Do Men Care if they are the First

Do men place importance on virginity in all seriousness or is it a meme?

Say the girl is average but has just been working off her college/ university debt and given $30,000+ to parents for their debts, say she is an average blue eyed girl with a crush on a nice guy who is polite, white and seems genuine. Say you just found out the girl he is engaged to is japanese and is an ex-prostitute.

Is being capable of providing pleasure more important then being the first? Be as brutal as possible please.

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Opps maybe I should’ve posted something more prettier.

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> Say the girl is average but has just been working off her college/ university debt and given $30,000+ to parents for their debts, say she is an average blue eyed girl with a crush on a nice guy who is polite, white and seems genuine. Say you just found out the girl he is engaged to is japanese and is an ex-prostitute.

I’ve read this five times now, and I don’t understand what you’re trying to ask.

Being the first only matters if you are both non degenerate and plan to live your whole life that way.

I would take the one that is freakier in bed.

Personally I couldn't give the slightest shit as long as the sex is good and the relationship is meaningful. Experienced girls give far better head also, inexperienced girls give the most disappointing blowjobs imaginable to the point where you're just like "fuck this" and wank yourself off in her face instead just to get it over with. Urgh, makes me cringe thinking back on that one, her look of disappointment as her lack of skill was making my dick go soft while she was trying her hardest doing all the wrong things.

Nothing is more important to men of character than a woman who has already lived for him before she even met him.

If a man is expected to live and sacrifice himself for decades through career and life experience than a woman has the same obligation. Live every day as if we will meet one day, be it tomorrow or in 5 years.

Most men accept that their wives/gfs have taken loads of dick in the past and convince themselves that they are the best, that's why they're with her and the other guys arent. I mean, she says I love you, so there you go.

Apologies, say she has accidentally/ ignorantly let her life slip by whilst being attracted to a guy she thought was similar to her. But it turns out he has meant a pretty japanese girl who use to be a prostitute (she still has her website). He is aware of of both of these.
Oh okay.
Oh wow okay, well thank you for your imput.

That sounds like you’ve found happiness, I wish you the best.

>and the relationship is meaningful
>Yeah babe, I had an abortion because I was in a friends with benefits relationship where he would cum in me everytime
>yeah babe, I moved in after 4 months of meeting a guy and then proceed to move with him to (instert random state)
>yeah babe, I met another guy at a party and we started to fuck
>yeah babe I'm 30+ and you're just wow so unique TO ME, LET'S MOVE IN TOGETHER

How can you find meaning in a relationship like that?

So you're asking if race treason is acceptable? No
Daily reminder that there is NEVER any justification for race treason. I'd rather bite off my own cock than commit such a vile subhuman act against the very laws of nature.

your english is hard to understand.

Are you a white female who was in love with a white male, but now he's engaged to an asian prostitute, and you want to know why?

I said I'd date an experienced girl, not a complete slag of a cum dumpster user.

The fewer partners the better, preferably none for both sides.
Are you starting to regret your choices, Josefin?

Yeah, I understand your point, but these is an example of what you will find in a girl nowadays. There is no benefit being in a relationship like that.

OP you are naive idiot if you think a woman's body count has no impact on her relationship and overall well being. The more partners a woman has had sexual encounters with the higher the chance of divorce, self-esteem issues, and even stuff like drug abuse. You can lie to yourself all you want though.

Insofar as virginity improves the chances of a relationship lasting and not ending in a divorce rape at a minimum of twice the non-virgin rate, and on average several times that, yes it matters.

Can we see the website?

Forget pleasure. Multiple partners before marriage women are effectively walking liabilities worse than criminals.

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>meme flag
>roastie questions

No hymen, no diamond.
No cherry, no marry.

you run a huge risk if she was a virgin whore all along aka i wanna try new things down the line we got engaged too soon.

It's "only" a 10% chance compared to the normal 40-50%.

>experienced girl
Why? So she will get sick of your shit quicker and is impossible to mold into an agreeable partner?

Yeah because it's about as likely as a slut having a cock addiction relapse

Only insecure spergs and beta males care about it

I used to place virginity in high regard, and I still do but I realize that such a small percentage of women are virgins so it would be counterproductive for the white population to be such puritans.

Obviously we need to select good partners but we also need to be realistic.

why would she get sick of your shit quicker unless you were full of more shit than the other guys?
More experience=better for me, because I am a superior male. I am smarter, and fuck way better with my BWC than the average male, so the more experience a girl has before me the more she realizes how much of a catch I am.

Women who are virgins might make the mistake of thinking they can find even better because they don't know any better.

post tits

Fuck it, I'll still take her for an occasional ride like, just not get in a relationship with her.

Well user, I'm not going to be in a relationship with someone that doesn't at least partly share my views on the world in the first place am I?

You're taking advice from the wrong men. You just took advice from a guy painstakingly describing repulsive sexual encounters as if he was normal. You're talking to the wrong people. None of these people are interested in anything but material consumption. Love and spirit are opposed to and outside of the material and sensuous. It's up to you if you wish to become deeper enmeshed in the physical world or aspire to something higher and eternal. The virgin image fundamentally is a spiritual image and it reroutes physical lust into spiritual love. Don't expect the autists here to see that. Marriage fundamentally is an imitation of the perfect union between extremely different natures that is creative (children), which is what occurs with God, so without God firmly within oneself you get gay marriage or you get people who think that pleasing each other or personal fulfillment is what marriage is about rather than children, something eternal, and duty as a fully realized man or woman. Material addicts can't see all of what I've described to you, they might feel an unconscious pull at most but they can't articulate it.

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guy's will never truly commit if they weren't your first. they will always cheat because they will view you as a dumb piece of meat for losing it without settling down.

Yes exactly, sorry took a few drinks to muster the courage to post on this board. I’m as pathetic as I sound.

it matters but everyone has fallen in the modern age
as long as they know its fucked up and not something to be praised like the coomers in this thread its not something that should fuck up your relationship

I think that if you love someone it shouldn’t matter if they’re a virgin or not.

oh... he was probably jewish or under one of their golem spells
go to church and find a nice christian man

It guarantees no HIV, HPV, HSV, etc.

It also means her pair bond might work - less chance of divorce. Less likely to cuck you. more likely to be satisfied in marriage.

Women who are promiscuous are always damaged with serious personality flaws and bad upbringing. No exceptions.

Don't be a simp. You will get cucked. If you allow women an inch they will take a mile. Good women are hard to find, but worth it.

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Ok retard ignore the fact that women regardless of race or income are way more likely than men to be naturally socialists and Democrats. Face it, there are enough differences between men and women based on the way they hard wired in the head to begin with that she doesn't need a shit ton of regret in her life from past dickings to make her think twice about sticking around or being loyal to anyone.

Pair bonding you lose that ability after many relationships.

>I think that if you love someone it shouldn’t matter if they’re a virgin or not.
statistics and biology disagree

I thank you for the time you took to answer, I’ve saved it for future reflection.

this but you gotta restrain yourself for the stability of your family. It's not about your selfish pride its all about your kids


No it doesn’t.

Women are literally sex robots you train to suit you. What you are saying is you prefer 2nd hand because you are too lazy to program your own custom settings. You are a weak faggot.

>Women who are virgins might make the mistake of thinking they can find even better because they don't know any better.
Oh yeah and how many of those do you know these days?

Anyway, literally doesn't matter how full of shit you are but everyone is and a woman definitely has less incentive to be your gal if she is already every other guys pal.

post your ugly pussy, dumb whore

>I think that if you love someone it shouldn’t matter if they’re a virgin or not.
Sure, and if you love someone it shouldn't matter that they're fucking other women behind your back.
See loving someone means you have to overlook all their flaws no matter what and have to stay on the tracks as the train is coming right at you.