The whole continent of Africa is about to lose their food supply and starve to death and you sick fucks are just in here laughing and making jokes.

50 billion locusts will form a "doomsday swarm" that will eat whole towns up.

this is fucking serious the whole must unite and help africa!

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Get some ducks. Ducks fucking love to eat locusts. Granted, you might need a lot of them.

Why don't they just eat the locusts?

How, we are not allowed to even go outside...

African nature is trying to save Africa right now

Why not just catch them and eat them.

we should send white women to africa so locals can fuck them

No. Let them die. Acts of God aren't mine to defy.

bad idea my friend they will roast the ducks

Africa had food?

>50 billion locusts will form a "doomsday swarm" that will eat whole towns up.

digits for this to be real

Africans are immune to locusts. Surprised you didn't know that. We were Insect kangz.

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Let them eat Cape buffalo shit, straight from the tap

As long as they do it after they've fattened up on the locusts first that is fine.

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as a white person i agree and think its our duty to help africa through this, sending food aid and possible accept more refugees from regions that were hit the worst by this

Just eat the bugs.

>a sea of animal protein delivered at doorstep


Africans are the locusts brainlet

lmao you retards do understand 1 locust does like 100x more damage to farmland than what it gives in protein.

Don't worry people! The guardian has the solution to the locust problem!

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The world has been "helping africa" for decades. Shit hasn't changed, who gives a fuck.

I'm kind of glad that Corona hit at the same time. That way we can't do anything about it.

someone tell those dumb niggers that you can eat those bugs.

oh noes.
They expelled all the white people and told us to never come back though...

>accept more refugees
Fuck you. No, we're full.
I support helping them, but only from afar.

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Tell them to not be bigoted scum and just eat the bugs


Not our colonies, not our problem.

Fuck them, let them die.

Mother Nature has a plan for Africa.
The West keeps stepping in her way.
Mother knows best.