portuguese PM antonio costa: "We need to know whether we can go on with 27 in the European Union, 19 [in the eurozone], or if there is anyone who wants to be left out. Naturally, I am referring to the Netherlands"
apart from the so called coronabond, which i'm opposed to, that declaration made me think that if the mediterranean countries ever wanted (counting france in, which is on our side, today on this issue, as always), we could kick both germany and the netherlands out of the EU.
I've always fucking hated him, but I have to say he is dealing with the chink flu much better than I'd ever imagined.
I was seriously fearing he'd pull a Sweden and refuse to close, that our hospitals would get run over by sick Spainiards. I have a feeling he only closed the country because of what happened at Praia de Carcavelos that one Wednesday, along with Miguel Sousa Tavares raising the Spanish people flooding the hospitals issue.
He was pretty based saying we need to bring industries back to Portugal to not depend on China.
Liam Cruz
Why should you listen to an portuguese half jewish poo in the loo?
Juan Turner
We signed into china's one belt one road initiative, it's a debt trap that the EU warned about and it's used to get influence in many countries, the chinks already own our banks and a lot of our shit including ports like Sines. With the incoming china shitstorm if anyone's gonna be dumped out of the EU it's the one belt one road countries until they cut ties, this means Mediterranean countries like us and Spain and Italy and Greece .
Chase Gonzalez
Antonio is the embodiment of portuguese people: >Manlet >Ugly >Less intelligent than he thinks he is >"It's not that bad" >"The country is ready" x 77 >Half Jewish >Brown >Passes as white in his country
Nathan Murphy
>the chinks already own our banks
What? which portuguese bank is owned by china?
Justin Miller
Here it comes the tugjew writing non-sense ((( ))). Iberians literally have no genetic proximity to moors or joos, any genetic map shows that iberians cluster with french,north italians and the rest of europeans.
The portuguese aren't Iberians. Spaniards are. Just because the portuguese are situated on the Iberian Peninsula it doesn't mean they are Iberians: we can see by the phenotype if they are or not. In this case, the portuguese reveal themselves to be non-white halfjewish mongrels by looking and acting as Jews. This is of course confirmed by their phenotype. I welcome you to post pictures of average portuguese people such as those you like to post so we can show the world that what I say is right.
Camden Johnson
Imagine look at the facts and stil do not understand it that we are.
Jordan Nelson
How can a Gene map that has no correlation with reality "facts"? Care to explain why the portuguese who supposedly, do not cluster with Jews, act and look like Jews?
Reality is on our side, just look above. Why are you mad on science and genetic reality of race? do you think races don´t exist? do you think genetics don´t exist, no shill, populations are different, europeans do cluster together, portuguese do cluster genetically between french and north italians and not with semitc populations Deal with it
BCP, they don´t have even 30% of it. Novo banco? mas tu és maluco?
Ethan Reyes
>Care to explain why the portuguese who supposedly, do not cluster with Jews, act and look like Jews? I'm pretty jewish myself, I mean who hates money? It's fucking great
Do I need science to lie before my eyes? Every thread you are debunked every single time. Please care to explain whyportuguese act and look if they cluster "so far" from Jews? Why are the portuguese one of the shortest people in Europe, even shorter than Spaniards who "are as Iberian as the portuguese"?
Alexander Williams
>Novo banco? mas tu és maluco? Yes >BCP, they don´t have even 30% of it. 0.1% chink is too many, let alone 30%
Ryder Sanders
Can't deny that it's the best time to be Jewish nowadays that's for sure.
Colton Peterson
If would be the funniest thing of the century.
Noah Wilson
>subjective and wrong opinion from an immigrant shill >vs science, genetic facts and antropology >who will i trust??
ROTFL your theory has absolutly no point of consistency, not even one, it's all garbage history shows that they were a minority, even so expelled and that the majority left the country. Genetics comprove we have no relation with them on every single pca geneti map with samples.
Just because you are doesn't mean the average is. I could get a 23&me from a black guy from Portugal and it wouldn't show he's iberian
Grayson Clark
Balts and slaves surpassed the portuguese a long time ago.
Anthony White
This desu Whenever i see pics of israeli crowds, every single one of the people in it could DEFINITIVELY pass as the average portuguese.
The "expulsion of the jews" is a well known debunked theory. The only jews to be expelled (more like, they expelled themselves) were the most influential ones while they average, common jew converted and mingled with the christian population.
Many portuguese traits resemble those of the lower jewish strata. I'm not saying that we have resemblance with new york jews but more with the low-brow jewish chaste like those you find in israel
Connor Smith
>>the chinks already own our banks 0.1% chink is too many, let alone 30%
ok man ok lmao
Jason Phillips
Yes, we want out. Please, please release us from the EU shackles. We would have had an empire again by now if left to our own devices for the last 20 years.
Jayden Wood
>Phenotype, height, and behaviour is subjective
OH NONONONONONONONONONONO It's not a theory, it's reality, please.post pictures of portuguese conglomerates of people. I welcome you to explain your gen maps and how hey correlate with them.
Ryder Wilson
All portuguese samples ever takne from thousands of it, they fall in that portuguese circle:Not even 1 is close to joo populations or to arabs or moors.