Jews literally created COVID-19
Jews posion the well
Jews did everything
Post your Jews did COVID-19 proofs
Jews created COVID-19
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Next time put a little more effort into making threads, then you'd get replies
The effort comes from the replies.
Do normies realize the irony that all the ADL does is defame people and promote Jewish interests?
It seems so blatant
Look at all the Jews in this infographic!
Stop the spread of Misinformations.
Nice to see they've jumped to completely making shit up now.
Yeah but
amazon says that it was the nazis via HFCS
Jews have a pathological desire to be in control so much that they resort to making up conspiracy theories to link the important news of the day to anti-semitism.
Being a Jew isn't a race or a religion, it's a mental illness.
They are actually all of those things
>Conspiracy theory that Whites are blaming Jews spreads on propaganda websites
Friendly reminder Dr. (((Lieber))) and the canadian (((Lesbian))) caused all of this
Another conspiracy theory (((they))) created to make the real deal look like lunacy.
Just like the "5G causes Corona" shit to divert from the actual health issues connected to high frequency radiation.
Just like the "Trump is a nazi" shit to divert from him being a kike stooge like most presidents before him.
Nothing to see here, goyim.
Georges Soros funded the Wuhan Lab with Bill Gates
Yves Lévy a dual national French / jew Linked to Gilead sciences helped funded it too
Charles Lieber from the UK has been found guilty of supervising smuggling of virus vials between the university lab of oxford and the wuhan lab through chinese nationals student working there, Charles lieber also funelled a lot of money to the wuhan lab.
Gilead sciences, a jewish big pharma company has interests linked with the wuhan lab and remdesivir to treat covid 19
Huang Yan Ling has gone missing since november, she was an epidemiologist and virologist that studied in Paris and had links with Yves Lévy, she has studied all bats coronavirus and made hundred of papers discovering ways of making it able to pass from bat to humans, she is believed to be the real patient 0 fucking up big time and let the virus escape from Wuhan p4 lab.
Jews and communists work together, Who owns the Who?
Yeah, fuck the thousands who die every day.
Misinformation is the real enemy.
Just like racism is the real enemy and not the niggers and sandniggers who keep on raping and murdering our women and pillaging our homelands.
Purely a cohenincidence goy.
fauci or the jews
Worldometer sources are the mainstream media. Jews certainly created the mass hysteria surrounding it.
Bill Gates has Jewish DNA.
>Jews create covid-19
>blame China
>demand 6 gorillion shekels from China
How do yo say 'kike' in Mandarin?
Based and redpilled.
All newfags and QTards in this thread, take note.
Most conspiracies like flat earth and the 5 g shit are actually a psyop to discredit people talking about the real conspiracies like COINTELPRO, Operation Mockingbird, and Mass Immigration (designed to both provide cheap labor for the rich and to help eradicate the white race).
The leftists and democrats are all antiwhite globalists, but the Republicans aren't much better. The real message here is that you can't trust the political establishment or the mainstream media. The white race, as well as humanity as a whole needs to learn to take care of itself. We can't place our trust and faith in billionaires or elites, regardless of whether they claim to be waving the flag of justice, of nationalism, of progress, etc. Trust result and trust your people. Not some billionaire.
Jews did not create it
there is no the virus after all
None of the nothingburgerkikes can refute any of this
>let's call it pure luck.
Still no HIV vaccine after 40 years but this brand new virus that kills people in a matter of days already has one... in Israel only of course.
Install coincidence detector and open:
It was literally invented as a weapon to subvert nations, and the inventors were kikes.
Just leaving this here as a reply to your mention of mass immigration.
You're not burying these facts you kikes
jews always want to rob the spotlight
Underrated mate.
Jews can't create shit, they ordered the virus from either US or China, then created the worldwide hysteria together with their puppets.
>Take you meds!
Covid-19? I think you mean Talmud-19.
trump is in trouble
>ADL says
That's because they're grifters. They're grifting.
well you surely should
The Jews surrounding him are in trouble.