Read the comments...getting ratioed to Hell
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While democrats spend time with family on Easter, Trumpsteins lonely brigade of incel shills post angrily on Twitter. Really makes you think...
Democrats don’t have families
>Joe is not a rapest, he just touches people and it makes them uncomfortable.
The absolute state of the left.
‘Sure he touched a bunch of women and it made them uncomfortable but that’s fine.’ -The Jew York Times
you killed your kids, now kys you rat shill
>no pattern
>hugs, kisses, and touching
Well that settles that I guess! I'm convinced.
>We found no pattern of sexual misconduct
>except for this pattern of physical affection which would be considered misconduct if anyone else did it.
Me too. Now thats out of the way. Im ridin with biden
totally not sexual Demland
Can a minor give consent?
Dem strategy depends on millions of Americans dying, you fuck. they don't have families, they ooze sludge and name it. The leftovers they call Canadians
Found a satanist embarrassing himself in the comments
he means their cats
>beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable
Lol, the cope
>spend time with family
>on Easter
Sure, maybe the immigrants
Have you seen Biden's 1 (one) accuser, who suddenly emerged when Biden became the nominee?
Trustworthiness: 0
Joe Biden raped Trump in 1991 on Epstein's Island after Trump was given GHB
The CIA and the Mossad know about it, still they want to have Biden elected
Twitter is an echo chamber
>nonconsensual hugs, kisses and touching that women said made them feel uncomfortable
A sex crime can include something as serious as forcing another person to have sex, or something as minor as unwelcome touching of another in a sexual manner. All these allegations are serious where a conviction will result in the creation of a criminal record, may end with a lengthy prison sentence, and could require a defendant to register as a sex offender. According to DC Code §22-3006, an individual commits misdemeanor sexual abuse if they engage in a sexual act or contact with another person without their permission.
(((Jew York Slimes))) getting roasted. LMAO!
If it wasn't for this shit rag, I probably would never had this hatred for kikes.
I'm Jewish so Easter means nothing to me
wait WTF 'beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable' they are literally admitting he's a serial sexual abuser KEK
The lugenpresse running cover for the DNC, who'da thunk it?
>We found no pattern of damage in Biden's brain, beyond worms, scar tissue, and swabs that surgeons previously said they lost track of
See the case 6y ago in media of the engineer being arrested in bill gates mansion. took them actually 1 year to report it (happened actually 7y ago). And now police cant even open their own files lmao:
Bottom-line: you can buy them all.
Pick One
> Touching that made them uncomfortable
why are you here then faggot incel? if it really makes you think then you havent got much brain capacity have you.
We are judging allegations by looks now? Got it
Bernie Bros are going to knock over every trashcan in sight.
twat this...I'm not allowed