What is this place really like?

What is this place really like?

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good for me

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One polish professor recently has noted that in France on public buildings they have slogans of Liberte, egalite, fraternite but all those public offices are closed with various kinds of locks, codes, alarms, guarded heavily and full of restrictions. Smart, a?

It's a shithole. I live at the exact opposite side of France and life is good. But Paris is literally a shithole. Only (((Parisians))) will tell you otherwise.

you need to go back juan

of course a mutt will defend the multicultural shithole that Paris is. Way to go!

There are some really sketchy places full of chinks, algerians and africans. The metro is packed with africans. Some of them are beautiful, very stylish sheboons unlike disgusting americans .

you need to go back over the wall

I'm whiter than you ever will be

Remember MIGA

niggers. full of niggers. and French snobs

be with your la raza

seethe more paco

Went there in the early 2000s. It was clean & comfy, but then mass immigration happened.

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Mutt's Law

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I hate this place and the people that live there. Pretentious, uncivil, and with the shittiest opinions on politics one could have. I'd love to go as far as possible from there while staying in France but can't because of work.


Okay Swedenstan

Two years ago was my last visit in Paris and Bruxeles. And I have to say it. It's a total disaster, every corner Marocans addict to hard drugs and in night you can be easy stub or rob. Right nowe my family consider move to Poland or Czech Republic. When they visit and relax drinking vodka they told us hard truth. That white race is destroying systematic via administration.

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Its smells of piss everywhere.

like that google.fr/maps/@48.8872401,2.3496344,3a,75y,116.67h,64.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_l1bXWD2TQGIP6SMobRGFw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Dirty and smells like piss. I went there with my yellow vest to trash the place even further, but seriously you couldn't tell the difference.

Checked and keked

its like paradise was filled with niggers

so basically the christian heaven

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Built for BBC

Went for a weekend when I was stationed in Germany back in 1998. It was everything I expected. Food was excellent, the beer was cheap, the sights beautiful. I did all the tourist shit on one day, went out that night and the next day I decided to just wander about. It was pristine. Everything was very relaxed and I had a good time. Went back to France later that year for the World Cup and I was in the South, but I enjoyed Paris so much that I went up there again before going back to my Regiment.

Went last year and it was dire. Never again.

the french in Paris are and have always been many times worse than the immigrants

I go there once a year since I have family there.
Each year is a little bit worse.
There are ton of places with indigents, places where only blacks and asians live in (default ghettos), it can be full of trash from time to time.
But what really bothers me is the amount of insane people, it's almost impossible to take the metro without seeing one.
I despise the french people just turning a blind eye, they are pretty much the meme of the dog with the house on fire.

Did you have trouble with pickpockets?

this nigga wearing a turtleneck lmao

You don’t even say it right mutt, try harder next time

blacks and Arabs as far as the eye can see and smells of dog shit which is ironic since Arabs hate dogs... but fitting as they are forced to smell it everywhere...

That's Dakar, Senegal.

>Did you have trouble with pickpockets?
A lot of pickpockets in Paris, they even put an audio message in several languages inside the metro to warn you about picpockets

Try again Amerimutt

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went there in 2016. niggers directing traffick.