/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3150 - Eternal Retards Editions

► Detected: 6 gorillion retards ► Died: 110,075 boomers ► Day: 94 (-11:27:53)

Please help us beat this thing. Buy as much as possible toilet paper.

Humanity needs you.

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>comparing all-time numbers again instead of relative time scales
keep trying


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retarded soon-to-be-infected boomer detected.

Dammit happeningbros, how do we stop getting BTFO by nothingburgerchads?!

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What about the number of deaths caused by falling down the stairs? Should we ban stairs completely?

Fuck! Only ~1% of a group of 700+ died where 2/3rds are over the age of 50, many with underlying conditions. The real CFR must be around a quarter of a percent, guess we'll have to stop shitting up pol with our bullshit!

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based son of Sparta


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Blacks Rounded Up In China For Coronavirus, 1,794,000 COVID-19 Cases


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>keep walking

At least it isn't TB. That shit killed 1.5 million people in 2018. I mean holy fuck.

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80.000 deaths in 2018 by the common flu in the States.

Can we get a blacks should boycott chinese goods meme campaign started?

walk towards the light and you'll be fine

Truth Suppression Technique: CHARACTERIZE AS RUMOR

STRATEGY EMPLOYED: Characterize the charges as "rumors" or better yet, "wild rumors." If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be through "rumors." (If they tend to believe the "rumors" it must be because they are simply "paranoid" or "hysterical.")

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Those estimates are always super high to push the vaccine

As in the case of Coronavirus?

In this case, based China same with their attitude towards islam. . Keep sucking niggers cock, /pol

No vaccine to sell. Most places are probably under counting

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>No vaccine to sell yet

Almost none of the "covid-19" deaths are due to the supposed virus. It's doctors desperately diagnosing every fat sick person with bad breathing (all of them) with it. And even with these inflated numbers it's nowhere near the flu WHICH HAS A VACCINE LOL.

Fuck you Chang.

kiss my ass João

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>imagine being so stupid and retarded that you don't believe the china data

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At this point you shouldn't believe any data at all, not just the chinese data.
Regarding the western data everything is highly exaggerated and most deaths are not from corona.

The Dutch sill refuse to recognise hydroxychloroquine, one of the few existing treatment options for this thing and just let people die.

>No data for the entire previous year.

>greek upset about not working
I thought it was your wet dream you lazy cuckold

>filthy rabbi spreading the corona hoax
You shall not pass.