Muslim gang in New Jersey catfish adult males pretending to be 16 years old girls on the internet...

Muslim gang in New Jersey catfish adult males pretending to be 16 years old girls on the internet. They meet with them and proceed to shout at them, harass them and threaten them with the police. These guys only care about YouTube views and making easy YouTube money, the predators that they lured end up too scared to get into rehab or any help.

People are getting upset with them and calling the police while they live stream their catches.

Isn't it hypocrital to hunt down predators while praying 5 times a day to the biggest predator (Muhammad)??

We should redpill his Chanel with anti Islamic pedo facts and report his chanel. Don't let these idiots get away with their gang harassing people and earning easy money.

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Hello? Based department

Also they’ve been criticized for only targeting gay people using the grinder app, because you know ... islam and homosexuality dont get along.

Even better.

>Isn't it hypocritical to hunt down predators while praying 5 times a day to the biggest predator?
Yes. Most of these youtube pedo hunters turn out to be pedos or sexual deviants themselves. It's no secret.

Please help report the channel and put comment saying how Muhammad used to rape Aisha.

Dont let these guys (Muslims) make a profit.

idk youre muslim, you tell us

>harasses faggots
Liked and subscribed

Try Yas Forums.

Based Department here, please hang up and kill yourself.

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Good. Half of all gays are also pedophiles

>They meet with them and proceed to shout at them, harass them and threaten them with the police.
Based, why would I want to stop that?
>These guys only care about YouTube views and making easy YouTube money,
Seems like there's easier ways to do that on Youtube
>the predators that they lured end up too scared to get into rehab or any help.
Boo-hoo. As the boomers say, "can't do the time, don't do the crime."

But this is a political topic. Some Muslims invaders are making up fake decoys luring adults and giving them a hard time. Also they are earning money.

All of these guys would defend prophet Muhammad raping Aisha and underage girls in their countries,

prob just scaring off the competition

anyone who hunts down pedo homos is ok in my book.


I think their videos are pretty funny, kill yourself pedo sympathiser

Nice way to shill your shit channel Ahmed now get the fuck out of the US

so according to my uncle, who is CEO of racism, OP is a butthurt pedo who got stung by these guys and is using a spanish proxy

it was his wife you virgin Andalusian medshit
how can someone rapes his wofe...oh wait what's this

fucking KEK you western faggots are cucked beyond hope
anyway go ahead and spam their videos with you ''he raped her'' comments you'll just make yourself look like an uneducated moor rape baby and go and entertain me faggot

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You sound nervous user.

I dont believe in raping your own wife because she is your wife after all but i also dont believe in a 50 years old adult marrying a 8 years old kid, so yeah Muhammad really raped Aisha,

>i also dont believe in a 50 years old adult marrying a 8 years old kid,
so tell me Mr.Crosscuck you also don't believe that Joseph married 12 years old Mary?

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But Joseph didn’t marry 12 years old Mary you moron. Also Mary was a prostitute.

>hur dur they believe in some pedo prophet and he fucked some young girl 1000 years ago
>child rape, trafficking, abductions CURRENLY OCCURING TODAY
>doesnt mention chris hanson..what about him?
so what if they were Yas Forums fags or autists?

i fail to see thats wrong here.. if white people did it, they would get fucked over probably and wouldnt have as much public backing..i dont agree that nigs and muzzies are a type of "protected" class for the time being, but if they are able to get away with it and make pedos think twice.. then just let it happen..
you fail to mention any better solutions to combat the pedo probem..are you one yourself? if you hate mudslimes go burn down a mosque you it pussy

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>But Joseph didn’t marry 12 years old Mary
yeah he did you retard
>Also Mary was a prostitute.
oh, so you're a Barceloni Jew? doesn't your Talmud says it's okay to rape 3 years old girls or something like that

this is all just a cover for them to catfish underage girls

>you fail to mention any better solutions to combat the pedo probem
start by killing yourself burger, if you Americucks off yourselves there wouldn't be any Golems left to protect the international Pedo (((rings)))

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you upset there is no mention of your Doggo lover?

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Hold up , this thread is not about the pedo problem do not derail this thread.

This thread is about a gang of Muslims bullies preying and luring dudes and then calling the police on them. I wouldn’t have any trouble with these guys if they didn’t worship a pedophile while trying to catch pedos. It just doesn’t make any sense.

oh come on Shlomo we all know you are just mad they are hunting your fellow pedo friends
you Talmudic niggers love fucking little girls amirite?

Jersey now has Muslim gangs? Like there is a competition for the worse state. I mean, after Illinois naturally.

Really? Source on that?
Anyway, OP is referring to them being muslims. Their prophet Mohammed married and raped a 6 year old girl.

You could easily do the same thing to the muslim gang by pretending to be an 8 year old girl or a 5 year old boy.

Or a goat

>doesnt make sense

is that raelly how euros fags think?
so thats liek saying you cant have nigger cops patrol nigger communites and arresting and shooting other criminal niggers?
like i said, is that really how euro fags think?

>Really? Source on that?
there is some truth to that, take Yas Forumstards for example they always hate on Pedo but at the same time they browse Yas Forums and /h/ and other pedophilic boards
>married and raped
the absolute state of Crosscucks and Cumskins

They are bullies because if you compare them to other predators hunting Chanels, the Muslims will shout, threaten and harass them while the guys from other Channels will just ask questions and contact the police if needed.

These Muslims are not police officers they do not have any rights to harass, shout and threaten people at all. They are so aggressive. They are not helping the predators get into rehab.

I'm saying maybe Yas Forums will get upset about it and help. You're not going to get any sympathy for boy lovers here.

thats actually funny, instead of killing myself ill just start a family and redpil the future generation
unlike algeria, we know how to take out our own trash and we will once push comes to shove..

Those "people" need to get jobs.