get
Get this trending
>there's no patter of sexual assault
>except this one we noticed
It requires more than one accuser by definition, you fucking trumptard.
Being literally raped is better than having to live another single day under the Trump regime. Let that sink in.
>We found no pattern of sexual misconduct beyond
>list of sexual misconducts
Are these people for real?
And let me guess, you also need 3 male wintesses, Mohammed?
Women is plural, again. You fucking moron.
Who's the babe on the left?
If you want a credible case 30 years later you need MANY, yes.
And the accusers better pass the bullshitter test. Which this one doesn't.
Explains why rapefugees are welcome
#YesThereWillBeMalarkey #CreepyJoeInPrisonNow
jennifer lawrence you can find her butthole on the internet its pretty nice
>it's real and they deleted it
my sides
Did she eat Weinstein's dripping Jew pussy, lads?
Unless it's a Trump supreme court nominee.
Meme fag shilling for a rapey dem. Shocking
I'd like to think they aren't people.
Touch women.
probably, isnt he a hermaphrodite slug or something?
J-Law. There are pictures of her HARVesting that were released during the fappening. I am sure you could find them if you looked.
Twatter is a Bernout terrorist organization.
BTW #NoRefunds
MeTooNoMatterWho is better
Because he wasn't confirmed, right, scum????
And that accuser was a fuckton more credible.
Nah, just horribly mutilated in a Jewish dick cutting ritual.
>was a fuckton more credible
My guess is he had surgery to make his dick bigger that went wrong, leaving him with just a pathethic stump.
>a fuckton more credible.
self deception knows no bounds
Nice. I like the vote blue no matter who rapes you the best
NYT really going all in on the propaganda.
That's bullshit. The movement is simply about how common sexual harassment is. Either way 8 women accused Biden, the accusations range from bad jokes to sexual assault
Oh yeah, I've seen it, and her face covered in Jewstein's kosher jizz
Poor Emma Watson, she used to be cute but then she got nonced
Leftist """""logic""""
No, it's a gluttonous fucking thing that would con anyone.
It's like saying that Ted Cruz has a trustworthy face.
No, she's lying!
When, in the last 10 years, have they not been a propaganda rag?
NYT is such a mess
Their front page today is "TRUMP DIDN'T PREPARE PROPERLY HE IS THE COVID MAN". It seems like they've gotten marching orders since he shat on them for being a chink rag, they're going all in now.