Kicked out of 109 locations in less than 1700 years

>kicked out of 109 locations in less than 1700 years
>1030 expulsions
>average one expulsion every 16 years
>not their fault

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Stfu racist

People have always escape goated and attacked and blamed minorities. The jews have always been a stateless minority with a strong cultural identity and ingroup preferences

What sets jews apart is that ashkanazi jews who are mostly hybrids of middle eastern males from the levant who came in through eastern europe and mixed with whites are a bit higher IQ on average which causes a magnifying effect on the differences at the extremes of the distribution curve. Meaning jews are over represented in the high 145+ IQ category.
That plus the fact that they are rabid ingroup preferrers and look out for each other and hook each other up a LOT, other groups do this too they are just great at it, means that you end up with ashkanazi male jews in control of money and in positions of power and influence.

Thanks for coming to my TED shitpost

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Cool story bro'.

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>escape goated

Why havent gypsies been mass expelled then?

This is nonsense because the specific reasons people hate Jews are incredibly consistent over time. They are nothing like the reasons people hate gypsies or Rohinga or other minorities.

However the reasons people hate Jews are a lot like the reasons that Asians outside China hate the Chinese diaspora. Chinese and Jews are ethno-centric middle-man minorities. They both exploit their own international connections to gain wealth by means other than manual labor - trade, usury, or political power.

IQ is a distraction, IQ follows wealth so any wealthy minority will do well.

Jews are not unique in the world but they are unique in the west as a middle man minority.

Amplifying this is the fact that Jewish beliefs deliberately antagonize non Jews and demonize Christians to ensure Jews stick together. Antisemitism is a perfectly reasonable reaction to what Jews actually do.

>1030 expulsions, 1700 years
>Average one expulsion every 16 years
Is this common core math?

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The crux of your argument is that jews are uniquely subversive towards their host nation when it boils down to it.

30% of jews are conservative. To the extent that jews are leftists is the extent to which they are urbanites and have more money. The politics of american jews in America is a product of American politics and geography and demographics not the other way around.

For every jew that did something bad for America There’s probably 10 that did something great. Wake up.


You are ignorant of history.
Plenty of nations did not have a state until recently and they were not treated as the jews.
And I honestly don't see why a stateless minority would be treated differently than a regular minority. The existence of Israel does not make me hate the jews less.
And explaining the reasons they were hated does not mean they shouldn't have been.

Cool it with the anti semetism

BUMP. Jews really are the worst

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You fucked up and took a knee.
>even if one is bad
>ok so a few are really bad
>ok so all forms of media have an anti white sentiment and is virtually controlled entirely by jews

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This is true, but only if you are a Jew, and to the extent that America is Jewish. Conservative Jews are great... to each other.

maybe even their own?

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It's too late schlomo

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And they do nothing to quell the behavior and attack you when you point it out. "Conservative" jews are just as subversive and destructive as the "liberal".

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I don't understand why you are so antisemitic here .

Use this in future threads.

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This, we are useful and have been scapegoated.

THIS is the narrative you should all really follow, not OP's so-called "facts".

Nah let's keep fanning the flames.

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Dey dindu nuffins

Us vs them and false dichotomy. Fire this jew and hire a new one.

when is the next one coming

Good observation. He's playing on the left/right tribal split.

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Wow, antisemitic canard, much?

You just jealous of the Jew's choseness.

Thread is gonna die now. The jew fears the "ugly face of truth" and how fast and recurrently the internet makes it reappear. Hard to smash it down in time isnt it kike?

My people fucked them up good. Lookup what Assyrians did to these scum bag heebs.

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"Jew" isn't a race when we goyim don't want it to be.

Nice try, kike.