/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3151 - Eternal Purgatory Editions

► Detected: 1,812,891 (+33,148) ► Died: 112,255 (+3,476) ► Day: 94 (-09:27:20)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.1x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,414 strains have been sequenced —


Virus can go undetected while reproducing more than SARS

People abandoned, left to die in Canadian private seniors residence

Virus can kill immune cells used to fight off illness

Africa to lose 20 million jobs due to coronavirus

Panic hits Kenya as 17 members of parliament test positive

Virus might spread through banknotes

21 year old football coach dies in Spain

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

Virus causes damage to heart, kidneys and liver

Wartime conditions in China

Dutch deaths up to 2 times higher than reported, official data

China denying virus tests to keep numbers down

China "suspected" deaths outnumber "confirmed" 6 to 1

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

16:30: 102 new cases and 1 new death in Alabama
16:28: 197 new cases and 11 new deaths in Virginia
16:27: 1,048 new cases and 13 new deaths in Pennsylvania
16:23: 156 new cases in Texas
16:22: 102 new cases and 2 new deaths in Oklahoma
16:21: 194 new cases and 6 new deaths in Minnesota


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Siamo fatti così
Dentro abbiamo il cuore
solido motore
Siamo fatti così
trentadue bei denti
candidi e splendenti
Siamo proprio fatti così
questo nostro corpo
è meglio di un computer vedrai

Siamo fatti così
Siamo proprio fatti così
viaggia assieme a noi
attraverso il corpo umano

Siamo fatti così
siamo proprio fatti così
e scoprirlo puoi
esplorando il corpo umano

Siamo fatti così
con il sangue quale
liquido vitale
siamo fatti così
muscoli scattanti
sempre scalpitanti
siamo proprio fatti così
questo nostro corpo
è meglio di un computer vedrai

siamo fatti così
siamo proprio fatti così
viaggia assieme a noi
attraverso il corpo umano

siamo fatti così
siamo proprio fatti così
e scoprirlo puoi
esplorando il corpo umano

siamo fatti così
siamo proprio fatti così
viaggia assieme a noi
attraverso il corpo umano

Siamo proprio
Siamo proprio fatti così

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>more infected than people calling for Tedros' resignation

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Today 431 deaths in Italy. It was never so low. This is the miracle of Jesus. The corona is ending starting today! Thank you God.

#1 United States 537,356 (21,435) #2 Spain 166,019 (16,972) #3 Italy 156,363 (19,899) #4 France 129,654 (13,832) #5 Germany 125,975 (2,907) #6 United Kingdom 84,279 (10,612) #7 China 82,052 (3,339) #8 Iran 71,686 (4,474) #9 Turkey 52,167 (1,101) #10 Belgium 29,647 (3,600) #11 Netherlands 25,587 (2,737) #12 Switzerland 25,328 (1,089) #13 Canada 23,719 (674) #14 Brazil 21,042 (1,144) #15 Portugal 16,585 (504) #16 Russia 15,770 (130) #17 Austria 13,945 (350) #18 Israel 10,878 (103) #19 South Korea 10,512 (214) #20 Sweden 10,483 (899) #21 India 9,166 (325) #22 Ireland 8,928 (320) #23 Ecuador 7,257 (315) #24 Chile 7,213 (80) #25 Peru 6,848 (181) #26 Japan 6,748 (108) #27 Poland 6,674 (232) #28 Norway 6,485 (126) #29 Australia 6,313 (59) #30 Romania 6,300 (310) #31 Denmark 6,174 (273) #32 Czech Republic 5,952 (138) #33 Pakistan 5,183 (88) #34 Malaysia 4,683 (76) #35 Philippines 4,648 (297)…

#1 United Kingdom +5,288 (+737) #2 United States +4,477 (+858) #3 Italy +4,092 (+431) #4 Spain +2,992 (+366) #5 Russia +2,186 (+24) #6 Iran +1,657 (+117) #7 Belgium +1,629 (+254) #8 Netherlands +1,174 (+94) #9 India +720 (+37) #10 Portugal +598 (+34) #11 Germany +523 (+36) #12 Saudi Arabia +429 (+7) #13 Canada +401 (+21) #14 Indonesia +399 (+46) #15 Mexico +375 (+40) #16 Belarus +352 (+3) #17 Sweden +332 (+12) #18 Poland +318 (+24) #19 Romania +310 (+19) #20 Chile +286 (+7) #21 Ukraine +266 (+10) #22 Qatar +251 (+1) #23 Serbia +250 (+6) #24 Switzerland +221 (+53) #25 Philippines +220 (+50) #26 Dominican Republic +208 (+38) #27 Denmark +178 (+13) #28 Pakistan +172 (+2) #29 Malaysia +153 (+3) #30 Austria +139 (+13) #31 Bangladesh +139 (+4) #32 Israel +135 (+2) #33 Moldova +102 (+1) #34 Hungary +100 (+14) #35 Algeria +89 (+18)…

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Tfw finally free of giving mandatory updates, but still stuck in quarantine, range is closed, haven’t shaved in three weeks, and still mind-numbingly bored

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Did Canada got recently chinked again?

Too many user. It's 33 As

Today Civil Protection reports the first case of resurrection among deaths

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Belgium more deaths than China.
Not that we needed more evidence that China is bullshit central.


102 migrants allegedly drowned because we closed our ports. Thanks for the best Easter ever Coronachan. Also fuck your German NGO ships germany

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so when do they open restaurants again

what % capacity

I don't care about the other meme distancing

The Easter Bunny is stealing our deaths

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It's a gy 906 infra red module
As said I'm messing with these while shitposting

(With coomfy heated blanket)

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Got my first young person that i actually know with pneunomia due to corona.

30yo mother of three

can nothingburgers even recover now

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Literal nothingburger. Our "genocidal psychopath" president is handling the situation very well. Go back to work.

I hope so, Mario.

Whats your coom count for the day?

how the fuck has the uk now overtook china on the corona world cup leaderboard?

even the us government laughs at nothingburgers

Russian govt spokesman using some Forsythia tier shit to ward off disease. Nice.

vk com/wall-154844130_222

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if only, as soon as my grandma kicks the bucket im leaving the church so i wont fund that shit any longer

So in 2 weeks it will finally happen then? Or are we just going to have more and more retractions on numbers?

Just read a book, play vidya and get a tabletop group setup bro

When will this shit end

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Guys.. The doctor said I have a mutated strain of novel corona virus... I'm patient zero of the "graphic novel corona virus.."

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>still under 2 million detected

And to think it was actually a nothingburger after all

Interesting that the global detected versus death rate is over 6%, despite deaths lagging behind detections.

Sounds like a tweet

Pump it.

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Seeing as I’m at work, zero.

You sit down and eat at restaurants?

They told you Cause is coronavirus. But community pneumonia is very common in all ages.

proof or nothing

France have 5000 tests per million and that is considered poor.
I don't know wtf is happening in Japan. I thought they were covering up to save the Olympics but they are still continuing this charade.

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Hocus Pocus, Egg sandwich with lettuce.
If this post is trips, The whole worlds goes RIP.

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You can do it. I believe in you.


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Is this hell

Дмитpий Peskov came to a meeting at the Presidential Executive Office with Air Doctor virus blocker.

Journalists who saw the blocker on Peskov's jacket during the broadcast of the meeting of the President of Russia with the governors, which was held in the format of a video conference, drew attention to the fact that the press secretary of the Russian President acquired Air Doctor virus blocker.

Япoнcкий Air Doctor virus blocker in the form of a badge emits chlorine dioxide, which destroys the protein structure of viruses and bacteria, thus destroying them within a radius of 1 meter. The active ingredient is non-toxic and has no contraindications or side effects when used as instructed.

Пpиoбpecти Air Doctor products, as well as other products manufactured in Japan for protection against viruses and bacteria, you can visit our website blokator-virusov.ru.

We've been chinked since the bongs gave back Hong kong

of course, takeout mostly sucks dick compared to a plate of freshly cooked food


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Close enough

Corona pneumonia is a very different thing, but still "pneumonia". One x-ray and you know it is corona.


It's not even the beginning.

Attention Latin American Anons:
My wife is Venezuelan and wants to listen to coronavirus news. She only speaks Spanish. I don't want her to get her information from the pozzed globalist mainstream shit. Any recommendations for Spanish language broadcast, or podcasts or things like that she can listen to to get redpilled on coronavirus?

>Inb4 filthy race mixer. I don't care at this point in my life. I'm happy with my Latina

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