I hope you went to church this morning

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I'll only go if you show me your hairy bush.

(((they))) closed our churches this easter

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Imagine not knowing god is everywhere and they will never win with Jesus as your lord in saviour in your heart, you never stood a chance

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I did

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She took 3 black cocks this morning

Shut up faggot

>I hope you went to church this morning
I did, one half of the church where old white people, the other half where black.

What if he real church was he friends you made along the Way?

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>still believing in a god

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sorry i only go to synagogue

I'm watching mass on ewtn. My local churches are all clossed. Viva Cristo Rey!

i've been going to temple (chabad lubavitch) uninterrupted
how about you golem?
where's jesus now?

Too low for a Christian slut

I met this girl when she went to Exeter uni
Wanted to see her Polish tits for years. Anyone have?


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No I didn’t, I’m not a Christian.

>thousands of years after Christians burnt their shitty trees pagan larpers are still assflustered

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Don't you have some dying to do, spaghetti-user?

I did. I caught the coronoavirus and died.

But no worries- see you in three days!

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Nah I’m Muslim

Easter is a good time to start!

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Funny how nobody talks about closing mosques during easter only churches

I'm ietsist


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I did, a couple people left when the pastor said that Jesus committed crimes against jewish law, why are people like this?

Poor trigger discipline is a sin.

no because of the corona but honestly i probably wouldn't have went anyway but i know i should. all the church's near me are norvus ordo catholic churches and the closes sspx one is a little far

Where did the first atom come from?

Tfw when no devout ira wife

I didn't because of corona.

My body is my church. I don't need a bunch of pedophiles and blasphemers telling me how to interpret God nor God's Bible.

Am i really the first one to point out thats a guy?