Be Militant NOW

Ok does anyone on Pol actually do anything apart from complain online about migration and the fall of the west. Understand that we are the only ones who can stop it what do you do in your personal life to help fight the system’s at play I.e. volunteer at nationalist parties ? Train hard an get in fit shape to fight?

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> does anyone on Pol actually do anything

I say "nigger" on the internet, a lot. If that's not good enough for you then maybe you should be less of an entitled nigger.

You have no right to complain if you sit there idle and expect the real men to put the work in pussy .

The jews are trying to physically blot our entire people out of existence.
This is genocide.
Anything done to thwart these inhumanly evil monsters is justified.
Anyone who countersignals direct action is a fed.

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good advice
>volunteer at nationalist parties
terrible advice

What work? What the actual fuck are you talking about? Unless you can pull a coup out of your ass it's over.

Why , patriotic alternative in the uk opts for repatriation, kick them all out

The IRA achieved a reaction from the government when enough people got involved, resistance gets a reaction.

>nationalist parties
Name one that hasn't been subverted.

Why didn't European powers take DNA tests and get brains and of Black and Middle Eastern migrants to check if they were sociopaths/psychopaths? What good is a fucking "citizenship test" they're just going to lie on? Oh yeah cause THEY HATE WHITES KALERGI IS REAL

I get it, action is important & without it nothing will change. Fact remains, whites who still retain and value ethnic identity in Europe are a vanishing remnant, beset by infighting and inertia. Until popular opinion either shifts in our favour or becomes sufficiently confused, it would be us against pretty much everyone.
Sorry but I'm not sticking my head on the chopping block to save people who do not want to be saved, hate me for thinking there is anything to save and fantasize about people like me getting tortured to death.

>id: JEw
every fucking time. fuck off kike

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I try to vote for fringe nationalist parties, I used to try to red pill normies but I lost too many friends because of that so I stopped.

I intend to raise my children to be alpha male nationalists and have contempt for faggots, feminists, and degenerates.

I train with firearms, but not enough, same goes for bushcraft and the like.

I try to stay physically fit and I try to read books sometimes.

That is all for now but I am only one fat Polish Jew and the far-right would not accept me into one of their groups.

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your pic is retarded. you're a fed if you make death threats in minecraft

The ayrian brotherhood in prison ensure there race is not exploited by sheer violence and militant nature to defend every brother when conflict arises, being fit is good but you need numbers and organisation like nationalist movements to provide the supremacy.

Patriotic alternative

You being a jew is not fixable.
However, being fat is a choice.

No one is making death threats, retard.
And in America, it is legal to talk about overthrowing the corrupt government.

Report an illegal immigrant to ICE today.

Then kill yourself blackpilled faggot. Literally take the knife and plunge it into your sternum. We don't need weak morons like you moaning it's over every time we try to talk and plan about these things

I argue and report “built for bbc” anons

what an idiot
I train
Study Physic in college
Qt girl who I will marry
Also im colaborating in founding a movement/party:

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>However, being fat is a choice.
Amen. There's really no excuse for this except laziness and lack of discipline.

Surely you do it to defend the people you love, yes there are plenty insufferable whites who hate us but isn’t it worth saving the ones who sympathise with us. Great men and women throughout history have had to put there neck on the line for something you either make history or become it .

PA aren't a political party they're an activist group, they're doing pretty well so far but a mountain of shit is going to fall on them when they make that change and I'm not entirely convinced they're prepared for that.

Not all far-right is antisemitic...

it doesn't matter if your nationalist party is lukewarm or hardcore, democracy is built to turn it into at best a scarecrow or at worse a farce any movement that doesn't serve the interest of the parliamentarian bourgeoisie.
Worse than this, both far right and far left movements are magnets to social outcasts (compulsive liars, losers with an axe to grind, megalomaniac retards etc.) turning any honest person wanting to make a difference into someone either disgusted in politics or mankind.

From my experience the best service you can do to your opinions is to be a virtuous person that people would want to look like and invest time and effort into local social life. The modern paradigm isn't going to shift through politics.

>he thinks political movement can achieve anything
congrats on achieving this much while being a retard

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If you're not antisemitic then you're doing a piss-poor job of being far-right, lol, and I say that as a Jew.

I wish it weren't so but I just can't see how you can be usefully far-right and just be ignorant or neutral towards the JQ.

IF you want to save the West, some degree of antisemitism is, unfortunately, necessary.

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What about making a company, whose money comes from Trading, Real State etc.
Use the money to create based villages in Europe, just like Orania did in South Africa

If only every user on this board right now understood that, we'd be on mars by now.

Absolutely untrue. Overwhelming majority of people know they're being replaced and want to stop it but are too isolated and scared to say or do anything about it for fear of social and political backlash. They are literally waiting for strongmen to stand up and socially champion their cause for them. Statistics show that the overwhelming majority of white British have wanted to STOP mass immigration since Powell. The concept that being against the Muslim invaders is a vanishing remnant is an illusion created by a globalist government and censorious globalist big tech companies who want people to believe in that illusion so that they become docile and offer no resistance. It's a psychological tactic used by the British during WW2 against the Germans and by modern cyber armies and paid shill groups. Many who operate here on Yas Forums

> isn't it worth saving the ones who sympathise with us

Sure. If I could find some that genuinely valued preservation of white genes and cultural above whatever precious principles or sentimental proclivities they've decided define them, I might be more inclined to be more active. Nobody I know, even from White Nationalist circles, thinks that way.

Ok jew
I started (see massage above)

I have faith in mark collet , we need numbers, and intelligent activists who can talk the message and importance of nationalism in a normy friendly way.