When exactly did hard work become a complete joke?

When exactly did hard work become a complete joke?

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Hard work has always been a joke, retard. Slaves worked hard. Did it get them anywhere? NO! Work smarter, not harder.

>He actually goes above and beyond at work
I get paid the same whether I work hard or not. Fuck em

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NEETbucks is the way to go


One word.

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Its always been a meme
The internet just showed us the flaws

After brenton woods 2 agreement

The industrial revolution

The early 1900s, unironically. About the time when hard work stopped being correlated with profit.

>have a job
>do it sloppy
>be satisfied with doing a sloppy job
I can't wrap my head around this.

When they started paying people more money for not working.

>work hard, play hard!
>pick yourself up by the bootstraps!
>if you're not working, your job is to find work!

>work hard bad

Unions need to be mandatory for every business. The profit of the company isn't all that matters, the profit of the employees is just as important, if the average citzen doesn't have the money to spend on a fair amount of both necessary supplies and luxuries then everyone is negatively impacted.

It still works but there is a huge luck factor and you need to be very smart about what skills you obtain.

The biggest problem is the risk/reward ratio for entry level jobs. If you pay someone dog shit wages you're going to get dog shit output. It takes roughly 5-10 years of solid work history plus college to make a livable wage now. Employers pay 10 dollars an hour and expect your undying loyalty and 1000% return on their investment. Instead I just fucked off every chance I got. Once an employer offered me a much higher wage then I took the job more seriously.

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>profit of employees
That's not what profit means ya blockhead

Lol when the money runs out and you guys are out on your ass, nobody will hire you because they know how that CV gap was spent. Literally laughing at you rn

This. If the company wants good work, they need to put in the money. Don't tell me its "BAD FOR THEIR PROFITS" If the CEO has to cut a couple days off his coke fueled 2 week bender in Dubai, thats the necessary cost of having a business that both has good profit and successful workers.

If you pay people shit wages, you can't be surprised when they give you shit work.

When society became so void of unity that there was no reason to perform well.

I do as little as possible. Fuck the NHS, and especially fuck the patients.

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When China was allowed to invest in American companies, when the government pushed diversities and womenz into the workforce, when we couldn't drink and talk shit with other men at work because of toxic masculinity.

this is me as well. I guess I'm just mentally cückëd because I cannot help but do a good job and attempt to improve at whatever task I'm doing, or whatever system I'm working in. and literally all it does is get me small pittances from my bosses and/or in trouble. I have like, a mental block against coming in and doing a shit job and just collecting my salary even though I feel like that'd be a more sustainable life. and that it's what they fucking deserve anyways.

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Globalism. If my coworker is brown I want him to fail so I put in minimal effort to see the company decline.

>have a shit job you hate
>do it sloppy
>don't give a fuck

It's that easy.

UPS fag here.
Most of you guys have no idea how bad things really are.
God I wish I could quit so bad.

When I realised that the work force isn't set up for progression anymore.

Some chink will always be able to outcompete you, until unions are dragged out behind the woodshed and industry is able to make money in this country again it'll be this way.

At least you get to wear those cool shorts

I used to work hard. I got wagecuck of the year twice. Not one raise or promotion to go with it. Now I just sit in a chair and listen to music for 80% of the day. Fuck em, fire me.

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You could say the same thing in any commie shit whole hell working hard in commie land didn't even have a benefit could get you killed.

I'm a quality control inspector in a machine shop and I hate every minute of everyday. I got a meme degree in poly sci and made more money welding so here I am 10 years later still paying college loans.

Hard work gets rewards if you don't work for jews.
I've performed above average at work for the two years since I've been there and I've been promoted twice in that time, I had a third promotion lined up before quarantine, and they're paying me 40 hour paychecks for all this non-essential shutdown time (five weeks unless it gets extended again). This is the best job I've ever had because our entire management structure is completely devoid of kikes.

>When exactly did hard work become a complete joke?
It's not, but people think hard work equates to success by default. In reality, you need to work hard on specific things that bring the highest value to your employer. No one gives a shit if you bust your ass doing grunt work for 12 hours a day. Weasel your way onto an important project and crush it, which will put you on the list for the next project and so on. I'm at the point of my career where I ignore or pass off the majority of the bullshit work that gets assigned to me. No one cares because I deliver when the work is actually important.

When HR became a thing

Kek are you a driver or in the warehouse

It didn't. You can work and enjoy your job. There's nothing to fucking do all day, and the reason neets post 14 hours a day is due to poor health.

Since women got managing roles. Notice how they evaluate their workers. Is it based on how hard you work or how well you treat them? Men on the other hand are sincerely interested in improving business they are conducting thus valuing hard work.

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always user always

Inside employee.

This happens whenever work is the ends and not the means in your life.
If you just work extra hard for work sake people will just use you.
Protip if your boss wants you to do extra hours, come on weekends, don't use vacations, etc. you are not at fault, your boss is incompetent and can't manage workflow and employees and you are covering up his incompetence for him.
Just do your job the best you can, nothing more, nothing less.

you know money is just digits on a screen it doesnt actually represent what we produce