Make pol great again

If you faggots could stop entertaining slide threads and uncuck yourselves it would be greatly fucking appreciated you dumb fucking bitch niggers.

I’m so sick of hearing about BBC and other degeneracy. You realize how powerful we could be if we got our dicks out of our heads and organized or something!?

Threads about physical health. Threads about history. Threads about how to fix what’s broken rather than just nihilistically circle jerking each other god damn.

God. If you have to jack off just go fucking do it and call it a fucking day coomer.

Sorry to say it but as of now Yas Forums is just a bunch of worthless cuck lords squirting their ineffective loads over lolis and swastikas.

Man up bitch.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stop telling me what to reply to you fucking kike.

Can’t you see that /pol is looking more and more like /b? That’s the real kikery.

Bumpity Bump


I know for a fact that 6 months ago Belle was dating Paul Joseph Watson. Don't know if they still dating.


Fuck you faggot, OP is right. Yas Forums used to have good threads. Now it's filled with cancer.

There's nothing wrong with watching porn

There clearly fucking is fucking Jew.

That sounds like the shit storm that broke the toilet.

What a quality post, you fixed the problem.

Okay, like what?


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I know dude. Might as well be Adolf himself at this point.

Yas Forums will never be great, it's complicit and apart of the problem. Talk is cheap and nobody cares about your idealized world views that will never become reality. So many have a delusional sense of grandeur believing their life is valued so much more than some useless third world nigger that can't read. Just think how many here game for 8+ hours a day, fap to onlyfans and do absolutely nothing to change the problems they complain about.

God fucking damn is she a cutie. I'd love to take her on walks to the park and hold her hand. I'd love to tie her shoe when it comes undone, and fix the crooked buttons on her shirt. I'd really love to tuck her in and read her a bedtime story. Most of all, I'd like to sit her in the tub and gently wash her from the tips of her toes to the ends of her hair.

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This place is a place to annoy people when you're bored, getting annoyed, and having some laughs. I'm sorry you thought it was some kind of secret underwater scheme hatchery.

Nah. This place is full of kikes, cucks and glow niggers. All I’m trying to say is that I would appreciate some content about self improvement, history, truth and decency. This is a forum about POLITICS.

If you want to get your fucking keks get them somewhere else faggot.

Those people that you talk about are OUR people. Fuck. I used to fucking game 8 hours a day and fapathon. We got to fucking save our fucking race from degeneracy man shit.

I wish someone took the time to redpill me a lot earlier in my life but I wasn’t so lucky.

I’d like to touch her fingies against mine and nuzzle her neck with sockies. mmmmmm

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she's utterly disgusting
how can anyone have an erection on her is beyond me


Post belle delphine pic.


hate to break it to you but the last op proved 99% of Yas Forums posters are factually bots. You cant stop slide threads when its bots replying to bots

Can someone tell me why thots make this face?

For the record.

I had no idea who she is. Just saw that ‘you’re a cuck’ was written on her face and thought it was perfect for getting attention as well as calling out pol.

Is it happening?

Sounds nice.
Bad news, fren. You have a terminal case of the faggotry. I'm afraid it's totally incurable.

It is Easter.

Yeah, a bunch of fucking hypocrites. Those who preach the loudest are the worst of all and just as corrupt as those they want removed. So sick of cunts dictating to others how everyone should live their lives yet in the youth they were disgusting degenerates that has no problems. There is no saving any society once that rot sets in, the damage is done and the only cure is a full reset.

>If you want to get your fucking keks get them somewhere else faggot.
>>/bant/ keeps getting ignored. The lack of effort, and outright hatered I see in threads here, is purely destructive. I sometimes come across constructive conversations, but they are exceedingly rare.

It won't happen and the fact you had to post an ethot for this thread to get any attention proves Yas Forums doesn't deserve for it to happen.
Let go and find a new home, the day is soon approaching when we will not have to be anonymous to speak freely.


How do we fix these broken age of consent laws anyway? Make lolis legal again!

Fuck you at least I’m saying something rather than burying my dick in the sand.