An Americans last words lmfaoo
An Americans last words lmfaoo
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China lied people died.
LOL why would anyone pay for bad service?
Valid question desu, do commieshits think doctors should work for free?
the jews
Imagine believing Jew lies
If there's one good thing that will come out of this pandemic, it's that universal healthcare will become a thing in America. We'll finally become a 1st world country.
But Bernie dropped out, do you really think Trump is going to get you proper healthcare? Dumb americans LOL
>LOL why would anyone pay for bad service?
If you die you should get your money back.
You're assuming that Trump will win reelection.
>I’ll take shit that didn’t happen for $200
>high empathy concerns for remaining family
>comment from a leaf faggot whose country benefits from all of the US pharmaceutical advances, that has to charge countries that can afford it more to make back the R&D costs
Ok paki trash faggot
>we wear some gloves you have to pay us!
pay for what? The hospital bill or the Chinese biowarfare weapon that was killing them?
>things that never happened
Mmm. China's gonna pay, that's who. RIP in peace, burger
>no sauce
>1 post by this ID
>An Americans last words
>How much should I tip?
Who else is available?
Here is your sauceee you faggot.
> be american
> get the plague
> tip doctor
> die
>dying of pneumonia
>lungs are literally filled with fluid
>diaphragm is strained from coughing
>somehow having last words
Try Google you dumb amerifat
No, rather they want their jobs to become government jobs. As you probably know, government jobs are cushy and hard to get fired from. You can be lazy and still have your job, just look at our road maintenence workers.
Never going to happen
*gay crickets*
>Trusting CNN
Oh, user...that's rich. Lol.
Burgers have the opportunity to elect Biden and fix their system, but without too much socialism.
Use that opportunity!
Nigger, you've never had a job.
Imagine not being an illegal migrant in usa
Is no one going to mention those retarded eyebrows?
You spamming commie are white niggers.
He actually said: "You are going to pay for this, you fucking shitskin doctor!"
He meant pay in blood like a true American, as in Chinese blood
Most gov jobs are being outsourced to contractors. Those jobs don't really exist like you say they do.
>y-you mean you don't get a $200k bill handed to you at the end of your treatment? that must mean the doctors are working for free!
He was calling for revenge on China.
Answer: your family is they want your inheritance.
Commies were never hip, boomer. What normal people want is NEETbux. What good goyim Amerimutts want is to be eternal slaves to Israel. The goys love their debt and hard work very much. Couldn't live without licking boots.
That will be interesting with the 9th circuit being unfucked by Trump appointments.
can we sue cnn for their made up bullshit
>be american
>get shot
>die of coronavirus
White men. The same people that pay for everything.
How sad that the coronavirus victim on his deathbed didn't already know Jesus paid the price!
Only christians should be able to be doctors/nurses and every nurse should be required to tell everyone about Jesus Christ while they're dying and that they need to repent, trust, and believe in him are they may be on their way to hell.
Being a first world country is incompatible with providing healthcare (other than abortions) to niggers.
Niggers should not be legally offered medical services, except abortions.
>nurse treading the line of a HIPAA violation for attention and pushing a political agenda
Whoa. Never seen this before.
the world will make sure chy-na pays for what it has done
Oh, it will. This pandemic has further exposed the many problems of our healthcare system. Younger generations will not tolerate having to choose between paying rent or paying their medical bill, and will demand change.
didnt biden literally raise his hand during one of the debates on decriminalizing crossing the border illegally
Spread the cost out across the entire tax paying population. If a procedure costs someone $300,000, it'd be less than a tenth of a cent if everyone in the workforce paid.
And I'll tell you why.
Niggers. White Americans will never support a welfare state because they don't want their taxes to help niggers, even if they're better off for it.
The lack of American healthcare is completely intentional on the part of white taxpayers who'd rather cut off their nose to spite their own faces.
I'm okay with annoying preachy millionaire celebs doing this.
So we're going to keep Americans from being slaves by making them all dependent on government handouts? Pretty dumb plan
>things that never happened
think it was healthcare for illegals
but stories like this only exist to try and trick Republicans and moderates into voting for him
once in office he has no incentive to reduce illegal immigration because all of them are democrat voters for life
Forgot about that webm