I am from the Government

>here to help

Attached: w80zxqh1gqc41.jpg (628x452, 39.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I bet you don’t even have a purple badge faggot.

20923 x 726385 / 12676 x 0 + (6623 x781) / 0,3

Please help reddit, i need to do my homework :(

>from denver airport

military man, with a rainbow following him
>here to 'help'

rifle in one hand, sword in the other, wearing a gas mask (virus)

and he slices a dove in half (comes to 'help' but really is here to harm)

and all the people of the world are in fear and scared

This denver shit is biggest visible wtf for me. Who ordered it, why, how does it help the elites?


Welcome to the New World Order

Attached: covid-19 coronavirus 666 3.png (796x796, 980.67K)

Attached: 5a04e604bb6a6d2169b0254878958b55.jpg (921x698, 128.35K)

I posted denver photos on this board years ago and was called a faggot so fuck you and fuck this thread. You are the same faggots who didn't listen to autists about these warnings they literally painted on walls. Now you shitheads want to post this shit. It pisses me off. They have to tell you what they do so you consent, which is why I posted this years ago, and you faggots consented. Its too late for this normie tier late-stage shit. You get what you fucking deserve.

Attached: 98076545678909876.jpg (798x420, 32.66K)

next step

>world government

Attached: tmg-gift_guide_default_2x.jpg (1940x1400, 452.2K)

Are you ready?

Attached: FlippedHERO15384910808_f67873f124_o.jpg (1800x1200, 182.28K)


try 881.467467 rounded to the appropriate significant figures. if 0,3 is actually 0.3

this pic is leftist shit

Did you take your meds?

keep watching the news you slave

I live in colorado. It's a fucky state.

If this is not a pathetic attempt at a larp give us a real, non negotiable hint or forever shut your stupid cunt.

Attached: vaccineBillkek.jpg (720x840, 70.91K)

i am a business man here to skelp.

I also live in Colorado, but I live in the mountains. It's a pretty cool airport to see, but fuck Denver people. Hopefully once I get more skiing certs and fire certs I can move elsewhere.

Part of the satanic belief system is that they have to subtly reveal their plans to you. By not understanding and protesting it, they consider that you give them permission. They believe that. Its why they put all the symbolism in music and movies.

>What in the actual fuck!!!

Attached: denver-airport-mural3-1600x1200.jpg (1600x1200, 886.79K)

it's actually pretty funny that you idiots still think this is all about politics, or that the virus is real, and that trump is your guy

trump was never your guy, he sold you out instantly, he was surrounded by the same bankers who are going to take everything you own away from you

game over

Eat a dick faggot.

Don't be discouraged because you were high IQ enough to pick up on it so early. I listened to you back then and have shown many others. Everyone is learning at different times. Be there to explain again friend. Help them understand what you know. Oldfags keep your hands on the plow!!!

Attached: 1585902680084.png (317x374, 110.46K)

lol have you ever been here?

They even have posters talking about the construction being for the lizard people

Yeah, I'm ready
That's the end of all time

Fun fact that statue killed the person that was making it

Attached: HeMad.jpg (600x486, 34.35K)

The Pale horse

And now I know that you are just a larper who hates his life and hopes that this habbening will make our lives as miserable as yours.

I am actually, sincerely sorry that you are in this state and hope you can get out of it.

Attached: 1577581505970.webm (642x800, 2.65M)

i am with jesus christ, are you?

Is that a sleeping child?

I was in that thread desu. I remember. Don’t despair. We need your guidance for newfags.

Fate, you whirling wheel,
you are malevolent,
well-being is in vain
and always fades to nothing,
and veiled
you plague me, too;
now through the game
I bring my bare back
to your villainy.

Why the glowing eyes?

Jesus is my king. Do you have anything valuable to offer or are you just fucking around my friend? I knew about dever airport "art" for at least 13 years now. It's nothing new and this may or may not be the "final" virus.

If you don't have any hard facts, only art from the past that every1 already knows about then you are simply larping.

Attached: tgk.png (327x384, 65.32K)

I think some of us listened

They have to advertise their intent to bring it to reality. By doing so the scales can be balenced if someone is paying attention.

So... HELP. When will businesses open back up?

Order out of chaos.

That little based mushroom in the bottom left. The rest of this dude’s work is hideous though.