We are absolutely, utterly FUCKED

We are absolutely, utterly FUCKED.

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12 to 18 months according to Trudeau...

Fuck that.

>ursula von der Kike
kys shekelstein

>country wide neet enforcement

extroverts btfo

Even with a vaccine, there is no more going back to normal.

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Make sure to get microchipped to prove you've been vaccinated, goyim!

Will it be mandatory?

define normal

as long as I can eat some tendies in a restaurant I don't care

wearing masks, not having to shake hands, etc. is an improvement desu

we are not fucked.. National states will just ignore this cunt the same way they ignored her when covid started spreading.

covid is actually unearthing the fact that EU is incompetent and doesnt care at all about individual states. Polarization will deepen, national states will gain more ground

imo its retarded anyone believes this fake virus

I like the new world we will enter. Social distancing means degenerate party and hook-up culture is limited, borders are controlled and governments find their balls again.

Better listen to a drama teacher

Have fun letting unelected tyrants rule your life from Brussels. Remember chaps, it's for your own good.

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I have a counter plan: once everyone gets it, and 98% survive, life goes back to normal


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>he thinks it’s actually Trudeau’s call

Pretty much living my best life right now. Getting more sleep, dont have to commute and wearing pointless 'office attire', get more work done because I'm not dragged into pointless meetings all day, eating better and saving more money at the same time because I can cook healthy meals at home, boomers dying and leftists losing their shitty non-essential jobs.

This is the comfiest timeline lads.

You can believe that the virus is just a flu or fake, but the effects of this pandemic will be very real.

Not mandatory but you probably won't be able to live any kind of normal life without it.


Incompetent whore

The vaccine isn't realistic. Even with it being pushed for a 2021 release, it still won't have sufficient safety trials.

London was the initial breeding ground for financial oligarchy that now controls the world. You are retarded.

We are getting this shit aswell mate. No one escapes.

6 months they said earlier but 18 months they are saying now but that’s BS - we won’t get a vaccine in 18 months (probably ever) but what we will get is a 5g chip in the bum.

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Thats jew talk my boy.

A vaccine for this will never exist. It cant be vaccinated against. They'll have an easier time making a vaccination for influenza that covers all mutations

80 percent have no symptoms
20 percent are retired or disabled anyway
Life goes on cheaper than ever

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Why would you laugh when you are in the middle of kalifat??
I dont get it?

Built for BBC


This just shows how absolutely incompetent leadership is if they think this should be kept up for 12-18 months.

>tfw they can flip a hemorrhoid activation switch and monitor our prostates 24/7 "for our safety"


They keep saying that to keep the chaos in the markets at bay i think. Imagine the shitfest if they were realistic. The lie can only last a few months.

Why are people so paranoid about vaccines? Literally the reason most diseases have been wiped out and the life expectancy has risen (along with general advances in medicine).

You are cattle/ sheep to them.
How could they implement the New World Order?
Chess Game. You are pawns.
They will never divulge the ultimate truth.
They need you to build, to work.
Not everyone can be Kings and Queens..
But everything happening - it is for your benefit.
You all act like animals.
Cruel to your own offspring.
Cruel to other sentient beings.
Selfish, perverted, no compassion.

But at the last moment of total control... aliens have come.
Question. Are they annihilating? Are they here to reap the harvest? Or are they here to save mankind from disaster?
What will bring humanity together?


Nice ‘tasch

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That's mandatory.

Death to her and get family up two generations and then back down 5. Root out the toxin from our people so they will be too afraid to try this again. Eliminating only the top of the rot will leave it to fester.

This is all hyperbolic bullshit. These experts want their 15 seconds of fame.

If the virus is only killing the elderly and those with conditions, then everyone who is fit enough will eventually go back to work

I wonder how society will be changed having faced such a huge event like this. I imagine laws will be changed to be more intrusive into peoples life just like after 9/11.


all the kikes coming out to say this all at once - really makes you think

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>live in city with heavy surveillance
>get tricked/forced into getting the vaccine

>rural chad
>nothing happens

Fuck off, foul demon.

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As a nolife, I used to be locked down, LoL.


Yes because of all the retarded shit going on

>why oh why
>I cannot think of a single reason why

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Yup, the whole world is in on it.

a vaccine will kill you with this virus. there wasn't one for SARS and there won't be one for this one. whatever vaccine they introduce will probably be something else. probably sterilizing you

Fuck off, economy kike.

Hopefully it destroys global capitalism. Hopefully it tanks the EU.

sequel/another game when?

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Literal hoax

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bullshit, let us rather go for herd immunity

He's laughing because he's a kike pretending they aren't behind the globalized hellhole we are living in. Hopefully Corona chan is beating them down hard and eventually help get rid of that vermin

And the vaccine would be experimented on groups of the population, with out telling them,

>clueless female who wrecked pretty much anything left of the German military and made a mockery out of it. Now is being investigated for corruption.
>thinks people should take her opinion serious

I was eating dried noodles again. Just snapped my ring again. This has been a recurring theme of my lockdown, bleeding from the ass. Why do they make them so crispy if you’re not supposed to eat them that way?

incoming hot

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